If you follow Java updates, you may know that Java 13 was released, and Java 14 is on the way, but I often receive emails and queries asking about some good books to learn Java 8. Since Java 8 is very different from any other JDK release, in terms of language and API enhancement, you really need an excellent book to learn fundamentals. In short, based upon my 2 years of learning and reading Java 8 books, I can say that Java SE 8 for Really Impatient is hands down the best book to learn Java 8. It covers all the essential things released in JDK 8, not just lambda expression and streams but also new Date and Time API and several other minor enhancement yet crucial features, which often go unnoticed.
Monday, February 10, 2025
7 Must Read Tech Books For Experienced Developers and Leads in 2025 - Best of Lot
Hello guys, if you are looking for some interesting novel-style tech books to read this weekend then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best software architecture books and in this article, I am going to share the best tech books for experienced developers to not just learn technical skills but also operational and management skills in a fun and easy way. I always like to read books which are interesting first and informative later because it's very difficult to go through a book which informative but not interesting and that's why when I found an interesting tech book which is full of life lessons, I buy it and read it again and again and this book list is collection of such books.
online resources
Top 5 Books to Learn Java Programming from Scratch in 2025 - Best of Lot
I receive lots of emails and Facebook chats related to Java, but one of the most common questions which I have mostly asked is, which is the best book to learn Java? I have just started learning Java, Could you please recommend a good core Java book to me? After answering in one word too many of those readers and new Java developers as "Head First Java," I thought to write this blog post, Why? because some of them came back to me and asked me, "Can you please recommend a serious Java book, not the comics?" Well, I didn't like that comment, but then I thought it's natural that not everyone will find "Head First Java" as useful as I have always found.
core java
online resources
Top 6 Advanced SQL Books for Experienced Programmers in 2025 - Best of Lot, Must read
If you an experienced programmer and know how to write SQL queries and database fundamentals but want to take your SQL and database skills to the next level then you have a come to the right place. In this blog, I have shared a lot of free SQL books and courses you can use to start your SQL journey. This is also the second article about SQL books, In the first part, I have shared some of the best SQL books which are essential to learning SQL queries and fundamentals of database like normalization, indexing, and other design stuff, if you haven't read it yet, I suggest to do it now. You will find some amazing books to start learning SQL.
online resources
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Top 8 Books to Learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Java Developers in 2025 - Best of Lot
Hello guys, if you are a Java developer and want to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud frameworks and looking for some of the best books and courses, then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared some of the best Spring Boot courses and Spring Cloud courses, and today I am going to talk about some of the best books to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, but before that let's try to understand what is Microservice and how Spring Boot and Spring Cloud helps with the development of microservices in Java. In simple words, Microservices is nothing but an extension of RESTful web services with the fundamental idea to break up your code into small, distributed, and independent services for better scalability and management, but it does require thoughtful design and think through ability.
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spring boot
Top 6 Hibernate Books for Java Developers in 2025 - Best, Must read
Hibernate is one of the most popular, open-source ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework, which has now become a standard for developing persistence layer on Java enterprise application, along with JPA (Java Persistence API). I often receive requests to suggest which book is best to learn to hibernate or recommendation about some good books and training courses on Spring and Hibernate. This motivates me to write this article about some of the best books on Hibernate currently available on the market.
online resources
Top 7 Books to Learn and Master Programming and Coding in 2025 - Must Read, Best of Lot
Coding is an integral part of Programming, and we all somehow learned to code by following examples here and there. Yes, I am talking about both self-taught programmer and Computer Science Graduates. You can learn Coding easily if you are dedicated, but what is more difficult is to write good code. You can easily find programmers in Java, C++, Ruby, or Python, but finding programmers, who are also a good coder is very difficult. Some universities have a good curriculum and practical classes to teach coding better than others, but most of these great coders are self-taught Programmers, who learned by reading books, joining online courses, and doing things on their own.
online resources
Top 5 Books to Learn Unit testing, JUnit and TDD in Java in 2025 - Best of Lot
Hello guys, If you done some professional Java development then you know that Unit testing is a very, very important thing to learn to adapt. I would say this is the single most important practice in my opinion, which differentiates an excellent programmer with a professional programmer. It's one way you can see how disciplined a programmer is? It's also the best way to write clean code; a code that can stand the test of time, a code that is flexible enough to accommodate future changes and a code that you don't afraid of while changing. Despite several efforts of promoting unit testing by programming community and emphasizing unit testing by many notable programmers, it's still one of the lacking practice.
core java
online resources
Friday, February 7, 2025
2 Books to Prepare for Spring Professional Certifications (VMware EDU-1202) Exam
Ever since Pivotal (now VMware) has removed the requirement of mandatory training to become a certified Spring developer, many Spring developers have been asking for good resources to prepare for Spring Professional V5.0 Exam like books, courses, mock exams, study notes, etc. to prepare for Spring Core Certifications via self-study. Since, earlier, you cannot give Spring certification exam without attending an online or instructor-led core Spring training, which costs around 3200 USD in the USA and North America and 50K INR in India, many experienced Spring developers refrain from becoming a certified Spring developer.
