Monday, February 10, 2025

5 Best Java 8 Lambda, Stream, and Functional Programming Books for Beginners and Experienced in 2025 [UPDATED]

If you follow Java updates, you may know that Java 13 was released, and Java 14 is on the way, but I often receive emails and queries asking about some good books to learn Java 8. Since Java 8 is very different from any other JDK release, in terms of language and API enhancement, you really need an excellent book to learn fundamentals. In short, based upon my 2 years of learning and reading Java 8 books, I can say that Java SE 8 for Really Impatient is hands down the best book to learn Java 8. It covers all the essential things released in JDK 8, not just lambda expression and streams but also new Date and Time API and several other minor enhancement yet crucial features, which often go unnoticed.

7 Must Read Tech Books For Experienced Developers and Leads in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you are looking for some interesting novel-style tech books to read this weekend then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best software architecture books and in this article, I am going to share the best tech books for experienced developers to not just learn technical skills but also operational and management skills in a fun and easy way. I always like to read books which are interesting first and informative later because it's very difficult to go through a book which informative but not interesting and that's why when I found an interesting tech book which is full of life lessons, I buy it and read it again and again and this book list is collection of such books. 

Top 5 Books to Learn Java Programming from Scratch in 2025 - Best of Lot

I receive lots of emails and Facebook chats related to Java, but one of the most common questions which I have mostly asked is, which is the best book to learn Java? I have just started learning Java, Could you please recommend a good core Java book to me? After answering in one word too many of those readers and new Java developers as "Head First Java," I thought to write this blog post, Why? because some of them came back to me and asked me, "Can you please recommend a serious Java book, not the comics?" Well, I didn't like that comment, but then I thought it's natural that not everyone will find "Head First Java" as useful as I have always found.

Top 6 Advanced SQL Books for Experienced Programmers in 2025 - Best of Lot, Must read

If you an experienced programmer and know how to write SQL queries and database fundamentals but want to take your SQL and database skills to the next level then you have a come to the right place. In this blog, I have shared a lot of free SQL books and courses you can use to start your SQL journey. This is also the second article about SQL books, In the first part, I have shared some of the best SQL books which are essential to learning SQL queries and fundamentals of database like normalization, indexing, and other design stuff, if you haven't read it yet, I suggest to do it now. You will find some amazing books to start learning SQL.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Top 8 Books to Learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Java Developers in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you are a Java developer and want to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud frameworks and looking for some of the best books and courses, then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared some of the best Spring Boot courses and Spring Cloud courses, and today I am going to talk about some of the best books to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, but before that let's try to understand what is Microservice and how Spring Boot and Spring Cloud helps with the development of microservices in Java. In simple words, Microservices is nothing but an extension of RESTful web services with the fundamental idea to break up your code into small, distributed, and independent services for better scalability and management, but it does require thoughtful design and think through ability.

Top 6 Hibernate Books for Java Developers in 2025 - Best, Must read

Hibernate is one of the most popular, open-source ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework, which has now become a standard for developing persistence layer on Java enterprise application, along with JPA (Java Persistence API). I often receive requests to suggest which book is best to learn to hibernate or recommendation about some good books and training courses on Spring and Hibernate. This motivates me to write this article about some of the best books on Hibernate currently available on the market.

Top 7 Books to Learn and Master Programming and Coding in 2025 - Must Read, Best of Lot

Coding is an integral part of Programming, and we all somehow learned to code by following examples here and there. Yes, I am talking about both self-taught programmer and Computer Science Graduates. You can learn Coding easily if you are dedicated, but what is more difficult is to write good code. You can easily find programmers in Java, C++, Ruby, or Python, but finding programmers, who are also a good coder is very difficult. Some universities have a good curriculum and practical classes to teach coding better than others, but most of these great coders are self-taught Programmers, who learned by reading books, joining online courses, and doing things on their own.

Top 5 Books to Learn Unit testing, JUnit and TDD in Java in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, If you done some professional Java development then you know that Unit testing is a very, very important thing to learn to adapt. I would say this is the single most important practice in my opinion, which differentiates an excellent programmer with a professional programmer. It's one way you can see how disciplined a programmer is? It's also the best way to write clean code; a code that can stand the test of time, a code that is flexible enough to accommodate future changes and a code that you don't afraid of while changing. Despite several efforts of promoting unit testing by programming community and emphasizing unit testing by many notable programmers, it's still one of the lacking practice.

Friday, February 7, 2025

2 Books to Prepare for Spring Professional Certifications (VMware EDU-1202) Exam

Ever since Pivotal (now VMware) has removed the requirement of mandatory training to become a certified Spring developer, many Spring developers have been asking for good resources to prepare for Spring Professional V5.0 Exam like books, courses, mock exams, study notes, etc. to prepare for Spring Core Certifications via self-study. Since, earlier, you cannot give Spring certification exam without attending an online or instructor-led core Spring training, which costs around 3200 USD in the USA and North America and 50K INR in India, many experienced Spring developers refrain from becoming a certified Spring developer.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Top 13 Java Programming Books for Beginners and Experienced - Best of lot, Must Read

Hello guys, if you want to learn Java and looking for the best books to learn Java then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared best Java courses, websites, and even a complete Java Developer RoadMap and in this article, I am going to share best books you can read to learn Java programming in depth. These top Java programming books are some of the good books to learn Java and I would say some of them are simply the best Java books ever published. Whenever a programmer starts learning Java programming language, the first question he asks is "Which book should I refer to learn Java?", or "What is the best book to learn Java for beginners?" or "Can you tell me some good books to learn Java?" .That itself says how important Java books are for programmers especially beginners.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Top 10 Websites for Coding Interview Preparation in 2025 - Best of Lot

Are you preparing for Coding Interviews? If yes then you might know that there are a number of free online resources to practice important topics for coding Interviews like data structure and algorithms, database and SQL, and others. These websites are equally useful for both, new programmers who are just learning the fundamentals and for experienced ones who are brushing up their coding skills for interviews. I have been sharing useful resources for programming and technical interviews for a long time in this book. In the past, I have shared some recommended online courses and books for coding interviews, as well as some of the frequently asked programming interview questions from tech companies (see here). But, my readers have been asking about some recommended websites for practicing programming challenges and coding interview questions.

