Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Difference between @Mock and @MockBean in Spring Boot? Example Tutorial

Hello guys, if you are writing test for your your Spring Boot application then Sooner or later, you'll come across @Mock and @MockBean annotations while testing your Spring Boot application. Both annotations generate fake or Mock  objects, but for different reasons and its important for Java and Spring Boot developer to know the correct difference and when to use @Mock and @MockBean while writing tests. It's possible that this will seem perplexing at first, in face I was confused for a long time until I did my research and cleared it up. But, you don't need to scan through internet, In this blog article, I'll clear up any misunderstandings and clarify the difference between @Mock and @MockBean when testing Spring Boot apps.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Difference between State and Strategy Design Pattern in Java

Hello guys, if you are wondering what is difference between State and Strategy pattern in Java then you are at the right place. In order to make proper use of State and Strategy design Patterns in any Java application, it's important for a Java developer to clearly understand the difference between them. Though both State and Strategy design patterns have a similar structure, and both of them are based upon the Open closed design principle, which represents 'O' from SOLID design principles, they are totally different on their intent. The strategy design pattern in Java is used to encapsulate a related set of algorithms to provide runtime flexibility to the client. 

Decorator Design Pattern in Java with Example Java Tutorial

Hello guys, if you want to learn about Decorator design pattern in Java then you are at the right place. I was thinking to write on decorator design pattern in Java when I first wrote 10 interview questions on Singleton Pattern in Java. Since design patterns are quite important while building software and it’s equally important on any Core Java Interview, It’s always good to have a clear understanding of various design patterns in Java. In this article, we will explore and learn the Decorator Design pattern in Java which is a prominent core Java design pattern and you can see a lot of its examples in JDK itself. 

Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern in Java - Tutorial Example

Data Access Object or DAO design pattern is a popular design pattern to implement the persistence layer of Java application. DAO pattern is based on abstraction and encapsulation design principles and shields the rest of the application from any change in the persistence layer e.g. change of database from Oracle to MySQL, change of persistence technology e.g. from File System to Database. For example, if you are authenticating the user using a relational database and later your company wants to use LDAP to perform authentication. If you are using the DAO design pattern to access the database, it would be relatively safe as you only need to make a change on Data Access Layer. DAO design pattern also keeps the coupling low between different parts of an application.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

How to Convert a Map to a List in Java - Example Tutorial

Hello guys, if you are wondering how to convert a Map like HashMap or TreeMap to a List like ArrayList or LinkedList in Java then you are at the right place. Earlier, I have shared 10 examples of converting a List to Map in Java and this article, I am going to share my tip to convert a given Map to a List in Java. Map and List are two common data structures available in Java and in this article, we will see how can we convert Map values or Map keys into List in Java. The primary difference between Map (HashMap, ConcurrentHashMap, or TreeMap) and List is that Map holds two objects key and value while List just holds one object which itself is a value. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

How to use mkdir command to make directories in Linux and UNIX? mkdir -p Example

One of the most common tasks in any Linux is creating directories, and most of us spend a lot of time creating complex directory structures in UNIX and Linux.  I am sure you know about the mkdir command, we have been using this command in almost every operating system like DOS, Windows, Linux, OS/2, Solaris, or any other *NIX operating system. It is one of the basic commands but as important as find, grep or chmod.  mkdir stands for "make directory" and this command is literally used to create directories. Suppose, you need to create a directory tree-like /opt/software/java/app/config, how are you going to create these directories? One by one right? Well, yes you can use mkdir and command to create these directories one by one as shown in below example :

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

How hostname to IP address Conversion works in Linux? nslookup Example

One of my favorite Linux Interview questions is about how to convert hostname to IP address in Linux? These questions not just test the candidate's basic Linux command skills but also shows his understanding of how name resolution works in UNIX or Linux? Many developers, software engineers, and support professionals don't really know how Linux converts a hostname into IP address or what happens when they type http://www.amazon.com in their browser in UNIX? They are not really familiar with how the name amazon.com is resolved to an IP address.

