Friday, December 30, 2022

Top 22 Libraries and APIs Java Developer should Learn in 2024 [UPDATED]

One of the traits of a good and experienced Java developer is the extensive knowledge of API, including JDK and third-party libraries. I spent a good deal of time learning API, especially after reading Effective Java 3rd Edition, where Joshua Bloch has advised us to use the existing API for development rather than writing new pieces of code for common stuff. That advice makes sense to me because of the testing exposure these 2nd party libraries get. In this article, I am going to share some of the most useful and essential libraries and APIs, a Java developer should be familiar with. Btw, I am not including frameworks like Spring and Hibernate because they are pretty well known and have specific features.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Is Java Pass by Value or Pass by Reference? Example

Hello guys, Does Java is pass by value or pass by reference is one of the tricky Java questions mostly asked on both beginner and experienced level Java developer interviews. Before debating whether Java is pass by value or pass by reference lets first clear what is pass by value and what is pass by reference actually means?. This question has its origin in C and C++ where you can pass function parameter either value or memory address, where value is stored (pointer). As per Java specification everything in Java is pass by value whether its primitive value or objects and it does make sense because Java doesn't support pointers or pointer arithmetic, Similarly multiple inheritance and operator overloading is also not supported in Java.