Thursday, October 31, 2024

How to convert JSON String to Java HashMap? Example

Suppose you have a JSON String, may be a web-service response and you want to create a Map out of it, where key should be the fields and value should be values of those fields e.g. if given JSON String is following :


"zip": "90210",

"city": "Beverly Hills"

"state": "CA"

"timeZone": "P"


then your HashMap should contain 4 mappings where keys are zip, city, state and timeZone, all of String type and corresponding values. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

What is Timer and TimerTask in Java – Tutorial Example

Timer in Java is a utility class that is used to schedule tasks for both one time and repeated execution. Timer is similar to the alarm facility many people use in mobile phones. Just like you can have one time alarm or repeated alarm, You can use java.util.Timer to schedule a time task or repeated task. In fact, we can implement a Reminder utility using Timer in Java and that's what we are going to see in this example of Timer in Java. Two classes java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask is used to schedule jobs in Java and forms Timer API. 

4 Reasons and Benefits of Using Multithreading in Java? Why Threads?

In one word, we use Threads to make Java applications faster by doing multiple things at the same time. In technical terms, Thread helps you to achieve parallelism in Java programs. Since CPU is very fast and nowadays it even contains multiple cores, just one thread is not able to take advantage of all the cores, which means your costly hardware will remain idle for most of the time. By using multiple threads, you can take full advantage of multiple cores by serving more clients and serving them faster. Since, in today's fast-paced world, response time matters a lot and that's why you have multi-core CPUs, but if your application doesn't make full use of all resources then there is no point adding them, multi-threading is one way to exploiting huge computing power of CPU in Java application.

4 examples to convert Date to LocalDate in Java 8?

One of the challenge you will face while using new Java 8 Date and time API, JSR-310 in existing Java application is the conversion between java.util.Date and java.time.LocalDate and other classes. Even though library has everything you would expect, it doesn't have a direct conversion method between old Date and new LocalDate. There is a reason for it, eventhough java.util.Date says its a date its not, becuase its just a millisecond value since midnight at the start of 1970 GMT. It's equivalent to Instant class in new Java Date API and that's why you have a direct conversion method between Date and Instant in Java 8. Anyway, its not hard to convert a java.util.Date to java.time.LocalDate in Java 8, in fact there are multiple ways which we will explore in this tutorial. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Difference between ExecutorService.submit() and Executor.execute() methods in Java?

What is the difference between Executor.submit() and Executor.execute() method in Java? This is one of the good multi-threading questions for experienced Java programmers, mostly asked in Investment Banks like Barclays, Deutsche Bank, or Citibank. A main difference between the submit() and execute() method is that ExecuterService.submit()can return the result of computation because it has a return type of Future, but the execute() method cannot return anything because return type is void. The core interface in Java 1.5's Executor framework is the Executor interface which defines the execute(Runnable task) method, whose primary purpose is to separate the task from its execution.

Difference between Process and Thread in Java - Example

One of the common questions from programming interviews is, what is the difference between a Thread and a Process? Well, the main difference between them is that a Process is a program that is executing some code and a thread is an independent path of execution in the process. A process can have more than one thread for doing independent tasks e.g. a thread for reading data from disk, a thread for processing that data, and another thread for sending that data over the network. This technique to improve throughput and better utilize CPU power is also known as multi-threading.

How to use Exchanger for Inter thread communication in Java? Example Tutorial

Hello guys, if you are working in a concurrent Java application then you might have heard about the Exchanger class of java.util.concurrent package. The Exchanger in Java is another concurrency or synchronization utility introduced in Java 1.5 along with CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier, and Semaphores. As the name suggests, the Exchanger allows two Threads to meet and exchange data at the rendezvous or meeting point. This means you can use Exchanger to share objects between threads and for inter-thread communication. The java.util.Exchanger is a parametric class, which defines and holds the type of object to be exchanged. It has an overloaded method called the exchange(), which is used to exchange objects between threads.

What happens when you call instead of Thread.start() in Java? Trick Interview Question

Hello guys, writing multi-threaded and concurrent programs is not easy, not even in Java.  Even senior developers, including myself, make mistakes while writing concurrent Java applications. This is also one of the trickiest areas of Java programming language, where misconceptions outnumber concepts. Considering the amount of misconception an average Java programmer has about multi-threading and concurrency, I thought to start a new series about common multi-threading mistakes done by Java programmers; what is a better way to learn from common real word mistakes.

How to Implement Thread in Java with Example

How to implement Thread in Java
In my opinion, Thread is one of the most important features of the Java programming language which helped it to become the most popular programming language. I remember, when I first started learning Java in one of the programming classes in India how important Thread was a portrait and how much emphasis is given on a clear understanding of multi-threading. It’s still popular and one of most sought after skills in Java programmer because writing concurrent and multi-threaded applications in Java is challenging, despite Java providing excellent support at language level using synchronized and volatile keyword.

Educative Review - Is Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers and Managers worth it?

Hello guys, System Design Interview is one of the hardest part of any coding or programming job interview and it requires a lot of preparation and knowledge to crack system design interview. You need to know a lot of System design concepts like API Gateway, Load Balancer, Microservices vs Monolithic architecture, SQL vs NoSQL, Horizontal vs Vertical scalability and much. If you are preparing for System design interview then you may have come across that has one of best System design courses like this one and Grokking the System Design Interview.  Before I give you my verdict on whether you need to choose Educative's Grokking Modern System Design For Software Engineers And Managers course, let me tell you a little bit about what system design really is.

Udemy vs Educative Review? Which is better Website for Beginners?

Hello guys, if you are wondering the difference between Udemy and Educative and whether you should take Udemy courses or join the Educative platform to learn new tech skills, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared a comparison between Pluralsight and Udemy as well as CodeCademy vs Pluralsight in this article, I will compare Udemy with Educative, a new text-based, interactive learning platform. While I have often said that Udemy is my favorite platform because you can get high-quality and comprehensive courses from top instructors for just $9.9, which is phenomenal. 