Monday, August 22, 2022

How to Delete Empty Files and Directories in UNIX or Linux Host? find Command Example

Deleting empty file and directory in Unix
Hello guys, if you are wondering how to find and remove all empty files and directories from a Linux host then you are at the right place. Earlier, I have shared Linux command to free disk space by removing big files and directories and in this article, I will share find command you can use to remove empty files and directories. Many times we need to find and delete empty files or directories in UNIX/Linux. Since there is no single command in Unix/Linux which allows you to remove empty files or empty directories rather we need to rely on find command and xargs command

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap in Java with Example

Hello guys, if you are wondering what is difference between HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap in Java and when to use them then you are at the right place. In past, I have shared frequently asked HashMap Interview questions and ConcurrentHashMAp Interview questions and today, I Will answer this question in detail. The java.util.Map is one of the most important interfaces from the Java Collection Framework.  It provides hash table data structure functionality by its implementations like HashMap, Hashtable, LinkedHashMap, and a little bit of sorting with the TreeMap. So if you are looking to store key-value pairs in the Java program,  you have a wide range of choices available depending upon your requirement. The main difference between LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, and HashMap comes in their internal implementation and specific features, which a Java programmer should know to use them effectively. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

4 Example to Iterate over Map, HashMap, Hashtable or TreeMap in Java

There are multiple ways to iterate, traverse or loop through Map, HashMap, or TreeMap in Java and we are all familiar with either all of those or some of those. But to my surprise, one of my friends was asked in his interview (he has more than 6 years of experience in Java programming) to write code for getting values from HashMap, Hashtable, ConcurrentHashMap, or TreeMap in Java in at least 4 ways. Just like me he was also surprised by this question but written it. I don't know why exactly someone asks this kind of java interview question to a relatively senior java programmer. Though my closest guess is to verify that whether he is still hands-on with coding in java. 

How to get Key From Value in Hashtable, HashMap in Java? Example

It's not easy to get key from the value in Hashtable or HashMap, as compared to getting value from key because HashMap or Hashtable doesn't enforce one to one mapping between key and value inside Map in Java. in fact, Map allows the same value to be mapped to multiple keys inside HashMap, Hashtable, or any other Map implementation. What you have in your kitty is Hashtable.containsValue(String value) or Hashtable.containsKey(String key) to check whether key or value exists in HashMap or not, but sometimes we want to retrieve a value from Map corresponding to any key and there is no API method to do in Map.

10 Examples of HashSet in Java - Tutorial

HashSet in Java is a collection that implements the Set interface and is backed by a HashMap. Since HashSet uses HashMap internally it provides constant-time performance for operations like add, remove, contains and size give HashMap has distributed elements properly among the buckets. Java HashSet does not guarantee any insertion orders of the set but it allows null elements. HashSet can be used in place of ArrayList to store the object if you require no duplicate and don't care about insertion order.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Difference between HashMap and IdentityHashMap in Java? Example

Hello guys, if you are wondering what is differnece between an HashMap and IdentiyHashMap in Java then you are at right place. IdentityHashMap in Java was added in Java 1.4 but still, it's one of those lesser-known classes in Java. The main difference between IdentityHashMap and HashMap in Java is that IdentityHashMap is a special implementation of Map interface which doesn't use equals() and hashCode() method for comparing objects unlike other implementations of Map e.g. HashMap. Instead, IdentityHashMap uses the equality operator "=="  to compare keys and values in Java which makes it faster compared to HashMap and suitable where you need reference equality check and instead of logical equality.

Difference between bitwise and logical AND, OR Operators in Java? Examples

Java beginners often ask the same type of questions, and of them is what is the difference between & and && operator in Java or the difference between | and || operators? The standard answer to this question is well, the main difference between & and && is that the former is a bitwise operator, and && is a logical operator in Java. That's academic until you clearly explain the difference in working of & and && or | and ||. For absolute beginners, & is used to represent AND logic operation in Java and | is used to represent OR logic operation.

What is NavigableMap in Java ? TreeMap, headMap, tailMap, and subMap Examples

Hello guys, if you are wondering what is NavigableMap and why should Java developer know about it you are at right place. NavigableMap in Java is an extension of SortedMap  like TreeMap which provides convenient navigation methods like lowerKey, floorKey, ceilingKey, and higherKey. NavigableMap is added on Java 1.6 and along with these popular navigation methods it also provides ways to create a Sub Map from existing Map in Java, like headMap whose keys are less than the specified key, tailMap whose keys are greater than specified key and a subMap which strictly contains keys that falls between toKey and fromKey

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Why use SerialVersionUID inside Serializable class in Java? Example

Serialization and SerialVersionUID always remain a puzzle for many Java developers. I often see questions like what is this SerialVersionUID, or what will happen if I don't declare SerialVersionUID in my Serializable class? Apart from the complexity involved and rare use, one more reason for these questions is Eclipse IDE's warning against the absence of SerialVersionUID e.g. "The Serializable class Customer does not declare a static final SerialVersionUID field of type long". In this article, you will not only learn the basics of Java SerialVersionUID but also its effect during the serialization and de-serialization process. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Object Oriented Programming Example in Java? Tutorial

I remember when I was doing my engineering, the OOPS concept was in the first semester. Back then it looks like some alien things to me, because I have never done programming and even the smallest program we get to write like checking whether the number is palindrome or not, or printing the Fibonacci series, we never really needed to use OOPS. When needed, I just memorize things and write them down in exams :). That worked, I passed the exam but effectively I didn't learn OOP or Object Oriented Programming on those days.

