Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Review - Is Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview Course Worth it in 2025?
Hello friends, if you are looking for an object oriented design interview course
or wondering whether you should join
Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview
on Educative, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared
several Object oriented design courses, books, and OOP design interview
questions and today we are gonna review a course that focuses on OOP Design!
Object Oriented Design is very important in software development as OOP is
the most popular way to solve real world problem using code but its even more
important when we are considering interviews! Many companies including big 3,
Google, Amazon, and Facebook, they all put high importance on candidates design
skill including object oriented design and that's where Grokking the Object
Oriented Design Interview course helps.
course review
object oriented programming
Review - Is Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle McDowell still worth it in 2025?
Hello guys, if you are preparing for coding interview and wondering whether the classic Cracking the Coding Interview book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell still worth it in 2025 then you have come to the right place. This was one of the first book I used to prepare for coding interview and due to its focus on evergreen topic, I am happy to say that it's still relevant, but whether it's good enough now is another question, which we will find in this article. In the past, I have shared best books and courses for coding interviews where I mentioned this book and today, I am going to review this book in depth.
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Coding Interview Question
Review - Is System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide by Alex Xu and Shan Lam worth?
Hello guys, if you are preparing for System design interviews or Software Design Interviews, then you must have come across System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide by Alex Xu and Shan Lam, one of the most popular book on System Design after Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. I first come across Alex Xu on Twitter when one of his image about how HTTPS works went viral. The image was quite detailed and presentable so I start following Alex and then I come across ByteByteGo, his online System design course and his book System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide.
System Design
Top 10 (Frontend + Backend) Frameworks Java Web Developers Can Learn in 2025 [UPDATED]
First of all, I wish you a very Happy New Year 2025. May God bless you to fulfill all your dreams. For the last few days, many of my readers are asking me questions on Facebook and Email that what frameworks and libraries should they learn in 2025? I have written a series of posts to help them, like 10 things Java programmers should learn in 2025. In this article, I am going to share some of the most popular frameworks which you can learn in 2025. The framework is not just for Java developers but for any programmer. They are in good demand, and learning them not only improves your chances of getting a better job but also opens new doors of opportunities.
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online resources
Review - Is Grammarly worth it in 2025? Grammarly Free vs Premium
Hello guys, today, I am going to share my review of Grammarly - one of the powerful writing tools for bloggers, programmers, writers, students, and anyone who wants to write correct English without grammatical and spelling mistakes. Nowadays, it seems everybody use it and why not Grammarly free version is good enough for most purpose and for hard core writers and bloggers, Grammarly premium is also affordable with just $140 year, and sometime they even give 50% discount. In this article, I will tell you my opinion about Grammarly based upon my own experience and whether Grammarly really worth it or not? Difference between Grammarly free and Grammarly Premium and whether you really need Premium or not in 2025.
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Why Learn Python for Data Science and Machine Learning in 2025?
Hello guys, If you want to learn Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep learning in 2025 and are curious about which programming language you should learn, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best data science courses and the best Python courses, and today, I will tell why learning Python is the best for Machine Learning. When it comes to learning Data Science and Machine learning, you have two main choices: Python or R, but you will find that most Data Scientists and Machine Learning specialists use Python. I was thinking about it for quite some time; why do Data scientists love Python so much? And what makes Python an absolute choice for Data Science and Machine learning exploration.
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Data Science
The 2025 Android Developer RoadMap
Hello guys, if you want to learn Android in 2025 or want to become an Android developer and looking for an Android Developer RoadMap then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Android Courses and Books and in this article, I am going to share with you one of the most comprehensive Android Developer RoadMap you can find online. I love these Roadmap as they provide a comprehensive picture of what exactly you need to learn to become a professional Android developer and while they give more than what you need, its still better to have more than less as you can always learn remaining skills to become a better Android developer.
best of javarevisited
The 2025 Frontend and Backend Developer RoadMap [UPDATED]
Hello Guys, if one of your goals is to learn to code or to become a Web Developer in 2025, then I have something significant to share with you, the Complete 2025 Web Developer RoadMap. This is an excellent illustration of how to become a web developer in 2025 and guide you on how you can learn and master Web Development in 2025. It's a collection of different paths to learning front-end, back-end, and all other things a Web developer should know. You will not just know about web development but about essential programming stuff which is necessary for all kinds of programmers.