3 Ways to Learn Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Security, and Spring Boot Framework in 2025

If you are a Java developer and want to learn the Spring framework then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share three ways to learn the Spring framework, but before that let's understand what is a spring framework and why Java developers should learn Spring framework? Well, Spring is a framework that assists you to develop Java applications by following some best practices, particularly the principle of dependency injection and inversion of control. As per this principle, instead of the class asking for its dependency, the framework provides them at runtime.  Following these principles improves your code quality because it reduces coupling between different parts of your applications like between modules and classes, which makes it easier to test and develop.

Do you Need to Pass OCAJP before taking OCPJP - Core Java Certification from Oracle

Even though we now have Java 11 certification, I know many Java developers who are going for Java certification like Java SE 8 Programmer 1 and 2, also known as OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 with exam code 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809. Even though Oracle split Java certification into 2 after acquiring Sun Microsystem in 2010, there is still confusion among Java developers whether they need to pass just one OCAJP exam or both OCAJP and OCPJP exam to become a certified Java developer. Well, The short answer is Yes, if you want to become a Java certified engineer then you need to pass both OCAJP and OCPJP, but the long answer depends upon your situation, e.g. whether you hold any previous Java certification or not, which we'll discuss in the second section.

Top 5 Books to Learn Concurrent Programming and Multithreading in Java in 2025 - Best, Must Read

Books are essential to learning something new, and despite being in the electronic age, where books have lost some shine to the internet and blogs, I still read and recommend them to get complete and authoritative knowledge on any topic, like concurrent programming. In this article, I will share five best books to learn concurrent programming in Java. These books cover basics, starting from how to create and start a thread, parallel programming, concurrency design patterns, an advantage of concurrency and of course pitfalls, issues, and problems introduced due to multithreading. Learning concurrent programming is a difficult task, not even in Java but also in other languages like C++ or modern days JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, Closure, and JRuby.

Top 5 books to Learn Object Oriented Programming and Design in 2025 - Must Read, Best of Lot

The OOP or Object Oriented Programming is one of the most popular programming paradigms which helps you to organize code in the real-world system. It's a tool that allows you to write sophisticated software by thinking in terms of objects and relationships. Unlike its predecessor procedural Programming paradigm, which is implemented most notably by C, which solves the problem and complete task by writing code for computers, the OOP style of programming allows you to think in terms of real-world objects which have both state and behavior. You can view anything as objects and then find their state and behaviors, this will help you to simulate that object in code.

Review - Is Grokking Algorithms book by Aditya Bhargava worth it?

Hello guys, I have read many books on data structures and algorithms like Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Corman and Algorithm design manual by Steve S. Skiena, so when I come to know about this book, Grokking Algorithms,  I thought, just another book on algorithms, but I was wrong. This is not just another book on algorithms but one of the most interesting books you will ever read on Algorithms and Data structure. It doesn't cover all the data structure and algorithms you see in Computer Science but whatever it covers, it covers really well and that's what matters most for beginner programmer or Computer Science students. Another great thing about this book is that 2nd edition of this book is also out now which covers even more topics. 

Top 10 Best Java 8 Tutorials, Courses, and Books for Beginners

It's been quite some time since Java 8 was released but the Java community is still buzzing with functional programming and lambda expression. Many developers, programmers, and bloggers have already shared lots of really good tutorials to learn lambda expressions, probably the biggest thing in Java world after Generic was introduced in Java 5. While the term "lambda expression" may sound abstract and academic, Java 8 Lambdas can have a big impact on how you program every day. Java 8 has not only introduced Lambda expressions but also Stream API, Functional interfaces, new Date and Time API, and default methods, which has completely changed the way you write your Java code. As a professional Java developer, you will have to learn Java 8 one day, and it's better to do it sooner than later.

Top 5 Books to Crack Java Programming Interviews in 2025- Best of Lot

If you are preparing for Java Programming interviews, then apart from blogs and articles, you should also take the help of my book (Grokking the Java Interview) and courses specially written for Java interviews. Though nothing can substitute actual job experience, cracking the coding interview is a little bit different beast. Even if you have a good experience you may struggle to crack the online coding tests which are becoming very challenging for Java developers of all levels of experience. Similarly,  if you are not going for the exact same profile job then you can expect a hell of a lot of questions from vast topics of Java domain, which you might not have heard before. 

Top 5 Books to Learn Groovy for Java Developers in 2025 - Best Of Lot, Must Read

Groovy is a programming language that is specially created for Java developers with a view to being a fast-paced, scripting companion to Java. It aims to increase the productivity of Java developers by simplifying Java code and removing unnecessary boilerplate. Groovy not only present a succinct and easy to read syntax but also provide a much more elegant and convenient API than Java for common stuff. For example, a Groovy file can do in 50 lines what a Java source code does in 500 lines. You can declare an array as [] and map as [: ] which really makes code full of data without much syntax. Because of this property, Groovy is heavily used in unit testing of Java application. Some popular unit testing frameworks like Spock is also built on Groovy.

5 Must Read Books to become Software Architect or Solution Architect in 2025

I receive a lot of queries from senior Java developers, who aspire to become software architect or solution architect, like what can they do to become a software architect? Which books, resources, or certifications can help? And general queries like how much experience you need to become a software architect etc. In the past, I have been suggesting them individually about some books to read to expand their knowledge base and look at the software from architecture and design perspective, and this article is a compilation of many of such suggestions. Since a lot of books can confuse, I have only select 5 best and must-read books from the software architect's perspective.

Monday, February 3, 2025

10 Tips to Improve Programming Skill and become a better Programmer

Many Java developers ask me how to become a better programmer? How do I improve my programming skills? Or I am good at Java but not so good at problem-solving ability etc. This is a reality, today's era is full of language experts than real programmers. It's easy to understand keywords, methods, and API of the Java programming language. Still, at the same time, it's challenging to solve practical problems, design reusable, and robust software, and get the best of data structure and algorithm. I have often seen Java programmers are not doing so well when asked to design and code a solution in a limited time, but at the same time, they are really good with Java concepts and all theories.

Top 5 Tips to Prepare for Oracle Java Certifications (OCAJP and OCPJP)

Hello All, today, I am going to share some useful tips to prepare for Oracle's Java certifications like OCAJP and OCPJP, both associate and programmer level certification. These certifications are great for both mastering Java language as well as getting recognition for your skill which not only improves your chances of getting a Java development job but also helps you in your career growth. Though you need a bit of Java experience or knowledge to pass the Exam. If you are entirely new to Java, then you need to first go through a comprehensive course like The Complete Java MasterClass on Udemy and learn how to program in Java, because getting certified without knowing how to program in Java is of no use.