Can You Learn Coding and Web Development in your 40s and 50s?

Yesterday, I was speaking to one of my friends who were not from a programming background but working as a teacher in a college of Engineering and Technology in the countryside of India. He just turned 40, and he is also the father of two wonderful kids. He has been teaching Maths to B.Tech students in a private engineer college for the last 15 years. He is earning Ok, but he always wanted to explore the world, and he now realizes that a Programming job can provide him that opportunity, so he contacted me to find out whether it's too late for a Programming career.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Review - Is Grokking the Machine Learning Interview on Educative Worth it in 2025?

Hello friends, we are here again today for another exciting topic to discuss. But, today we are not gonna discuss something which is related to Java or any other language or spring boot. Today we are gonna discuss something which is immensely practical and has the potential to land you very high-paying data science jobs.  Today we are gonna review a course that focuses on Machine Learning! Machine Learning is very important when we are considering data science interviews! So what's the wait? Let's start! On, there is a great course called Grokking the Machine Learning Interview. It couldn't have come at a better moment, with machine learning expected to be a $3.6 billion business by 2025.

Is Coursera and IBM's Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate worth it in 2025? Review

Hello guys, if you are looking for the best full-stack Software developer course or certification on Coursera or you want to join IBM's Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate program but are not sure whether it's right for you then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will review IBM Full Stack Software Developer certification on 3 important points, instructor reputation, Coursera structure, content quality, and people's review. This will help you to decide whether this course is right for you or not. 

Review - Is Java Programming & Software Engineering Fundamentals Certification on Coursera worth it?

Hello guys, if you want to learn Java and look for the best Java courses online, you have come to the right place.  Earlier, I have shared the best Java Programming courses, and today, I am going to review Java Programming and Software Engineer Fundamentals course from Coursera. This is one of the top Java courses from Coursera, and more than 180K students have already joined this course. This course is offered by Duke University, and it also offers a certification after completing all modules of the course and doing the project on the final module. While the social proof is enough to join this course, we'll review this course on different parameters like Instructor quality, course structure, content, etc., to help you make an informed decision.

Top 10 Eclipse Plugins for Java and Spring Boot Developers

There is no doubt that Eclipse is one of the most popular IDEs for Java development, and what makes Eclipse great is nothing but Plugins. There are hundreds of Eclipse plugins for different kinds of tasks and integration with other essential tools like there are plugins to download code from Github, SVN, CVS, etc. There are planning to use Maven or Gradle from Eclipse. There are specific plugins for Java development, Python Development, creating Spring-based Java applications and for creating Android apps from Eclipse itself. I have seen productivity improvement by just installing the right kind of plugins. 

Top 10 Java 11 Certification Mock Tests and Practice Tests [4 Free OCPJP 11 Sample Questions]

The latest Java certification is now out, the Java 11 Certification. Ever since Java 9 and Java10 were out, programmers were speculating that what will happen to Java certification now? Will, there is, be a new Java 9 certification or Java 10 certification? Will there be a new Java certification every 6 months, following the Java SE release cycle? Well, Thankfully, nothing of that sort happened; a new Java certification every six months would have been a crazy idea, not just for students and programmers but also to all the parties involved, including Oracle itself.  Now the big question is what has been changed in Java 11 certification, and should you go for OCAJP 8 or OCAJP 11 certification?

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Top 5 Websites to Learn SQL Online for FREE - Best of Lot

SQL is one of the most important skills for any programmer be it a Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, or Ruby developer. Almost 95% of the Java applications use a relational database in their back-end and almost all web applications use the database. In recent years, one of the most common ways to learn any programming skill is online, at your comfort of the office or home and SQL is no different. Learning SQL online has another advantage of a quick head start because you don't need to install a database and create tables to write some SELECT queries. 

Grokking The Java Interview - My First Book After 10 Years as Java Blogger

Hello guys, I am very excited to announce the release of my first book after 10 years of writing Java articles and Java interview questions While I have been blogging for the last 10 years, I have never really sold anything, didn’t have any book, course, or any digital product. Finally, now I have my first book and it's going to help Java developer cracking interview — Grokking the Java interview. This was my long desire to have my content in a structured and organized way to provide more value and this book does that. It provides a structured way to prepare for Java interviews and learn essential core Java concepts.

5 Projects You can do to learn iOS App Development in 2025

Hello guys, if you are learning iOS App development and looking for some project ideas to better learn the concepts and apply your existing knowledge then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best iOS and Swift courses, and today, I am going to talk about 5 cool projects you can do to learn iOS app development and master several key concepts like UI, Core ML, Speech to ext, and other APIs. Since it's very common for people to get stuck while doing projects, I have also included guide courses, both free and paid which you can join to learn how to do these projects step by step. 

Coursera Review - Is the Meta Frontend and Backend Developer Certificates Worth It in 2025?

Hello guys, if you want to become a frontend or backend developer in 2025 and looking for a well structured, reputed, and completely online program then Meta's Frontend and Backend developer certificates on Coursera are great place to start with. The Certifications will come from Meta, parent company of Facebook (similar to how the Certificates come from Google in the Google Professional Certificates) and they are taught by expert Software engineers of Meta. This means you will not only learn the latest tech skills which are highly looked after by employers but also you will get a chance to learn from best people in the world. But, what separate this professional certificate on Coursera form others is the access to Meta Job board

Is Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Worth it in 2025? Coursera Review

Hello guys, if you want to become a Data Analyst in 2025 and looking for best online courses, guides, and tutorials to learn Data Analysis then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared best Data Analysis courses, Books, and 2025 Data Analyst RoadMap, and in this article, I will share one of the most popular Coursera course to learn Data Analytic, Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate. With more than 950,000 enrollments on Coursera this is one of the most popular Data Analytics course on Coursera and why not? Its created from Google itself. It's also well structured, up-to-date and you will learn all essential Data Analytics skills from Google experts. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Review - Is 2025 Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele on Udemy worth it?

