Thursday, September 16, 2021

How to compare objects on natural order in Java? Comparable + compareTo Example

Java allows you to sort your object in natural order by implementing a Comparable interface. It's one of the fundamental interfaces of Java API and is defined in java.lang package, which means you don't need to implement this unlike its counterpart Comparator, which is defined in java.util package.  Comparable is used to provide natural order of sorting to objects e.g. numeric order is a natural order for numbers, alphabetic order is a natural order for String and chronological order is natural for dates. Similarly when you define your own objects like Person, Book, or Employee, sorting them by name sounds natural. Similarly, for teams, ranking seems their natural order. It all depends on how the object is looked into in its domain.

By the way, you are not limited to just one order, you can sort objects in any order by using java.util.Comparator, as we have seen in our last article custom sorting in Java

The Comparable interface defines abstract method compareTo(), you need to override this method to implement natural order sorting of objects in Java. This method returns positive if the object, on which you are calling this method is greater than other objects, returns negative if this object is less than the other, and returns zero if both objects are equal.

Several other classes from Java API rely on this interface for their behavior, for example, Arrays.sort(), Collections.sort() uses this method to sort objects contained in Array and Collection in their natural order. 

Similarly, SortedSet and SortedMap implementation e.g. TreeSet and TreeMap also use the compareTo() method to keep their elements sorted.

I have earlier shared some tips to override the compareTo() method, which is also worth looking at if you are implementing a Comparable interface. In this article, we will see a simple example of a Java Comparable interface, to sort objects in their natural order.

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Comparable and compareTo Method Example in Java

Comparable has only one method compareTo(), which is where we define logic to compare objects. As I said in the previous paragraph that this method returns positive, negative, and zero depending upon the result of the comparison, but the most important thing, there is no restriction on return 1, 0, or -1 for greater, equal, and lesser results.

You can return any positive or negative number, this property is utilized in this example, but it comes with the caveat that the difference between them should not exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE, well explained in my favorite book Effective Java.

There are few more things, you need to consider while implementing a Comparable interface. Before Java 5, its compareTo() method accepts java.lang.Object, but after the introduction of Generics, this class can be written in standard type T. This makes it type-safe with the compiler helping you by flagging error when you pass a different object to compareTo().

So always use the generic version. Second thing, make sure your compareTo() is consistent with equals() method

Though this is not a requirement mandated by the compiler or Java API, and there are examples of violating this principle in Java API itself like BigDecimal, you should make them consistent if you are going to store objects in SortedSet or SortedMap. Failing to do so, will result in classes like Set breaking their invariant and allowing duplicates.

Java Comparable Example How to

One more important thing to remember is the order of comparison, if your object contains multiple value fields then the order in which you compare is important, compare them from most useful to least useful.

This is where it differs with equals, in that you don't need to put attention on the order of comparison, though comparing primitives earlier is preferred due to performance reasons, here it affects your sorting order. If you are comparing objects, then call their respective compareTo() methods, don't reinvent comparison.

Last but not least Prefer relational operator over arithmetic operator for comparing numeric fields. I also recommend reading the corresponding item on Effective Java for a deeper understanding of this useful concept and don't forget to read about the difference between Comparable and Comparator interfaces before going to any Java interview.

Java Comparable Example

Here is our code example of how to implement a Comparable interface in Java.  This code is saved in a Java file called, but it contains two classes, the first HelloComparable, which is a test class to demonstrate an example, and the second class named Bank, which is our domain object. Banks have just two fields, name, and ranking.

In this example, I have taken their ranking as the natural order, but in some cases, it may well be their name as well.  The point here is whatever logic you put on the compareTo() method, that becomes your natural order, so you should put the logic which is most common in your application e.g. sorting Employee objects on id is most common, and sorting Event object on a date is most common.

If you look at the code of the compareTo() method it just does integer arithmetic and returns result in it's possible because ranking is a small positive number. It makes your code clean, but only if you are 100% sure that difference will not exceed the maximum value of an integer in the product's lifetime, because it happens it will create subtle bugs due to integer overflow, giving the impression that your natural order sorting is working in many cases but suddenly fails.

Java Comparable Example - Natural Order Sorting Objects

By the way, I would like to share debugging tips with such conditions, if you ever face an issue, which is intermittent, focus on data and concurrency. Repeat the test with the same data and if you are not able to reproduce then focus on the concurrency characteristic of the application. 

Coming bank to our Comparable example, we have stored all six banks in random order in a List and using Collections.sort() method to sort them in their natural order.

This is an overloaded method, where other versions also expect a Comparator for custom order sorting. You can also use Arrays.sort() method, if you prefer to store your object in the array. Both Collections.sort() and Arrays.sort() sort objects in their natural order, defined by compareTo() method of java.lang.Comaprable interface.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class HelloComparable {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Bank citibank = new Bank("Citibank", 1);
        Bank icici = new Bank("ICICI", 5);
        Bank bankOfAmerica = new Bank("BankOfAmerica", 2);
        Bank dbs = new Bank("DBS", 6);
        Bank hsbc = new Bank("HSBC", 3);
        Bank scb = new Bank("Standard Charted", 4);

        List<Bank> banks = new ArrayList<Bank>();

        // print banks in unsorted order
        System.out.println("List of Banks in unsorted order" + banks);

        // Sort bank on their natural order, which is ranking

        // print banks in their natural order, sorted
        System.out.println("List of Banks in sorted order" + banks);

class Bank implements Comparable<Bank> {

    private String name;
    private int ranking;

    public Bank(String name, int ranking) { = name;
        this.ranking = ranking;

    public int compareTo(Bank bank) {
        return this.ranking - bank.ranking; // possible because ranking is small
        // positive integer

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ranking;
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        Bank other = (Bank) obj;
        if (name == null) {
            if ( != null) {
                return false;
        } else if (!name.equals( {
            return false;
        if (ranking != other.ranking) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%s: %d", name, ranking);


List of Banks in unsorted order[Citibank: 1, ICICI: 5, BankOfAmerica: 2, DBS: 6,
 HSBC: 3, Standard Charted: 4]
List of Banks in sorted order[Citibank: 1, BankOfAmerica: 2, HSBC: 3,
 Standard Charted: 4, ICICI: 5, DBS: 6]

That's all in this Java Comparable example. Always remember to make your compareTo() method consistent with equals, only use integer arithmetic operation in compareTo if you know numbers are positive and small, and their difference will not exceed the maximum value of an integer in Java. 

You should implement a Comparable interface for all value or domain classes like Order, Trade, Instrument, Security, Counterparty, etc.

Also, Java 8 has made comparing objects really easy and you can use the method added in Comparator and Comparable class in Java 8 API like thenComparing() to implement sophisticated comparators which can compare on multiple fields and on different orders. I have also shared many such examples in my post advanced comparator and comparable examples in Java, you can also check that out. 

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Thanks for reading this article so far if you find this Comparable Example in Java for comparing objects in their natural order then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note. 

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    1 comment :

    Eric Jablow said...

    Why not use the Java 7 Objects.hash(Object...values) method in your Bank.hashCode method? Use Objects.equals(Object a, Object b) in Bank.equalTo() also. I would never use subtraction for comparing numbers for the same reason that I always wear my seatbelt when driving. The one time I forget, I will probably crash.

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