Top 23 Docker Container Interview Questions Answers for Developers and DevOps

Hello guys, if you are preparing for DevOps Engineer interview or a Software developer job interviews like Java developer then preparing about Docker is a good idea. Docker has become an essential tool for packaging and deploying Software, particularly Microservices, and you can expect a couple of questions about Docker during Interview to check your knowledge. Having absolutely no idea of Docker before going into interview can be detrimental to your prospect considering the importance of container on deploying apps and services on Cloud. That's why I always programmers and developers to prepare Docker interview questions and revise key Docker concepts before interview. 

Top 5 AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals Practice Tests in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Azure AI Fundamentals certification or AI-900 exam and looking for the best preparation material and resources then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best AI-900 courses and in this article, I am going to share best AI-900 practice tests to pass this exam in first attempt. The AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals Certification exam is meant for people who are interested in Machine Learning and want to become Data scientists or AI Engineers. The Azure AI Fundamentals certification covers a wide range of topics like Azure Cognitive Services, Knowledge Mining, Responsible AI, and other AI Concepts. 

Top 10 Websites to Improve Coding Skills in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you are preparing for programming interviews or just want to improve your coding skills and looking for practice websites then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shred best System Courses, Books, System Design Interview Guide, Cheat Sheets, and System Interview Questions and today I am going to share 10 best resources to improve your coding skills. These sites include not just website where you can solve coding problems like LeetCode but also where you can solve real life coding challenges and earn money or bounties like Top Coder. You can use these websites to not just prepare for coding interviews but also to improve your coding and programming skills. 

6 Projects You can do to learn JavaScript in 2025 - Best of Lot

Learning any new programming language is not that easy as everyone thinks just by completing a course and consider yourself a developer on that language and JavaScript is one of them. There is a way to do so you can consider yourself a JavaScript developer until you can build an app from scratch on your own, and that's why its very important to do actual coding and building real apps. If you are looking for best JavaScript project ideas which are neither too easy nor too difficult to start learning JavaScript better then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best JavaScript courses, best books to learn JavaScript, Websites, and Interview questions and in this article, I am going to share 5 beginner level project ideas to learn JavaScript in 2025. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Design a Vending Machine in Java - Interview Question

How do you design a Vending Machine in Java? is one of the popular Java interview questions mostly asked at Senior level Java developer Interviews. In a typical coding interview, you will be given a problem statement to develop a vending machine and within a limited time, usually, 2 to 3 hours you need to produce a design document, working code, and unit test in Java. One of the key advantages of such Java interviews is that you can test many essential skills or a candidate in one go. In order to complete the design, coding, and unit testing of a Vending machine, a candidate needs to be really good in all three departments. Recently, I have also seen this question on Object Oriented Design Interviews and  System Design Interviews, where interviewer want to check experienced developers knowledge on various Software architecture components and design decision. 

Top 8 Object Oriented Programming and Design Courses for Java Programmers in 2025 - Best of Lot

There is no doubt that Object-oriented programming is a pillar of software development and one of the reasons for the massive success of Java. Good knowledge of Object-oriented programming helps you to create better software. It also allows you to communicate your ideas better with your team members and fellow programmers. Despite being such an important technology, it's difficult to find programmers who understand OOP well. Many programmers just think that OOP is nothing more than Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism, without genuinely understanding these concepts and mastering them.

Top 5 Websites to Learn Java Coding for FREE in 2025 - Best of lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Java Programming and looking for the best websites to learn Java coding for free then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Java courses and books, today, I am going to share free websites to learn Java Programming for free. being the author of a Java blog and programmer I often receive questions like how to improve my coding skills?,  or how do I learn to code in Java?, or I am having difficulty solving programming problems, please help, etc. This is mostly from programmers who have just started programming or computer science graduates with a programming degree or even some programmers with a year or two in Job.

Top 5 Websites to Learn Python Coding for FREE in 2025 - Best of Lot

Believe it or not, but Python has inspired many people to learn to code, and it's continually inspiring them. I know a handful of people who are learning Python for different reasons, starting from web development to machine learning. I have seen new people learning Python to write web apps using Django, create a Machine learning Model using Python, and just write some handy scripts to automate the boring stuff. Python is currently the world's #1 programming language and its popularity is growing every passing day, thanks to Data Science and Machine learning and awesome Python libraries like Pandas, PyTorch, NumPy, and TensorFlow.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Top 20 Books Every Java Programmers Should Read [UPDATED]

Hello guys, Happy New Year. We are already in New Year and while I am busy making my goals, I am also looking back on what I have done in the last year. One of the things which I would like to share with you guys is some of the books I have read last year on Java and related technologies and will continue to read. This includes books on Modern Java, Spring, Hibernate, Object-oriented programming, Algorithms, Soft skills, Microservice, Groovy, Scala, Agile, and UML, etc. If you haven't read them yet, you can very well read them this year, depending on what technologies and programming languages you are going to learn.

Clean Code by Uncle Bob - Book Review - Must read for Java Programmers

Even though the Clean Code book was released many years ago and there are lots of good reviews already available, I couldn't resist writing my own experience of this great book which every coder should read. I came across this book many years ago, but since then, I have read it multiple times, and I have recommended it to my readers, students, and fellow developers. It is one of those books which make you feel that why didn't come across it earlier, I felt the same when I first learned about this book. The Clean Code is all about writing good quality code, and how do you judge the quality of code? Well, you won't appreciate good until you have seen bad code and that's what this book does.

Top 5 Books to learn REST and RESTful WebServices for Java Programmers in 2025

The REST framework has now become the standard way to develop Web Services on the Internet. It's no more SOAP, who used to rule the world for the last two decades. The SOAP and XML went very well together in the past decade but it seems now REST and JSON have overtaken them and doing even better, thanks to the rise of JavaScript for both frontend and backend development. Since Java is also one of the most popular languages to develop backend services, there is a lot of demand for Java developers who know web services and can implement and expose existing SOAP-based services into REST style, light-weight web services.