Hello guys, if you want to learn Web Development and looking for a beginner friendly course or you have heard about Colt Steele's Web Development 2025 Bootcamp course on Udemy and wondering whether its worth to join this course in 2025 or not then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared best web development online courses and in this article, I will share my 2 cents on Colt Steel's popular Web Developer bootcamp course on Udemy. Learning web development nowadays is such a huge work to do because you are going to learn not only to design the front-end or the web interface but you are also going to learn the back-end as well as design and build the database system for that website or online service and that’s what’s known as Full-stack web developer

Udemy's The Complete 2025 Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu Course Review

Hello guys, if you are interested in web development and looking to join The Complete 2025 Web Development Bootcamp course by Angela Yu on Udemy but not sure whether this course is right for you then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will review this awesome web development course which can help you to make a decision on whether you should invest your time and money in this course or not. Web development nowadays is more important than what you actually think. and what’s more than that is web development is touching every aspect of the company's online business.

Udemy's The 2025 Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python Review

With various programming languages nowadays, it becomes tough to choose what language you should learn if you are planning to have a software engineer career, but that actually depends on what you should be good at; being a front-end web developer, you must learn HTML and CSS. For android app development, you should learn Java or Kotlin.  Most of the language has a specific industry that you can use it in, but what if I told you that there is a language called Python that can work in many industries.

Review - Is Deep Learning Certification By Andrew Ng on Coursera worth it? (2025)

Hello guys, if you want to start your career in Deep Learning and AI and looking for the best Deep learning course online or thinking to join Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera but thinking about whether it's worth your time and money, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Coursera courses for Data Science,  Machine Learning, and Python Programming, and today, I will review one of the most popular Deep Learning specializations on Coursera, or should I say on the internet, The Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng and his team, offered by While there are many Deep learning courses available online, this is the most detailed and comprehensive yet engaging course on deep learning. 

Coursera's Google IT Automation with Python Certification Review - Is it worth it in 2025?

Hello guys, if you are joining Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certification on Coursera and want to find out whether it's worth your time and money or not then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Coursera Certifications and a review of other popular Google courses on IT support and in this article, we'll review Google's most popular Python certification course in Coursera. Google's IT automation with Python is a professional certificate and more than 575,000 people have already joined this course it's from Google which is a great sign but you will find out more about this course in this review. 

Udemy's The Data Science Course: Complete Data Science Bootcamp 2025 Review - Is it worth it?

Hello guys, if you want to learn Data Science and looking for the best courses or want to join The Data Science Course 2025: Complete Data Science Bootcamp course on Udemy but are not sure whether this course is right for you then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Data Science courses and in this article, I am going to review this popular Udemy course to learn Data Science in 2025. This is one of the most popular Udemy courses when it comes to learning Data Science and with more than 560K students it's right there with the Data Science A-Z course by Kirill Eremenko, my favorite Udemy instructor for Data Science and Machine Learning. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Top 25 Skills Java Developers Should Learn in 2025 [UPDATED]

Hello guys, recently I was doing some research on what skills Java developers should learn in 2025 to become a better developer and give their career a boost and I found some interesting skills like Kafka and  Elastic Search, apart from obvious ones like Spring Boot and Microservices. One of my favorite places for doing such research is examining Job listings on LinkedIn from different companies like Investment banks, Service-based companies, startups, and mid-tier companies where Java is used extensively. When I saw those skills, I can immediately tell that those are really useful and worth sharing with you guys, as I have often seen those skills playing important roles while hiring Java developers.

6 Tips to write Production Quality Code

We often hear the term "production quality code", some times in an interview where the interviewee asked to write production-quality code for a particular function, sometimes discussion between developers and programmers and sometimes during code review. I know most of you familiar with the term but for those who wonder what is production quality code in simple terms its code which can bear the test of time in a production environment. We all develop code in development, then test in QA and finally, it gets released in production.

Top 10 Multithreading and Concurrency Best Practices for Experienced Java Developers

Writing concurrent code is hard and testing correctness with concurrency is even harder. Though Java programming language provides lots of synchronization and concurrency support from language to API level, it eventually comes to an individual's diligence and expertise to write bug-free Java concurrency code. These Java concurrency and multi-threading best practices are a collection of some well-known tips, which help you to write better concurrency code in Java. Some of you may be familiar with these tips but it's often worth revising them time and time again. 

Review - Is Coursera's Python for Everybody Specialization worth it in 2025? [Best Python Certification]

Hello guys, if you want to learn Python and looking for the best Python course on Coursera, or you are just wondering if the Python for Everybody course from the University of Michigan on Coursera is worth your time and money then you have come to the right place. There is no doubt that Python for Everybody is the best Python certification and course on Coursera and the trust of more than 1 million students are enough to prove this point, but we will deep dive into this article and find more. Earlier, I have shared the best Coursera certifications for Python.

Top 10 Coursera Courses to Learn AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and Cloud Computing in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, Cloud Computing is an in-demand skill for programmers, Software Developers, and any IT professionals, including support engineers, sysadmins, and even QA and business analysts. More and more companies have moved to the cloud in the last few years, and most technical development is happening there. Hence Cloud computing has become an essential skill to service the tech world. If you want to become a Cloud developer or administrator or just want to know about Cloud computing, you have come to the right place.