Difference between Class, Instance and Local variables in Java? Example

There are a lot of differences between instance variable, class variable, and local variable in Java, and knowing them will help you to write correct and bug-free Java programs. Java is a full-featured programming language and provides different kinds of variables like static variables also called Class variable since it belongs to whole Class, non-static also called instance variable and local variables which vary in scope and value. Thank god Java doesn't have any register variable or auto scope like C Programming language, otherwise it would have so much detail to remember. static variables are a common source of error in may multi-threaded java program and does require a bit of carefulness while using it. On the other hand instance, the variable and the local variable have less sharing visibility than a static variable.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Difference between Checked vs Unchecked Exception in Java? Example

Checked and Unchecked Exception is two types of Exception exist in Java. Though there is no difference in functionality and you can very achieve the same thing with either checked Exception or Unchecked Exception, there is some difference on exception handling part. In this Java tutorial we will see what is checked and Unchecked Exception in Java, Examples of Checked and Unchecked Exception and most importantly we will learn when to use Checked Exception and when to use Unchecked Exception in Java and lastly we will see the difference between checked and unchecked exception to understand things better. 

[Solved] How to solve java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11 in Java with Oracle 11g, 12c, 19c and 21c

"java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc11 in java.library.path" error comes when you try to connect to Oracle 11g database using OCI (thick) driver by using tns name, but the ocijdbc11.dll file is not available in PATH or java.library.path environment variable. ocijdbc11.dll is a native library and if you know Java searches native library in PATH or a location specified by java.library.path system property, if it doesn't find the dll, then it throws java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror no ocijdbc11 in java.library.path error. This dll is usually found in C:\Programs\Oracle\ora11g\bin\ocijdbc11.dll, but it could vary depending upon your Oracle installation.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class files? Example

How to fix Bad version number in the .class file
"java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file" is a common error in Java programming language which comes when you try to run a Java class file which was compiled by different version of Java compiler than then JRE version you are using to run it. In our last article, we discussed that how to resolve Java.lang.UnSupportedClassVersionError and found that it comes when a major and minor version of the class is not supported by Java virtual machine or JRE running the program. Though "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file" is a little different than that of its manifestation and Cause, both are related to the mismatch in compiler javac and runtime java version. 

How to Fix Must Override a Superclass Method Error Eclipse IDE Java | @Override annotation with interface methods

One of the annoying error while overriding Java method in Eclipse IDE is must override a superclass method error, This error is quite frequent when importing Java projects and after so long, still I haven't seen any permanent solution to it. Must override a superclass method the error comes in Eclipse if you have Java Class that implements interface and overrides a method from interface and uses @Override annotation. Unfortunately, Eclipse defaults to Java 1.5, which only recognize @Override annotation for the overriding method from the superclass and not from the interface.

How to fix "No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK" in Eclipse & Maven?

If you are like many Java developer who uses Maven and Eclipse to build Java project using M2Eclipse plugin, you might have seen this error before. I ran into it recently when I ran the Maven Install command for one of the Java projects, configured as Maven project,  only to realize that Maven builds failed after throwing this error. The main reason for this error is that Maven is not able to find javac (the Java compiler) which is required to compile Java source files. If you remember, the javac command comes in the bin directory of JDK, hence, you need a JDK installation in your local machine to compile the Java project.

How to fix java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index? Example

"java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index" is a frequent error while working in Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). As the name suggests "Invalid column index" its related to accessing or setting column in your SQL Query using prepared statement in Java. I have seen "java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index" coming mostly due to two reason:

1) Setting column data using setXXXX(int coloumIndex) e.g. setInt(0) setString(0)
2) Getting column data using getXXX(int columnIndex) e.g. getInt(0) getString(0)

The most common cause of "java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index" is a misconception that column index started with "0" like array or String index but that's not true instead column index starts with "1" so whenever you try to get or Set column data with column index "0" you will get "java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index".

FIX Session is not connecting how to diagnose it? Example Tutorial

In this blog post of the FIX protocol tutorial series I would like to share my experience with connectivity issues around Fix Engines. to exchange messages or say to trade electronically clients connect to the broker using FIX protocol and for that, they use FIX Engine. In FIX protocol connection between two FIX Engines is refereed as FIX Session and we normally say whether FIX Session is connected or not connected. FIX Session normally has their start time, end time, and EOD time (End of day time) also called TradingSession start time, Trading Session End Time, and Trading Session EOD time.
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