Top 5 Java SE 8 Certification Books in 2025 - Best of Lot Must Read

Hello guys, If you are preparing for Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer, also known as Java SE 8 Programmer I or OCAJP 8 exam and looking for some good resources then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared some courses, and practice tests to pass the Java SE 8 certification. Actually, I have been sharing some of the most useful resources for Java 8 certification aspirants ever since the exam was launched. You can find a lot of this exam and essential resources in this blog. To continue that tradition, I am going to share some of the best books to crack the Java SE certification like OCAJP 8 (1Z0-808)  and OCPJP 8 (1Z0-89). Yes, you need to pass two exams to become Java 8 certified professional.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Top 13 Must Read Books for Experienced Programmers in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, In this article, I am going to share books that I believe every experienced programmer should read to develop skills that are expected of an experienced programmer. As an experienced software developer, you should be a good coder, good at the understanding requirement, designing the system, communicating with peers and stakeholders, ensuring that your project has good test coverage, following good coding best practices and writing maintainable code. Those skills are quite valuable and just doesn't come when your experience increases, you need to work hard to acquire that. I know many programmers who have been programming for 7 or 8 years, but they still don't pose these skills. Some of them never bother to try, and some of them just don't know how to develop those skills. It's where these books come into the picture.

5 Best Books for OCAJP8 Exam 1Z0-808 in 2025- Java 8 Certification

It's been more than a decade since Java SE 8 was launched on 17th March 2014 and OCAJP 8 exam went live. Now we have Java 21 certification but do you know that Java SE 8 certification is still valid and its probably the easiest way to become a Oracle Certified Java developer? Yes, its true and that's why I am updating this article to share with you best books you can read to pass the OCAJP 8 or 1z0-808 exam in 2025. You might know that in order to become a Java SE 8 certified developer you need to pass two examples, the OCAJP8 (Exam 1Z0-808) and OCPJP8 (Exam 1Z0-809). The first one is called associate-level certification and the second one is called professional-level certification. 

Top 5 Machine Learning Certifications to Aim in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you are looking for the best Machine Learning certification to acquire in 2025 then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best free Machine learning courses and best paid Machine Learning courses and in this article, I am going to share the best Machine learning certification to aim in 2025.  There is a lot of demand for certified Machine learning engineers, particularly AWS, Google, and Azure certified Machine learning engineers. Since Cloud computing provides enormous resources which are required for Machine learning, most of the Machine learning development is happening on the cloud, and having good knowledge and certification from top tech cloud companies like Google, Amazon, and Azure can make you a hot cake on the Job market. 

The 2025 Vue.js Developer Roadmap

Hello guys, if you want to learn Vue.js, the new trending JavaScript library for frontend development but not sure from where to start and what to learn next then you have come to the right place. In the past I have shared best Vue.js courses and in this article, I am going to share with you The 2025 Vue.js Developer RoadMap, which you can follow to learn all the essential skills a Vue developer should have. In this rapidly evolving world of web development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, has gained significant popularity due to its simplicity, flexibility, and vibrant community.  

The 2025 Metaverse Developer Roadmap

Hello guys, if you want to become a Metaverse developer in 2025 and looking for guidance then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Metaverse courses and in this article I am going to share the Complete Metaverse Developer RoadMap. The spontaneous growth of the internet has pushed online activities into every space of our lives. Most of us rely on online services for different activities, and many real-life activities are shifting to online spaces. For example, virtual meetings and conferences. The push for a transition towards virtual worlds has created the demand for metaverse jobs, owing to the immersive virtual experiences promised by the metaverse.

The 2025 Web3 Developer Roadmap

Web3 is an exciting concept that has garnered the attention of millions of tech experts worldwide. The applications of web3 can create a revolutionary impact on resolving prominent issues with conventional digital applications. The radical growth in demand for web3 jobs indicates the curiosity among learners to prepare for the future. However, building your career in web3 is a challenging task. You can achieve your objectives of becoming a web3 developer, engineer or community manager based on your dedication and efforts. 

The 2025 Rust Developer RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to become a Rust developer in 2025 and looking for a complete Rust Developer RoadMap then you have come to the right place. I am big fan of RoadMaps as they provide a comprehensive path for people to master certain technologies and programming languages like Rust. In the past , I have shared Java Developer RoadMap, Python Developer RoadMap, Web Developer RoadMapiOS Developer RoadMap, and  DevOps Engineer RoadMap, and in this article, I am going to share complete guide to become a Rust developer in 2025.  Rust has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its focus on performance, safety, and concurrency. As a developer, mastering Rust can open doors to a wide range of opportunities, including web development. 

The 2025 Flutter Developer Roadmap

Hello guys, if you want to learn Flutter, one of the popular framework for building cross-platform Mobile applications then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Flutter courses and in this article, I am going to share complete Flutter RoadMap. If you know me, I am big fan of RoadMaps and in the past , I have shared Java Developer RoadMap, Python Developer RoadMap, Web Developer RoadMapiOS Developer RoadMap, and  DevOps Engineer RoadMap which you guys have liked it a lot. Now, we will learn about Flutter in depth. Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful and natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop, has revolutionized cross-platform app development. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The 2025 UI/UX Developer Designer Roadmap

Hello guys, In today's digital landscape, creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces (UI) and delivering exceptional user experiences (UX) are paramount. UI/UX developers play a crucial role in designing and crafting digital products that engage and delight users. To become proficient in this field, having a clear roadmap is essential. In the past, I have shared best UI/UX courses as well as best UI/UX certifications along with courses on tools like Figma and in this article, we'll explore the UI/UX developer roadmap—a comprehensive guide to mastering the necessary skills and principles to excel in UI/UX design.

How to prepare for AWS certified data analytics specialty Exam in 2025?

Amazon AWS's "AWS Certified Data Analytics – Specialty" certification is one of the most prestigious certifications in the field. Professionals in the area of data analytics now have official recognition in their resumes and job applications. To become an Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect, applicants must pass an exam administered by the company. An AWS credential certifies your ability to use Big Data ingestion, storage, and processing on AWS. AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty is expected for people with experience and mastery working with AWS administrations to configuration, fabricate, secure, and keep up with investigation arrangements.

How to Prepare for Google Cloud Data Engineer Exam in 2025?

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Google Cloud Data Engineer exam in 2025 but don't know how to approach this exam so that you can pass in very first attempt then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared many resources for Google Cloud Data Engineer exam like these best Google Cloud Data Engineer courses and Practice tests and today, I am going to share the complete, step-by-step guide to prepare Google Cloud Data Engineer certification. The guide not only list down which topics to prepare, weightage of different topics but also many exam resources like white papers and case studies. 