Top 10 Coursera Certifications for Data Science, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, If you are keen to start your career in Data Science, Data Analysis, and Data Visualization field and looking for the best Coursera certifications, courses, specializations, and projects, then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Coursera courses and certifications to learn Artificial IntelligencePythonSoftware Development, Cloud Computing, and Web Development, and, in this article, I am going to share the best Coursera courses, projects, certifications, and specializations for Data Science, Data Visualization and Data Analysis from reputed universities like Johns Hopkins and industry leaders and tech companies like IBM and Google

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Top 7 Free Git Courses for Programmers to Learn Online in 2025 - Best of Lot

One of my goals is to learn and master Git and GitHub this year and I have been searching for some good tutorials and courses to start with. The Internet is full of git tutorials and a simple Google search will leave you thousands of tutorials but the big question mark is where do you start? It's easy to pick a tutorial or a blog post if you have some background about what is Git, what it does? and how to use it but if you don't have much background then you need a course that can tell you all the information from the ground up. I personally like learning from a book or an online course before moving to blog posts as they were often well structured.

Top 10 DevOps Courses for Experienced Programmers to Learn Online in 2025 - Best of Lot

DevOps is really hot at this moment, and many job opportunities are lying for distinguished engineers and DevOps professionals. If you are an experienced Java programmer and want to become a DevOps engineer, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best online training courses you can take to become a DevOps professional. The most crucial advantage of DevOps is that it helps you to deliver better software and provide more control over your environment and software development process with the help of modern tools and automation. That's the reason the demand for DevOps professionals is growing exponentially. It's also one of the high-paying jobs along with Data Science and Machine learning specialists.

Top 8 Courses to Crack AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Cloud Certification in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello Guys, you may know that Cloud computing is becoming more and more critical, and it's almost mandatory for both technical and non-tech IT people to know about Cloud computing and different Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP. You just can't hide with Cloud anymore, you need to learn it to understand and master it to stay relevant in technology jobs. Thankfully there is a lot of learning material available to learn about the benefits of Cloud and why companies should move to Cloud. Still, certifications are probably the best way to develop knowledge, skill, and get the recognition required by many Cloud jobs. If you are just getting started with Cloud Computing and Cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, then Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) is probably the best certification to build foundational Cloud skills and also get recognition.

Top 6 Course to Crack Azure Administrator Associate Certification Exam AZ-104 in 2025 - Best of Lot

Acquiring skills in Cloud computing is fast becoming an opportunity and asset since most companies are applying cloud technologies in all their operations or looking for ways to learn how to do that. This is why becoming certified as a Microsoft Azure Administrator is now a big step towards advancing one's carrier. With the current industry trend, it is safe to say learning how to create applications that have some if not all of their components hosted in the cloud has become a skill that is very high in demand. If you are preparing for Azure Administrator certification you need to pass AZ-104 exam by Microsoft. This is a completely online exam which you can give on any Microsoft exam center. 

Top 7 AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification Practice Test and SAA-C03 Exam Dumps in 2025

Hello guys, if you are preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C03 and SAA-C03) certification exam and looking for challenging practice tests to assess your preparation then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share the best Practice test and questions to prepare for the AWS Solution Architect Associate  (SAA-C03) exam from Udemy, Whizlabs, and other portals, totaling more than 2000+ practice questions. These practice tests are created by AWS experts and certified developers and Solution architects like Stephane Maarek and Cloud guru Ryan Kroonenberg. Mock simulators play an important role in any certification and the AWS Solution Architect Associate-level exam is no different.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How to find Square root of integer in Java without using any Library? Interview Question

Problem : Given an integer i, find square root of it, without using Math.sqrt() method. Your method should return square root if given number is perfect square otherwise return floor(sqrt(x));

For example, 

Input i = 16

Output : 4

Input i = 17

Output : 4

This is very interesting problem and asked both freshers and experienced programmers. I have seen this question on many companies including ANZ, Barclays, and Citibank.

How to print Floyd's Triangle in Java? Example Tutorial

There are lots of programming exercises in Java, which involve printing a particular pattern in the console, one of them is printing the Floyd triangle in the console. In the Floyd triangle, there are n integers in the nth row and a total of (n(n+1))/2 integers in n rows. This is one of the most simple patterns to print but helpful in learning how to create other more complex patterns. The key to develop patterns is using nested loops and methods like System.out.print() and println() appropriately. Actually, pattern-based programming tasks are originally designed to master loops in programming.

How to Check if two Rectangles Overlap in Java? Collision Detection Solution and Example

Can you write a Java program to check if two rectangles are overlapping with each other or not? is one of the frequently asked coding questions on tech giants like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and others. This is also a kind of problem where it's easy to find opposite or negative conditions like when rectangles are not overlapping and then inverting the result to prove that rectangles are colliding with each other. I first heard about this problem from one of my friends who were in the Android game development space. He was asked to write an algorithm to find if given rectangles are intersecting or not.

Top 5 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) Practice Questions & Dumps in 2025

As I have said before, Practice tests and exam dumps play an important role in not just passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification (CLF-C02)  but also achieving a high score, which can truly set you apart from your competition. There are multiple benefits of going through practice tests and solving problems on an exam simulator before actual example. For example, it will help you find your strengths and weakness in advance so that you can understand your weaker areas better. They also help you to develop speed and accuracy, which is key to pass the time-bound exam like the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) certification from Amazon.

Top 5 Course to Crack Microsoft Azure Developer Associate Certification Exam AZ-204 in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, Microsoft Azure a cloud-based service that serves as a framework for businesses to manage their services and applications, amongst other things that enable them to run a successful business. Microsoft Azure certifications are currently becoming some of the highest demanded certifications in the IT industry. Businesses that have a reason to influence cloud servers and have a high demand for various remote smart services from different locations are the ones using Microsoft Azure the most.