Spring certification
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Top 13 Java Programming Books for Beginners and Experienced - Best of lot, Must Read
Hello guys, if you want to learn Java and looking for the best books to learn Java then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared best Java courses, websites, and even a complete Java Developer RoadMap and in this article, I am going to share best books you can read to learn Java programming in depth. These top Java programming books are some of the good books to learn Java and I would say some of them are simply the best Java books ever published. Whenever a programmer starts learning Java programming language, the first question he asks is "Which book should I refer to learn Java?", or "What is the best book to learn Java for beginners?" or "Can you tell me some good books to learn Java?" .That itself says how important Java books are for programmers especially beginners.
core java
online resources
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Top 10 Websites for Coding Interview Preparation in 2025 - Best of Lot
Are you preparing for Coding Interviews? If yes then you might know that there are a number of free online resources to practice important topics for coding Interviews like data structure and algorithms, database and SQL, and others. These websites are equally useful for both, new programmers who are just learning the fundamentals and for experienced ones who are brushing up their coding skills for interviews. I have been sharing useful resources for programming and technical interviews for a long time in this book. In the past, I have shared some recommended online courses and books for coding interviews, as well as some of the frequently asked programming interview questions from tech companies (see here). But, my readers have been asking about some recommended websites for practicing programming challenges and coding interview questions.
3 Ways to Learn Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Security, and Spring Boot Framework in 2025
If you are a Java developer and want to learn the Spring framework then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share three ways to learn the Spring framework, but before that let's understand what is a spring framework and why Java developers should learn Spring framework? Well, Spring is a framework that assists you to develop Java applications by following some best practices, particularly the principle of dependency injection and inversion of control. As per this principle, instead of the class asking for its dependency, the framework provides them at runtime. Following these principles improves your code quality because it reduces coupling between different parts of your applications like between modules and classes, which makes it easier to test and develop.
best of javarevisited
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spring mvc
Do you Need to Pass OCAJP before taking OCPJP - Core Java Certification from Oracle
Even though we now have Java 11 certification, I know many Java developers who are going for Java certification like Java SE 8 Programmer 1 and 2, also known as OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 with exam code 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809. Even though Oracle split Java certification into 2 after acquiring Sun Microsystem in 2010, there is still confusion among Java developers whether they need to pass just one OCAJP exam or both OCAJP and OCPJP exam to become a certified Java developer. Well, The short answer is Yes, if you want to become a Java certified engineer then you need to pass both OCAJP and OCPJP, but the long answer depends upon your situation, e.g. whether you hold any previous Java certification or not, which we'll discuss in the second section.
core java
Java Certification OCPJP SCJP
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Top 5 Books to Learn Concurrent Programming and Multithreading in Java in 2025 - Best, Must Read
Books are essential to learning something new, and despite being in the electronic age, where books have lost some shine to the internet and blogs, I still read and recommend them to get complete and authoritative knowledge on any topic, like concurrent programming. In this article, I will share five best books to learn concurrent programming in Java. These books cover basics, starting from how to create and start a thread, parallel programming, concurrency design patterns, an advantage of concurrency and of course pitfalls, issues, and problems introduced due to multithreading. Learning concurrent programming is a difficult task, not even in Java but also in other languages like C++ or modern days JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, Closure, and JRuby.
core java
Java multithreading Tutorials
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Top 5 books to Learn Object Oriented Programming and Design in 2025 - Must Read, Best of Lot
The OOP or Object Oriented Programming is one of the most popular programming paradigms which helps you to organize code in the real-world system. It's a tool that allows you to write sophisticated software by thinking in terms of objects and relationships. Unlike its predecessor procedural Programming paradigm, which is implemented most notably by C, which solves the problem and complete task by writing code for computers, the OOP style of programming allows you to think in terms of real-world objects which have both state and behavior. You can view anything as objects and then find their state and behaviors, this will help you to simulate that object in code.
object oriented programming
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