Top 5 Cyber Security Certifications to Aim in 2025 - Best of Lot

Cybercrime is the quickest developing wrongdoing in the United States, and it is just expanding and more modern. After client data was taken, organizations, for example, Facebook, Panera Bread, Under Armor, and Uber acquired features. Managerial nerves and interest for network protection certifications develop with each hole. These worries are all around established. As per Centrify, 66% of customers in the United States would probably quit working with an organization that has been hacked.

The 2025 Angular Developer Roadmap for Beginners

Hello guys, if you want to learn Angular and looking for guidance and resources then you have come to the right place. In the past I have shared best Angular courses, books, and tutorials and in this article, I am going to share complete Angular RoadMap for web developers. Angular is one of the most popular and widely used frontend web frameworks. It is a TypeScript-based framework that is developed by the Angular team at Google. Angular is actually the rewritten version of AngularJS. According to the Stackoverflow developers survey, Angular is the third most popular web framework among professional developers. So learning Angular in 2025 is definitely worth it.

The 2025 Data Scientist and Data Engineering RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to become a Data Scientist or Data Engineer in 2025 and looking for guidance like how to become a Data Scientist and Data Engineer in 2025 then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared best Data Science courses, tools, and best websites to learn Data Science and in this article, I am going to share the complete Data Scientist and Data Engineering RoadMap. This roadmap include all the skills, tools, and technologies you need to become a professional Data Scientist in 2025. While this roadmap is very comprehensive and contains tens of skills, tools, libraries, framework and programming language, they are divided into different categories like mandatory, good to know and other choices. 

The 2025 Blockchain Developer RoadMap (with Resources)

Hello guys, if you want to become a Blockchain Developer in 2025 and looking for guidance then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Blockchain courses, books, and best websites to learn Blockchain technology and today, I am going to share how you can become a Blockchain Developer in 2025. Blockchain solutions are one of the most talked-about examples of technological innovation in recent times. Decentralization, transparency, and security in blockchain-based systems and applications can offer new routes for digital transformation. Amidst the growing hype around blockchain technologies, the role of a blockchain developer has become crucial for the emerging ecosystem.

The 2025 Deep Learning RoadMap (with Resources)

Hello guys, if you want to learn Deep Learning and looking for a complete RoadMap to find out all essential skills, tools, and technologies a professional Deep Learning expert should know then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared The 2025 Python Programmer RoadMapThe 2025 Machine Learning RoadMap and Data Engineering RoadMap and in this article, I am going to share with you The 2025 Deep Learning RoadMap. You can consider the deep learning field as a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to gain experience from the data instead of the built-in algorithm in machine learning. The application of this field is endless.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

How to Prepare for Google Cloud Network Engineer Exam in 2025

Hello guys, if you are preparing for the Google Cloud Network Engineer exam or want to become a Google Certified Engineer in 2025 then you have come to the right place.  In the past, I have shared the best Google Cloud Platform courses as well many more resources to prepare for Google cloud Digital Leader, Google Cloud Developer, Google Cloud Data Engineer, and other exams and in this article, we are going to discuss a step by step guide to prepare for Google Cloud Network Engineer certification. This guide not only gives you information about the actual exam but also shares useful resources like books, online courses, and mock tests, both free and paid which you can take to prepare well for this exam. 

Top 10 Free NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) Courses for Beginners in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn about NFTs or Non Fungible Tokens and looking for best free online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best paid NFT courses and in this article, I am going to share best free NFT courses for beginners, Bu, before we get to the 10 best free NFT courses that will teach you everything you need to know about this exciting new technology, let me tell you what it really is. NFTs, also known as Non-Fungible Tokens, are basically unique cryptographic tokens. These tokens exist in a blockchain, which means that they cannot be replicated. Each NFT has a unique identification and metadata. 

Top 10 Free Spring Boot and Spring Framework Courses in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Spring Framework and Spring Boot in 2025 and looking for free resources like free online courses, tutorials, and books then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best online courses to learn Spring Framework, Spring MVCSpring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, and Reactive Spring/WebFlux and in this article, I Am going to share best free online courses to learn Spring Framework and Spring boot in depth. But, Before we get to the 10 best free Spring courses that are perfect for beginners, let me tell you more about what the Spring Framework really is.

The 2025 Software Architect Roadmap

Hello guys, if you follow me or read my articles then you know that I always in search for good resources and as my experience is growing and many people in my circles are also growing, I always receive a common question, how do I transition from senior developer to Software architect? how long should I be coding? will I ever become a Software architect or solution architect? Some of these questions are born due to no growth and career stuck and some are born due to anxiety but some are also born from people who are looking to grow in their career and that's where the resource like this Software architect RoadMap can help. 

10 Free Web Development Courses for Beginners in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Web Development in 2025 and looking for best free resources like free online courses, tutorials, and books then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best online courses to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, and Node.js and in this article, I am going to share best free online courses to learn Web Development. The article includes free web-dev courses from sites like Udemy and Coursera which anyone can join free to learn essential Web development skills in 2025. But, Before we get to the 7 best free courses that will teach you everything you need to know about web development, let me tell you what it really is.

The 2025 CyberSecurity Analyst RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to become a CyberSecurity Analyst or Cyber Security Engineer in 2025 and looking for Cyber Security RoadMap where you can learn find essential and specialized tools and skills required to become a Cyber Security expert then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Cyber Security courses and books and in this article, I am going to share the complete roadmap to become a Cyber Security Analyst in 2025.  One of the easiest way to become a CyberSecurity Analyst in 2025 is to join a well designed training program like Google's CyberSecurity Professional Certificate on Coursera. This well designed program take the guesswork out of the equation and teach you all the skills and tools you need to become professional cyber security engineer in 2025. This is also like a shortcut of becoming Cybersecurity professional.

Top 5 Websites To Learn TypeScript in 2025

Hello guys, if you want to learn TypeScript and looking for resources like books, online courses, tutorials, online platforms, websites then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best free TypeScript courses and best TypeScript paid courses and in this article, I am going to share best platform and websites to learn TypeScript in 2025. But, before we get to a list of the best free courses that will teach you everything you need to know about TypeScript, let me tell you a little bit more about what it really is.For those of you who don't know, TypeScript is basically a strongly typed superscript of JavaScript. It can b compiled to plain JavaScript. TypeScript can be used for application-scale JavaScript development. It can also be executed on any browser, any host, and any operating system.