Top 5 Courses to Crack Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification (AZ 305) Exam in 2025 [UPDATED]

The Azure cloud solutions from Microsoft are quickly becoming the go-to Cloud platform for many companies. While AWS leads the retail space, and Google Cloud Platform is still in the middle, Microsoft's Azure has emerged as a winner by attracting both big and small companies into its Cloud platform. This means the demand for people familiar with Azure architecture and Azure Cloud products and services is rising and providing some excellent career opportunities for Developers and DevOps who are interested in Cloud Computing. It's also very rewarding; the average salary for Azure Solution Architect in silicon valley is around 145,000 USD, which is highly competitive. It's one of the highest-paying technology jobs.  In short, Azure is currently presenting an excellent opportunity for senior developers.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Top 5 Courses to learn Quarkus and Micronaut for Java Programmers in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello Java Programmers, Microservices is quickly becoming standard way to build and deploy Java application on Cloud and that's why its very important for Java programmers to learn about popular Microservice development frameworks in Java. If you want to create Microservices in Java and want to explore Microservices frameworks like DropWizard, MicroNaut, and Quarkus, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Microsercies courses with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, and today, I will share the best online lessons to learn Dropwizard and Micronauts. These are the best online courses and tutorials you can get to know this helpful technology. Unfortunately, not many online courses are available, but API docs and guides are also handy; along with these courses, you can read them.

Linux Command to Find how Long a process is Running in UNIX - Example

Hello guys, today, I am going to share one of the useful tips to find out how long a particular process is running in Linux. This is very useful while you are troubleshooting an issue and want to know whether your process or service is restarted fine on a daily or weekly basis. So you checked your process is running in Linux operating system and it's running fine, by using ps command. But now you want to know, from how long process is running, what is the start date of that process etc. Unfortunately, PS command in Linux or any UNIX based operating system doesn't provide that information.

Difference between FileInputStream and FileReader in Java | InputStream vs Reader Example

Before going to explain specific difference between FileInputStream and FileReader in Java, I would like to state fundamental difference between an InputStream and a Reader in Java, and when to use InputStream and when to go for Reader. Actually, Both InputStream and Reader are abstractions to read data from source, which can be either file or socket, but main difference between them is, InputStream is used to read binary data, while Reader is used to read text data, precisely Unicode characters.

Monday, October 14, 2024

4 Ways to Convert String to long in Java? Example Tutorial

How to convert a string to long in Java is one of those frequently asked questions by a beginner who has started learning Java programming language and is not aware of how to convert from one data type to another. Converting String to long is similar to converting String to Integer in Java, in-fact if you know how to convert String to Integer then you can convert String to Long by following the same procedure. Though you need to remember few things while dealing with long and String first of all long is the primitive type which is wrapped by the Long wrapper class and String is an Object in Java backed by character array.

How to Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix? [Solved] (Amazon Coding Question)

Hello guys, earlier I shared a list of Google Coding Interview questions, and today, I am going to share with you an interesting coding problem which was asked on Amazon, how to count total negative numbers in a given matrix where rows and columns are sorted in increasing order. Again, I found this coding problem while surfing on the internet, It wasn't actually asked to me or my reader, so I can't vouch that it's actually an Amazon Interview question. Though, I really expect it to be because it's an interesting problem and the optimal solution is not so easy but with the internet, you never know.

Top 7 Free Java Courses for Beginners to Learn Online in 2025 - Best of Lot

We all love free resources, don't we? If you want to learn Java online in 2025 and looking for the best free core Java online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Java courses for beginners and in this article, I am going to share the best free courses to learn Java online. There was a time when I buy a lot of books when I was preparing for my engineering entrance exam but I only ended up buying books not reading them. After that, I changed my habit to first try to read a book on loan or try free resources and only buy when I really need them. When I started my programming journey, mostly I learn from free resources like free courses and books and there I developed the passion to collect free resources as well. 

Top 5 Practice Tests for AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Certification in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, time and again I have said that practice questions and mock tests are an integral part of passing AWS certifications be it AWS solution architect or this AWS developer associate exam. They not only help you to prepare in an exam-like environment with time constraints but also reinforce and solidify whatever you have learned from online courses, books, tutorials, and white papers. It doesn't matter whether you have joined AWS developer courses like Neal Davis' AWS course on Udemy or Stephane Maarek's DVA-C02 course, unless and until you have practiced enough problems, you are not really ready for the exam.

Top 7 Data Science and Machine Learning Courses to Learn Online in 2025 - Best of Lot

Many programmers and Computer Science graduates are moving towards Data Science and Machine learning hoping for better pay and career opportunity and there is a reason for it. Data Scientist and Machine Learning Specialist have been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor for the last couple of years and the average salary of a data scientist is over $120,000 in the United States according to Indeed. Data Science is not only a rewarding career in terms of money but also provides the opportunity to solve some of the world's most interesting problems.  IMHO, that's the main motivation many good programmers are moving towards Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

Top 5 Course to Crack AWS Solution Architect Professional (SAP-C02) Certification Exam in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, today, I am going to talk about the toughest AWS certification and probably one of the toughest Cloud certifications as well, yes, you guessed it right. I am talking about the AWS Solution Architect - Professional certification. This is not just the toughest but also most desired and reputed cloud certification and not many developers and system admin can pass it. It's slightly easier to pass the AWS Solution Architect- Associate exam but this one is a completely different nut to crack. You would need an in-depth knowledge of not just cloud computing but also many essential AWS services to crack this coveted certification. 