best of javarevisited
online resources
web development
Top 10 JDK 10 Features Java Developers Should Learn in 2025
Hello Guys, last week I wrote an article about 5 New Java features from Java 9 to Java 15 and which are worth learning, and it was very much liked by you, so I thought to update this article which I wrote when JDK 10 came out, which provides a nice overview of essential Java 10 features. Whether you have no idea about Java 10 features or you know a little bit you can use this article to refresh your knowledge or get a nice overview of them. While we all are talking about Java 9 and some people are yet to adopt Java 8 in their projects, here comes the new release of Java, the JDK 10. It's available to download now on Oracle's website.
best of javarevisited
core java
Java 10
10 Things Frontend Web Developers Should Learn in 2025 [UPDATED]
If you are a front-end developer and wondering what you should learn in 2025 to take your skills to next level or someone who aspires to become a frontend developer in 2025, but is not sure about which technologies, tools, framework, languages, and libraries to learn, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the most essential things a frontend developer should know. Being an author of a technical blog, I often receive questions like what tools and technologies should a web developer learn? Which programming languages are suitable for web development, and what skills are necessary? I am going to answer all those questions from my reader in a series of blog posts, and this is the first one of them.
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HTML and JavaScript
web development
Top 10 High Paying Programming Languages You can Learn in 2025 - Best of Lot [UPDATED]
Hello guys, If you are thinking of learning a new technology, programming language, or skill to give your career a boost, both financially and work-wise, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the top-paying technologies and programming languages worldwide. I have been studying the result of the StackOverFlow Developer survey for the last couple of years when the list of top-paying technologies, particularly programming languages got my eyes. I always thought that Java is the highest-paid technology, but that wasn't true, Python has bitten Java with an average salary of $95,706 as compared to $88,483 of the average salary for Java programmers.
best of javarevisited
Top 3 Programming Languages Java Developers can Learn in 2025 - Best of Lot
If you are a Java programmer and thinking to learn some new programming languages to expand your knowledge and skill, but not sure which programming language is better for you then you have come to the right place. In this article, I'll share 3 programming languages Java developers should learn in 2025 and why they should learn them. There is no surprise that all of these programming languages are JVM-based programming languages but they all have different qualities that make them unique and useful for a certain task. Also, being a Polyglot developer is good quality and often valued high on interviews. It also expands your thinking because different programming languages have different features that make certain things really easy.
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online resources
How to become a better Java Programmer? Tips, Framework, Tools, and Libraries to Learn in 2025
First of all, I wish you a very happy new year in advance It's that time of year when we start afresh, make plans, set goals, and make resolutions for the new year. Being a Java developer and author of a Java blog, I frequently receive a lot of requests from Java programmers from all over the world about how they can improve themselves? How they can become a better Java developer and do well in their job and career. In the past, I have shared my 10 tips to become a better programmer, and every piece of advice on that article still holds true but given it's a new year. I have decided to jot down some new resolutions for Java programmers to improve themselves, enhance their knowledge of Java Programming, and increase their value for future career growth.
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core java
Top 5 Web Development Frameworks Python Developers Can Learn in 2025 - Best of Lot
Hello guys, Python is currently the King of programming languages, and one strong reason for that is its awesome collections of frameworks and libraries. Python has probably the most powerful, active, and productive frameworks when it comes to web development. Web development was never easy as you have to implement a lot of functionalities like authentication, authorization, database connectivity, CRUD, handling payments, etc but frameworks like Django and Flask really make it easy to create web applications in a quick time. Initially, I wasn't interested in Python, but eventually, I had to join the Python wagon when I started exploring Machine Learning and Data Science. There is no doubt that Python is the #1 programming language, and it's heavily used in areas like automation to web development to machine learning, and Data Science.
best of javarevisited
Top 22 Libraries and APIs Java Developer should Learn in 2025 [UPDATED]
One of the traits of a good and experienced Java developer is the extensive knowledge of API, including JDK and third-party libraries. I spent a good deal of time learning API, especially after reading Effective Java 3rd Edition, where Joshua Bloch has advised us to use the existing API for development rather than writing new pieces of code for common stuff. That advice makes sense to me because of the testing exposure these 2nd party libraries get. In this article, I am going to share some of the most useful and essential libraries and APIs, a Java developer should be familiar with. Btw, I am not including frameworks like Spring and Hibernate because they are pretty well known and have specific features.
best of javarevisited
core java
online resources
Open source library
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