How to Crack Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cloud Certification in 2025 [UPDATED]

Cloud computing skills are in demand and companies are increasingly looking for people who know and worked in public cloud platforms like AWSGCP, and Microsoft Azure. If you are looking to get started in Cloud Computing, particularly on the Microsoft Azure side then AZ-900 or Azure Fundamentals certification is probably the best way to start. You will not only learn about Azure but also learn essential Cloud Computing fundamentals like storage, network, compute, and memory among all things. You will also learn about things like IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service), Sales, and Pricing, which are very important for both technical and non-technical IT professionals.

The 2025 Machine Learning Engineer RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to become a Machine Learning Engineer in 2025 and looking for Machine Learning RoadMap then you have come to the right place. I love roadmaps and in the past, I have shared Java Developer RoadMap, Python Developer RoadMap, and Machine Learning courses and today, I am going to share with you The 2025 Machine Learning Engineer RoadMap. Machine learning is a good career nowadays since most companies implement them into their services to deliver a better user experience. Data scientists also use them to make predictions for better decision-making and other things. If you want to become a machine learning engineer and feel confused about starting, complete reading this article.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Top 5 Appium Courses to Learn Automation Testing for Android Apps in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn the Appium tool for automation testing and looking for the best online courses then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best courses to learn Selenium and Android application development and in this article, I am going to share the best Appium courses for both beginners and experienced developers. These courses have been created by experts and trusted by many developers around the world and you can join them too to learn Appium from scratch as well as to improve your Appium skills if you are already using it without in-depth knowledge.

Top 5 Courses to Crack Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Certification AI-900 Exam in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, If you are preparing for Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals exam or AI-900 certification exam in 2025 and looking for the best resources to prepare for this in-demand certification then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared several courses for different Microsoft Azure certifications like AZ-900,  AZ-305,  AZ-204, and AZ-104, and in this article, I am going to share the best online courses for the AI-900 exam. This exam tests your skill and knowledge about common Machine learning and AI workloads and how to implement them in Microsoft's popular Azure Cloud Computing platform. 

10 Reasons to learn MongoDB NoSQL Database in 2025

Hello guys, If you are in web development or Software development then you may know that databases are an important part of modern development. Be it web or mobile application development, you will always find some kind of database in it. Modern development is not complete without databases because data is required to be stored somewhere. As a Java developer I have worked across many projects and most of them have relational database but things are changing nowadays and more and more project are using NoSQL Databases like MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra etc which can really improve performance in many specialized cases. 

5 Modern JavaScript Features Web Developers Should Learn in 2025

Hello guys, if you are wondering what to learn in JavaScript to take your skills to the next level, then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best JavaScript courses and books. In this article, I will share essential modern JavaScript features like arrow functions, let and const keywords, restructuring, spread operator, etc., to learn in 2025. JavaScript is the most popular and widely used programming language in the world. Over 90% of the websites use JavaScript in one way or other. 

Top 20 Spring Cloud Interview Questions and Answers for 3 to 5 Years Experienced [2025]

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Spring and Microservice developer job and need Spring cloud interview questions then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared interview questions on Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Testing and Spring Core and in this article I am going to share common Spring Cloud questions for Java and Microservice developers. If you have used Spring Cloud in your project then you can answer all of these questions easily but if you struggle to answer any of these questions then you can always go back and join one of these best Spring Cloud courses and best Microservice courses to learn and revise essential Spring Cloud concepts. 

Spring Professional Develop 2025 Certification Guide - [VMware 2V0 -72.22 FAQ]

If you are a Java developer, working in the Spring framework, and thinking to become a certified Spring professional but couldn't do it in the past due to expensive mandatory training provided by Vmware and its partners then there is good news for you. Now you can take online Spring training courses from Vmware for appearing to the Spring Professional Develop certification exam, which means, now, it's not mandatory to take expensive Spring training for Spring certifications (see here). Similar to Oracle's Java certifications, you can become a Vmware Certified Spring Professional by just buying the exam vouchers and scheduling your exam online using from anywhere in the world.

How to Crack AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam SAA-C03 in 2025

There is no doubt that AWS certification is precious and opens the door for a lot of opportunities, not just for system admins but also for developers and DevOps. Even though there is no substitute for knowledge and experience there are a lot of tangible and intangible benefits of AWS certifications, mainly AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate. Your certification is useless if you don't know how to work in AWS console, but if know that and still struggling to find a job then AWS certification can help you. First thing, it gives you recognition. It allows you to put AWS in your resume and LinkedIn and also get you a lot of chances as recruiters and companies prefer certified professionals over a non-certified if skill set matches.

Top 5 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests to Crack AZ-900 Certification Exam in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello there, if you are preparing for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals or AZ-900 certification exam and looking for some practice test to check your knowledge, then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best AZ-900 Online Courses and In this article, I am going to list down some of the best practice tests you can take to pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam.  This exam focuses on essential cloud concepts like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and Azure Core services like geo availability, storage, network, compute services, security, pricing, and billing. This is actually one of the easiest Microsoft Azure cloud certifications, much like Amazon's AWS Cloud Practitioner certification and you can easily pass this exam even if you have never worked in any cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP.

How to Crack Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Exam AZ-305 in 2025?

Hello guys, based on the new Azure role-based certification path, the Microsoft AZ-305 exam is the primary step towards becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect. Earlier, I shared a few tips, courses, and practice tests to pass the AZ 104, AZ-900, or Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. Today, I'll talk about AZ-305 or Azure Solution Architect certification exam. This Exam requires experienced candidates with skills in Azure development, Azure administration, and DevOps. In addition, they must have expert-level skills in at least one of these areas. However, observing these requirements, some of you may think that it would be completely impossible to pass a Microsoft AZ-305 Architect Technologies exam preparation.

The 2025 iOS App Developer RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to become an iOS App developer and looking for a solid roadmap then you are not alone. I was also looking for iOS app developer roadmap when I stumbled upon this awesome looking iOS developer RoadMap on Reddit. This is one of the comprehensive roadmap to take your from zero to master in iOS App Development but its also too much comprehensive and hard to follow. To be honest, I cannot learn all the skills mentioned in this RoadMap unless I spend all of my time on learning them for another 5 to 10 years. So, I created a simplified version of my own iOS developer RoadMap where you only need to learn essential skills to start doing iOS Development and start your career as iOS App developer.

Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin - Book Review - A Must Read Book to Become Software Architect

Hello Guys, today, I am very excited to talk about a nice book (Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design) from one of my favorite author of programming books, you guessed it right, Uncle Bob. The same Uncle Bob (aka Robert Martin) who brought you the Clean Code and Clean Coder has been at it again. It's been a long time since I last read an Uncle Bob and somehow I wasn't aware of this book. It comes to me as a surprise yesterday when one of the colleagues mentioned it and I didn't take time to realize that I need to buy and read this book. I just cursed myself that why I didn't know about this book before, it is still new but given I love to read his books, it's just a miss for me.

Top 4 Books to learn Oracle PL/SQL Programming in 2025 - Best, Must Read

In last summer, I had to work on a Java project which was using the Oracle database at their backend. The project was a mix of Java code with Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures, where Stored procedures were quite big and complex to read. I had not worked on Oracle for a couple of years and almost forget whatever I knew before. So, to revise, update and re-learn and I looked over some of the books and online courses like The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course which helped me a lot. In my quest to revise and re-learn Oracle SQL, I also find lots of their used books on Oracle PL/SQL which are both interesting to read as well as provides a great wealth of information to any programmer.

Top 5 books to learn Agile and Scrum for Programmers in 2025 - Best of lot, Must Read

When I started my career, it was all waterfall model. You try, fail, and then with every version you get an improved version of the software. I pretty much used to this model of software development until I was introduced to Agile development methodologies in my next company. I was confused about Agile as some people say its Scrum and Sprint, other ways its XP and Kanban, etc. The confusion lasted for a long time because I was afraid of asking questions (afraid of being perceived as dumb and someone who wastes time on meetings) and only getting information in bits and pieces and I wasn't good at searching books at that time. From that experience, I learned that, when you have confusion and want to learn more about new technology, nothing is better than a book or online training courses to start with.

Top 5 C++ Programming Books in 2025 - Must Read, Best of Lot

Hello guys, I have started my programming career with C and C++ before learning Java, and it's been more than 11 years since I am using C++, though not as often as Java, which becomes my primary skill, my C++ knowledge has helped me to work on projects where both C++ and Java is used. Often time, I am rusty with C++ with very less coding, but whenever I have to refresh my knowledge, I have the right books to do so. I have used C++ on both professional and personal projects and mostly use a GCC compiler. If you ask me which one is tough to learn, C++ or Java? I would say C++? It's even difficult to master, and you cannot master it unless your coding C++ daily.

Top 10 Java, Spring, and Hibernate Books for Experienced Java Web Developers in 2025

Hello guys, If you are thinking that you have read all the essential books on Java and don't have anything new to read, then hang on. Java is changing continuously, Java 14 has just released and now Java 15 is on the way, but more importantly, it has already changed a lot in the last 5 to 6 years with significant releases like Java 8 and some useful features introduced in Java 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and Java 14. Not only, the language is changing but also the Java virtual machine, Garbage collector, and other tools involved in Java Web development is changing; hence, it is now a right time to look at some of the newer Java books which are released in last 5 years to learn new features and tools of Java.

Top 3 Servlet and JSP Books for Java Developers in 2025 - Best of Lot

I often receive a request from my readers and fellow Java developers about book recommendations to learn Servlet and JSP, two of the key web technology for server-side web development in Java. Unfortunately, there are not many good books to learn Servlet and JSP for Java web developers. Despite being the most popular Java Web technology, there are very few good books to learn Servlet and JSP. The one book which everybody will suggest to you is the Head First Servlet and JSP, which is indeed one of the best books but it's outdated now. It doesn't cover the latest development in Servlet API, particularly Servlet 3.0, and also not been updated for the last 7 to 8 years, but considering others, it is still an excellent book to learn Servlet and JSP.

Top 10 UNIX and Linux System Programming Books in 2025 - Best of Lot, Must Read

I have been sharing programming books in this blog for a long time, starting with core Java; I moved to other related technology, like Spring, Design patterns, Data Structure and Algorithms, etc. Today, I am going to share some of the best UNIX and Linux programming books. The list contains some of the must-read UNIX books from great writers like Sir Richard. Stevens, Sir Brain Kernighan, who has contributed so much to the development of the UNIX operating system. Most of the books on this list are timeless,  classic, and don't age with time, much like UNIX, which is around for the last 40 years, and I am sure it will be around for the next 40 years, or maybe forever.

Top 5 Books to Learn Scala and Functional Programming in 2025 - Best of Lot

Scala is one of the relatively new programming languages which encompasses best practices of many programming languages. The biggest strength of Scala is that it provides a beautiful blend of object-oriented programming and Functional programming. So, you can not only construct elegant class hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility, but you can also implement their behavior using higher-order functions. It has a concise syntax with less ceremony, which also makes it ideal for scripting but doesn't underestimate its power. Like Java, Scala has also used for mission-critical applications by technical giants like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Intel.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Review - Is Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview Course Worth it in 2025?

Hello friends, if you are looking for an object oriented design interview course or wondering whether you should join Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview on Educative, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared several Object oriented design courses, books, and OOP design interview questions and today we are gonna review a course that focuses on OOP Design! Object Oriented  Design is very important in software development as OOP is the most popular way to solve real world problem using code but its even more important when we are considering interviews! Many companies including big 3, Google, Amazon, and Facebook, they all put high importance on candidates design skill including object oriented design and that's where Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview course helps. 

Review - Is Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle McDowell still worth it in 2025?

Hello guys, if you are preparing for coding interview and wondering whether the classic Cracking the Coding Interview book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell still worth it in 2025 then you have come to the right place. This was one of the first book I used to prepare for coding interview and due to its focus on evergreen topic, I am happy to say that it's still relevant, but whether it's good enough now is another question, which we will find in this article. In the past, I have shared best books and courses for coding interviews where I mentioned this book and today, I am going to review this book in depth.

Review - Is System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide by Alex Xu and Shan Lam worth?