Java Program to find factorial of number in Java - Example Tutorial

How to find the factorial of a number in Java in both recursive and iterative ways is a common Java interview question mostly asked at the fresher level. It’s not just popular in Java interviews but also in other programming languages like C or C++. It's also famous  In our last article we have seen how to check if a number is prime or not and in this Java programming tutorial, we will see a simple Java program to find the factorial of a number in Java by using recursion and iteration. The same program can also be used to print factorial of any number or print a range of factorial as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Top 7 Spring MVC Online Courses for Beginners in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guy, Many of you have been asking me about the best online courses to learn Reactive Spring, Spring Boot, and Spring MVC. I have shared the best Spring Boot courses in the past, and today I will share the best courses to learn Spring MVC. Many Java developers think that Spring MVC is the same as Spring Framework, which confuses them. In this article, I'll try to answer than questions and share some of the best courses to learn Spring MVC for Java developers. Both Spring Core and Spring MVC are part of the same umbrella, a more significant spring framework project, but they are not the same.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Top 6 Courses and Books to Learn Tailwind CSS for Beginners in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Tailwind CSS and their utility class in 2025 and looking for the best online courses to learn Tailwind CSS then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared best courses to learn HTML and CSS and Bootstrap, another popular CSS framework and in this article, I will share best online courses for Tailwind CSS. If you don't know what is Tailwind CSS, let me give you a brief overview first. It's another utility framework which allows you to break your style into small reusable components. This prevent repetition and improves organization by creating CSS classes for every feature or section on the website instead of hogging all page space with one big style sheet that applies globally

Top 8 Courses to learn Pandas and Python Data Analysis for Beginners in 2025 - Best of Lot

Pandas is one of the most potent and popular Python libraries for Data Analysis. It's also one of the favorite tools for Data scientists because it helps them in cleaning, transformation, manipulation, and analysis of Data. To be honest, data in the real world is messy, and before you can start with your analysis, you need to clean and transform the data in the format you want. A tool or library like Pandas really helps there. That's why it's essential to learn about Pandas while doing Data Analysis with Python. It's even more critical if you are in the field of Data Science and Data Analysis. If you know Pandas, well and good, but if you don't mind, as I am going to share some of the best online courses to learn Pandas and Data Analysis with Python in 2025.

Top 5 Java 8 Certifications Courses to Prepare OCAJP (1Z0-808) Exam Online in 2025

If you are preparing for Oracle Certified Java SE 8 Associate exam, also known as OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 with exam codes 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809 and looking for a decent online course to kick start with your preparation then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared Java 17 courses for 1Z0-829 certification and Java 11 courses for 1Z0-819 exam and In this article, I will share some of the best online courses to prepare for Java SE 8 certifications. Btw, first of all, configurations to make the right decision. If you are a Java developer then certifying for your skill will not only distinguish you from millions of other non-certified Java programmers but also improve your knowledge and understanding of Java SE 8. If you are looking for a job then this can help you to get a better job and if you are looking for career growth like becoming a senior Java developer, these certifications can help you to get a promotion.

Top 5 Online Courses to Crack AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam (DVA-C02) in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, you might have heard about AWS certifications and if you, as a Programmer, Software Developer, or DevOps Engineer, wondering which certification to pursue in 2025, I would suggest going for AWS Developer Associate Certification by Amazon Web Service. The AWS Certified Developer - Associate examination is intended for Software Developers and Programmers who have one or more years of hands-on experience developing and maintaining an AWS-based application. Since the future of Software Development is in Cloud it makes sense for Software Developers to get certified for their cloud development skills and given that AWS is the most popular and biggest Cloud platform it makes sense to go for AWS Developer Associate certification.

Top 5 Udemy Course to Crack AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam DOP-C02 in 2025 - Best of Lot

Do you want to become a DevOps engineer for cloud platforms like AWS but don't have a target, then you have come to the right place because today, I am going to talk about AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam and share the best online courses to prepare well for this prestigious exam. While being a good developer is great and writing scalable codes is an asset, delivery time is very important in all IT projects as well, and that was what prompted the first DevOps day. DevOps is a combination of word development and operations which is the operations that lead to faster software development. Getting a certificate in DevOps enables professionals in IT to display their skills and qualifies them to be part of DevOps leaders.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

How to check if array is a binary heap in Java? [Solved]

Problem : You have given an array of integer, check if the given array represents a binary max-heap data structure. In max heap every node is greater than all of its descendants. 

For example :

Input: array[] = {100, 25, 20, 17, 22, 12} 

Output: true

The given array represents below tree


/ \

25 20

/ \ /

17 22 12 

This binary tree follows max-heap property as every node is greater than all of its descendant. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Top 7 Books and Udemy Online Courses to Crack the PMP Certification Exam in 2025 - Best of Lot

If you are in the Project management and People management area, then you might have heard about PMP certifications, one of the most reputed and sought-after IT certifications for project managers and people aspiring to start their career in project management. PMP is a short form of Project Management Professional and is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As I said, it's one of the most reputed certifications for project management professionals. There is an immense global demand for project managers. Several leading and best companies hire certified project managers to manage their projects. According to a PMI report, over 2 million project management roles need to be filled every year.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Top 7 Udemy Courses for CompTIA A+ Certification in 2025 (with Practice Test) - Best of Lot

Hello guys, CompTIA A+ is a famous certification among beginners who wants to start a career as an IT professional and learn information technology in general. This IT certification doesn't have any requirement to take it and it is recognized in all companies around the world and includes some topics such as information security, network administrator, computer repair, operating systems, and many more computer fundamental topics. If you don't know what is CompTIA let me give you a brief overview. CompTIA stands for Computer Technology Industry Association.

