Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Top 10 Advanced C++ (CPP) Books for Experienced Developers - Must Read

Once you know C++ and spends a couple of years of programming in C++, you started to feel that you know the basics and have good command over C++ programming. At this time, the programmer goes to two paths, one who chose to do just fire-fighting and daily work and never upgraded or forced to learn new or more by reading books, participating in forums, and giving presentations. The other group of programmers explores new books to learn C++ in detail and after reading a couple of books on this list, they also realize how much of C++ they know is incomplete and incorrect. That's why I recommend experienced C++ developers to read books to complete the journey from a junior developer to a senior developer.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Top 3 Books to Learn TCP/IP, UDP and Computer Networking Protocols - Best of Lot

Both TCP/IP and UDP are very popular networking protocol and in this era of the internet and a connected world, they become even more important. No matter, whether you are a computer science graduate or doing masters in computer science, a software engineer, a network engineer, or a Java programmer, good knowledge of TCP/IP and UDP goes a long way to securing a job and doing well on it. Even though I mostly interview for Java programmers, I almost always ask a couple of questions on TCP/IP and UDP protocol to check if the candidate is familiar with computer network basics or not because even if you work for Java application, you are exposed to the network.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Top 5 jQuery books for Beginners and Web developers - Best of lot

jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library, which has completely changed the way, client-side web development was done using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With the growing popularity of jQuery, it becomes imperative for web developers to learn and take advantage of jQuery, and books are one of the best ways to learn jQuery. In this article, I am going to share your top 5 jQuery books from my personal collection, which I have looked at and researched before purchasing my first book on jQuery, Head First JQuery. Since I like to follow one book at a time, I didn't bother to look into another must-read book, JQuery in Action, until I have finished formerly.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Top 5 Soft Skill and Career Development Books and Courses for Programmers

Most of the software developers, programmers, and coders spend a considerable amount of their time and energy on learning technologies which get obsolete in few years like a new framework or a new programming language but they neglect something more important like soft skills. Unlike technical stuff, soft skills will not only serve you good in your job and career but also in your life and it won't get obsolete as quickly as the new web application development framework you have just learned. Similarly, most of us put a lot of effort to get a job but after that, we don't put much effort to grow on that job, the result is many programmers and software developers stuck in their careers.
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