Hello guys, if you are preparing for System design interviews or Software Design Interviews, then you must have come across System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide by Alex Xu and Shan Lam, one of the most popular book on System Design after Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. I first come across Alex Xu on Twitter when one of his image about how HTTPS works went viral. The image was quite detailed and presentable so I start following Alex and then I come across ByteByteGo, his online System design course and his book System Design Interview - An Insider's Guide

Top 10 (Frontend + Backend) Frameworks Java Web Developers Can Learn in 2025 [UPDATED]

First of all, I wish you a very Happy New Year 2025. May God bless you to fulfill all your dreams. For the last few days, many of my readers are asking me questions on Facebook and Email that what frameworks and libraries should they learn in 2025? I have written a series of posts to help them, like 10 things Java programmers should learn in 2025. In this article, I am going to share some of the most popular frameworks which you can learn in 2025. The framework is not just for Java developers but for any programmer. They are in good demand, and learning them not only improves your chances of getting a better job but also opens new doors of opportunities.

Review - Is Grammarly worth it in 2025? Grammarly Free vs Premium

Hello guys, today, I am going to share my review of Grammarly - one of the powerful writing tools for bloggers, programmers, writers, students, and anyone who wants to write correct English without grammatical and spelling mistakes. Nowadays, it seems everybody use it and why not Grammarly free version is good enough for most purpose and for hard core writers and bloggers, Grammarly premium is also affordable with just $140 year, and sometime they even give 50% discount. In this article, I will tell you my opinion about Grammarly based upon my own experience and whether Grammarly really worth it or not? Difference between Grammarly free and Grammarly Premium and whether you really need Premium or not in 2025. 

Why Learn Python for Data Science and Machine Learning in 2025?

Hello guys, If you want to learn Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep learning in 2025 and are curious about which programming language you should learn, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best data science courses and the best Python courses, and today, I will tell why learning Python is the best for Machine Learning. When it comes to learning Data Science and Machine learning, you have two main choices: Python or R, but you will find that most Data Scientists and Machine Learning specialists use Python. I was thinking about it for quite some time; why do Data scientists love Python so much? And what makes Python an absolute choice for Data Science and Machine learning exploration.

The 2025 Android Developer RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to learn Android in 2025 or want to become an Android developer and looking for an Android Developer RoadMap then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Android Courses and Books and in this article, I am going to share with you one of the most comprehensive Android Developer RoadMap you can find online. I love these Roadmap as they provide a comprehensive picture of what exactly you need to learn to become a professional Android developer and while they give more than what you need, its still better to have more than less as you can always learn remaining skills to become a better Android developer. 

The 2025 Frontend and Backend Developer RoadMap [UPDATED]

Hello Guys, if one of your goals is to learn to code or to become a Web Developer in 2025, then I have something significant to share with you, the Complete 2025 Web Developer RoadMap. This is an excellent illustration of how to become a web developer in 2025 and guide you on how you can learn and master Web Development in 2025. It's a collection of different paths to learning front-end, back-end, and all other things a Web developer should know.  You will not just know about web development but about essential programming stuff which is necessary for all kinds of programmers.

Top 10 JDK 10 Features Java Developers Should Learn in 2025

Hello Guys,  last week I wrote an article about 5 New Java features from Java 9 to Java 15 and which are worth learning, and it was very much liked by you, so I thought to update this article which I wrote when JDK 10 came out, which provides a nice overview of essential Java 10 features. Whether you have no idea about Java 10 features or you know a little bit you can use this article to refresh your knowledge or get a nice overview of them. While we all are talking about Java 9 and some people are yet to adopt Java 8 in their projects, here comes the new release of Java, the JDK 10. It's available to download now on Oracle's website. 

10 Things Frontend Web Developers Should Learn in 2025 [UPDATED]

If you are a front-end developer and wondering what you should learn in 2025 to take your skills to next level or someone who aspires to become a frontend developer in 2025, but is not sure about which technologies, tools, framework, languages, and libraries to learn, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the most essential things a frontend developer should know. Being an author of a technical blog, I often receive questions like what tools and technologies should a web developer learn? Which programming languages are suitable for web development, and what skills are necessary? I am going to answer all those questions from my reader in a series of blog posts, and this is the first one of them.

Top 10 High Paying Programming Languages You can Learn in 2025 - Best of Lot [UPDATED]

Hello guys, If you are thinking of learning a new technology, programming language, or skill to give your career a boost, both financially and work-wise, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the top-paying technologies and programming languages worldwide. I have been studying the result of the StackOverFlow Developer survey for the last couple of years when the list of top-paying technologies, particularly programming languages got my eyes. I always thought that Java is the highest-paid technology, but that wasn't true, Python has bitten Java with an average salary of $95,706  as compared to $88,483 of the average salary for Java programmers.

Top 3 Programming Languages Java Developers can Learn in 2025 - Best of Lot

If you are a Java programmer and thinking to learn some new programming languages to expand your knowledge and skill, but not sure which programming language is better for you then you have come to the right place. In this article, I'll share 3 programming languages Java developers should learn in 2025 and why they should learn them. There is no surprise that all of these programming languages are JVM-based programming languages but they all have different qualities that make them unique and useful for a certain task. Also, being a Polyglot developer is good quality and often valued high on interviews. It also expands your thinking because different programming languages have different features that make certain things really easy.

How to become a better Java Programmer? Tips, Framework, Tools, and Libraries to Learn in 2025

First of all, I wish you a very happy new year in advance It's that time of year when we start afresh, make plans, set goals, and make resolutions for the new year. Being a Java developer and author of a Java blog, I frequently receive a lot of requests from Java programmers from all over the world about how they can improve themselves? How they can become a better Java developer and do well in their job and career. In the past, I have shared my 10 tips to become a better programmer, and every piece of advice on that article still holds true but given it's a new year. I have decided to jot down some new resolutions for Java programmers to improve themselves, enhance their knowledge of Java Programming, and increase their value for future career growth.

Top 5 Web Development Frameworks Python Developers Can Learn in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, Python is currently the King of programming languages, and one strong reason for that is its awesome collections of frameworks and libraries. Python has probably the most powerful, active, and productive frameworks when it comes to web development. Web development was never easy as you have to implement a lot of functionalities like authentication, authorization, database connectivity, CRUD, handling payments, etc but frameworks like Django and Flask really make it easy to create web applications in a quick time. Initially, I wasn't interested in Python, but eventually, I had to join the Python wagon when I started exploring Machine Learning and Data Science. There is no doubt that Python is the #1 programming language, and it's heavily used in areas like automation to web development to machine learning, and Data Science.