20 Best Coursera Professional Certificates for IT Professionals in 2025 [UPDATED]

Hello guys, If you are thinking of a career in Information Technology and Software Development in 2025 but lack a Computer Science degree or a Professional degree then you don't need to disappoint. Coursera's professional certificates can give you all the knowledge and credential to start a career in Information Technology. If you don't know, Coursera launched Professional Certificates recently which can help you get job-ready for an in-demand career field in less than a year. You can earn a career credential, apply your knowledge to hands-on projects that showcase your skills for employers and get access to career support resources.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

10 Code Review Checklist and Best practices in Java

What to review while doing Code review
Code Review and Unit testing are some of the best development practices I always recommend, strive for, and enforce as much as possible. Even just by doing code review and Junit test case always offer positive results it can be improved a lot by constantly learning from our mistakes, others mistakes and by observing how others are doing it. I always try to get my code review done by someone with more technical and domain experience so that I can capture any domain-specific scenarios which have been missed during think through the process.

How to find the first element in Stream in Java 8? findFirst() Example

In Java 8, you can use the Stream.findFirst() method to get the first element of Stream in Java. This is a terminal operation and is often used after applying several intermediate operations e.g. filter, mapping, flattening, etc. For example, if you have a List of String and you want to find the first String whose length is greater than 10, you can use the findFirst() method along with stream() and filter() to get that String. The stream() method gets the Stream from a List, which then allows you to apply several useful methods defined in the java.util.Stream class like filter(), map(), flatMap() etc.

Top 10 Data Science Certification Courses for Python and R Developers in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial intelligence are really hot at this moment and offering a lucrative career to programmers with high pay and exciting work. It's an excellent opportunity for programmers who are willing to learn these new skills and upgrade themselves. It's also important from the job perspective because Robots and chatbots are getting smarter day by day, thanks to these technologies, and most likely will take over some of the jobs which many programmers do today. Hence, it's essential for software engineers and developers to upgrade themselves with these skills.

Top 5 Udemy Courses to Learn Artificial Intelligence in 2025 - Best of Lot

If you want to learn Artificial Intelligence in 2025 and looking for the best online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Data Science courses and today, I am going to share the best courses to learn Artificial Intelligence in 2025. These are the best online courses for Artificial Intelligence or AI for beginners and curated from sites like Udemy, Pluralsight, and Coursera, three of the best online learning platforms. These courses have been created by experts like Andrew Ng, an AI pioneer and founder of Coursera, and trusted by thousands of programmers and non-technical people who want to learn AI.  You can also join them to learn Artificial Intelligence in 2025. 

Top 10 Coursera Certifications, Courses, and Specializations to Learn Essential Skills in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you are looking for the best Coursera courses, certification, and specialization to join in 2025 then you have come to the right place. In the last few articles I have shared the best Coursera courses to learn PythonSoftware Development, and Cloud Computing, and today, I will share the best Coursera courses, specializations, and certifications you can join in 2025. Taking online courses and certifications have become mandatory in order to have a professional and successful career and the process is similar to a college education just by staying at your home taking classes watching videos and passing the quizzes and done you are now officially certified and when it comes to the best platform to learn online no one can compete with Coursera.

Friday, October 4, 2024

10 Examples of Optional in Java 8

Null is bad, it can crash your program. Even its creator called it a billion-dollar mistake hence you should always try to avoid using nulls whenever you can. For example, you should not return a null String when you can return an empty String, similarly never return null collections when you can return an empty collection. I have shared many such tips in my earlier article, 10 tips to avoid NullPointerException and my reader liked that a lot. But, I wrote that article a couple of years ago when Java 8 was not around and there was no Optional, a new way to avoid NullPointerException in Java, but, things have changed now.

Why use SLF4J over Log4J for logging in Java? Example

Every Java programmers know that logging is critical for any Java application, especially server-side application, and many of them are already familiar with various logging libraries e.g. java.util.logging, Apache log4j, logback, but if you don't know about SLF4J, Simple logging facade for Java,  then it's time to learn and use SLF4J in your project. In this Java article, we will learn why using SLF4J is better than using log4j or java.util.logging. It’s been a long time, since I wrote 10 logging tips for Java programmer,I don’t remember anything I have writing about logging.

Top 6 Udemy Courses to Learn IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio IDE for Beginners in 2025 [Best & FREE]

There is no doubt that IntelliJ IDEA is THE best IDE for Java development, even though Eclipse may still be probably used by more people because it's FREE, IntelliJ IDEA is the most feature-rich and complete IDE. The Android Studio, which is the official IDE for Android development in Java, is also based upon IntelliJ IDEA, which further cement its place as the IDE Java developer should learn. The only thing which stops many other Java developers and me from moving from IntelliJ IDEA in the past was the lack of resources. Since Eclipse was free from the start, there are tons of resources, like books, courses, and tutorials are available. 

Top 7 Free Udemy Courses to Learn Kubernetes for Beginners in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, DevOps is becoming an essential skill in today's Programming and Software Development world and Kubernetes is an important concept and tool for DevOps engineers. It takes container-based deployment to another level and allows you to manage it on the scale. You can use Kubernetes to scale your container environment or let Kubernetes do all the work for you by leveraging its auto-scaling feature. Many DevOps beginners think that Docker and Kubernetes are the same but they are not. Docker provides a container to deploy your application and commands to interact with those but container but Kubernetes is actually a container management technology, which decides how many containers are needed and deal with other management aspects.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

How to replace NULL with Empty String in SQL Server? ISNULL() vs COALESCE() Examples

We often need to replace NULL values with empty String or blank in SQL e.g. while concatenating String. In SQL Server, when you concatenate a NULL String with another non-null String the result is NULL, which means you lose the information you already have. To prevent this, you can replace NULL with empty String while concatenating. There are two ways to replace NULL with blank values in SQL Server, function ISNULL(), and COALESCE(). Both functions replace the value you provide when the argument is NULL like ISNULL(column, '') will return empty String if the column value is NULL.

10 Books Every Java Programmer Should Read - Best of Lot, Must Read

If you are a Java programmer and wondering what to read to improve your knowledge of Java and become a better Java developer, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best Java books ever written. In fact, this is my list of all-time great Java books. They have withstood the test of time and emerges as more and more successful years after years. It doesn't matter if you read them this year or reading them next year, you are always going to learn a lot, and that's why I call them all-time great books.

