Saturday, April 20, 2019

How to share your Programming Articles on Javarevisited for more Exposure

Hello, Friends,
I have been writing Java articles for a long time and one thing I have learned from that experience is that learning makes you a better Programmer and Software developer. It's also one of the important tips I have shared on how to become a better programmer article long back. It seems many people like that and contacted me about that but their main difficulty was that after writing one or two articles they get frustrated because no one was reading it. Well, I can understand but it takes a lot of time and effort to build a following. I am fortunate and really grateful that Java community has given me so much love and that's why I have decided to do my bit to promote and encourage every new Java programmer/writer/blogger to the best I can.

Do you want to write a blog post on Java and Programming but worried about who will read your articles? Well, not anymore.  I have created a medium publication for Javarevisited, where not only myself but all of you can write.

Medium is a great platform for programmers and bloggers in terms of management as a writer can write their stories and submit to publication to get the exposures. The best part of Medium is that people always know who has written the article so the author gets the most exposure and his stories get the eye-balls it which he deserves for all those hard work.

Still, good stories get lost in the middle of so many contents.

Being a blogger, I know how much hard work, time and patience required to write an article and it pains if no one reads it. So, I decided to create a medium publication where I can bring all Java programmers/developers and writers together.

The best thing is that you can even submit your existing Java articles on Javarevisited for additional exposure and traffic. 

Together we can grow and all the articles will get their fair share of exposure. I'll also promote those articles on Facebook, Twitter, and other networks and one day we would have a strong community which can promote the good work.

So, if you are interested in writing about Java and Programming in Javarevisited, Please comment your Medium id/account/profile here and I'll add you as a writer.


Regarding what to write, here is a list of some of the topics I loved most, but you feel free to share whatever you like:

  1. Java
  2. Programming
  3. Coding
  4. Design Patterns
  5. Algorithms
  6. Data Structure
  7. Book Reviews
  8. Course Reviews
  9. Resources
  10. Programmer life
  11. Interview Questions
  12. Personal Stories of Programmers
  13. Debugging
  14. Git
  15. Maven
  16. Gradle
  17. Spring Framework
  18. Hibernate
  19. Spring Boot
  20. Cloud
  21. Spring Cloud
  22. Blockchain
  23. Machine Learning
  24. Data Science
  25. Java 8
  26. Functional Programming
  27. Best Practices
  28. Eclipse
  29. InteliJIDEA
  30. Tools

So what are you waiting for, get ready to share your thoughts with many Java developers around the world? Just comment your Medium Id in this post or drop me an email, message on Facebook, Twitter and Linked in and I'll add you as Writer

All the best.
Javin Paul

P.S. - You can even submit your existing article on Medium to get more exposure and traffic and we will be happy to publish into Javarevisited as well. 

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