The OCAJP 1Z0-808 - Best Books and Mock Exams for Java 8 OCA Certification

From the last couple of months, I have been helping a few developers to prepare for Java 8 associate certification with exam code 1Z0-808, also known as OCAJP 8. From my experience, both for preparing for Sun certification and helping other developers to get Java certified, I can say that two keys to be successful in Oracle Java SE certification are choosing an excellent study guide/course and buying one or two top quality mock exam simulators. When I say success, it doesn't mean just passing the exam but scoring above 90% because passing score 65% is not very difficult to achieve and anybody can pass OCAJP 8 by just a couple of month of practice but to score 90% and above is not that easy, you need to prepare and prepare hard.

2 Books to Prepare Oracle Java Certification Exams - OCA and OCP Java SE 6,7, 8 OCPJP 8

There was a time when Sun Certification was very hot and programmers feel proud of being Sun Certified Java Professional(SCJP). After Oracle took over Sun in early 2010, it changed names of all the examination from SCJP to OCPJP or OCJP, and now OCA and OCP for Java SE 7 and Java SE 8. I see there is a lot of confusion among certification nowadays, but essentially they are of the same level at previous SCJP. Since Java gets new language features with every new release, subsequently a new certification title is introduced. I am not agreed with upgrading your Java certification with every release, it doesn't make much sense to me, but many programmers prefer to get certified and keep it updated.

Top 10 Free Java Programming Books, EBooks and PDF for Beginners and Experienced Programmers

Who doesn't like free stuff? Well, I do like and many Java programmers like me simply love free Java books, eBooks, and PDFs. Fortunately, the Internet is full of free books and eBooks but unfortunately, many of them are of not good quality. Most of the eBooks which are freely available either are sample chapters of popular Java programming books or they are simply old and out-of-date. In my last article, I have shared a lot of such books and the feedback was that most of them, even though they are good in the past, have simply not up to the mark. The search goes on and while browsing the net a couple of days back I hit the jackpot when I found these free Java books from O'Reilly.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

5 Reasons to Use Composition over Inheritance in Java and OOP - Example

Favor composition over inheritance is one of the popular object-oriented design principles, which helps to create flexible and maintainable code in Java and other object-oriented languages. Many times I have seen people suggesting use composition instead of inheritance, in fact, my favorite books like Head First Design Patterns also advocate this design principle. The Head First books have their own way of explaining, why composition is better than inheritance, and though it's long it's quite interesting and informative. It was the first chapter of this book, which helped me a lot in understanding this key OOP concept. 

Difference between char, varchar, nchar and nvarchar data types in SQL Server? Example

What is the difference between char and varchar in SQL, followed by nchar and nvarchar, is one of the popular SQL interview questions, and surprisingly not every programmer knows this basic difference. If you go with the name, which you should, then you can figure out that char is a fixed-length data type while varchar should be a variable-length data type. Though all char, varchar, nchar, and nvarchar are used to store text or String data there are subtle differences between them. As I said char is fixed length, which means a variable or a column like Zipcode char(10) will take only 10 bytes to store data, including space.

Top 5 Books to Learn SQL and Database Design for Programmers and DBAs - Best of Lot

The database design and modeling are one of those topics which rarely get the attention they deserve, especially at the start of the project, but once things have gone out of hand, then everybody talks about them. Comments like - this database is designed poorly, the schema is not performing well, you cannot add a new column easily, etc. becomes very common. The most problem with database design is that it is mainly done by application developers like Java or C++ developer who knows SQL, but they are not the expert on how to design tables and schema. 

Top 5 Udemy Courses to learn D3.js for Data Visualization with JavaScript in 2025 - Best of Lot

If you have done any Data visualization work then you might have heard about D3 - one of the excellent JavaScript libraries, which allows you to create beautiful interactive data visualization for the web. It's prevalent among Data Scientists and Data Analysts who often need these visualizations and charts to present data insights to stakeholders and business people. If you are not familiar with D3, no need to worry because, In this article, I am going to share some of the awesome courses to learn D3 in 2025. These courses teach you the basics of data visualization with D3 by binding data to a web page’s elements and customizing the elements based on that very data. You will also learn how to build different kinds of charts like Bar charts, Pie charts, Mind maps, etc using D3.js

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Observer design Pattern in Java with Real world code Example

Observer design pattern in Java is a fundamental core Java pattern where Observe watches for any change in state or property of Subject. For Example, Company updates all its shareholders for any decision they make here Company is Subject and Shareholders are Observers, any change in the policy of company and the Company notifies all its Shareholders or Observer. This was a simple real-world explanation of the Observer pattern. Review - Is Grokking Advanced System Design Interview Course Worth it?

Hello guys, Before I give my review of DesignGuru's Grokking Advanced System Design Interview course, let me tell you a little bit more about this course so that we are on the same page. As you must already know if you have ever gone through for a software engineering interview, system design questions are an integral part of the process. System design plays a very important part as it is considered more important than solving coding problems. And in order to impress your potential employers, you have to be able to show your real design skills and convince them that you are able to work with complex design systems.

Review - Is Grokking the System Design interview Course on DesignGuru Worth it?

Hello guys,  we are here again today for another exciting topic to discuss. But today, we will not discuss something related to Java or any other language or spring boot. Today, we will discuss something that is immensely practical and has the potential to land you very high-paying jobs. Today we are going to review a course that focuses on System Design! System Design is crucial for coding interviews! And it's also one of the most challenging topics to master. I have shared the best System design courses for coding interviews and books in the past. Today, I will review one of the top system design courses for technical discussions, Grokking the System Design Interview by Design Gurus.
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