Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Top 7 Spring Microservices Courses with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud in 2025 - Best of Lot

Microservices is the new buzzword in software development word and everybody is talking about it, but it's been in practice for quite some time especially in the form of RESTful web services. The idea of Microservices is simple, breaking a big monolithic application that contains everything from UI to service layer to database into small chunks of applications that are loosely coupled and can work on their own. For example, in a company like Uber, you could have several applications providing different services e.g. discovering when a driver is online or a passenger is searching for a cab, finding a route, traffic, and handling payments. These small applications are known as Microservices.

In the Java world, Spring Framework provides several tools and frameworks to develop microservices e.g. Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and in this article, I'll share a couple of good courses you can use to learn how to develop Microservices using the Spring framework.

These courses not only teach you the basics of Microservice architecture and the pros and cons of using Microservice but also how to implement them using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

You will also learn about how whole things work together and what are the challenges you will face in the real world.

Good knowledge of Java and Spring is expected but it's ok if you don't know Spring Boot or Spring Cloud, most of these courses provide an overview of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and you can then explore it yourself.

7 Online Courses to Learn Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud in 2025

Here is my list of some of the best courses to learn how to develop Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring cloud framework.

If you don't know, Spring Boot takes the idea of the original Spring framework like dependency injection and inversion of control but removes the hurdle of initial setup by embedding necessary libraries and making smart assumptions.

It makes Java development with the Spring framework as easy as writing a Java class with a main() method. 

Spring Cloud builds on Spring Boot and provides several out-of-box features to develop microservices.

It also provides tools to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems like configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, smart routing,  one-time tokens, micro-proxy, the control bus, global locks, distributed sessions, and cluster state, etc.

By using Spring Cloud, developers can quickly stand up services and applications that implement those patterns.

Anyway, my list of top five courses to learn Microservice development using Spring frameworks like Spring Boot and Spring Cloud:

1. Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

This is one of the best courses to learn about Microservices with the Spring framework. The course starts with explaining how to build RESTful web services with Spring, which is the right first step towards building microservices-based applications.

In the first half of the course, you will learn how to develop and design RESTful web services with Spring Boot and also explore some advanced REST web services concepts like versioning, error handling, validation, HATEOAS, and filtering, etc.

In the second half of the course, you will learn how to develop Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

You will first set up Centralized Microservices Configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server and then learn to implement client-side load balancing (Ribbon), Dynamic scaling(Eureka Naming Server), and an API Gateway (Zuul).

You will also learn how to implement Distributed tracing for microservices with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin.

In short, a great course that teaches you how to build Restful Web Services and Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Best Course  to Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

2. Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

This is an excellent course to learn about Microservices with the Spring Boot and Spring Cloud by Google Cloud training on Coursera. It provides a deep dive into the Microservice architectural style, and how to implement it with Spring technologies, mainly the Spring cloud.

This course provides a good, solid introduction to the topic of the Microservices architectural style, and combines this with the practical experience gained by working through the exercises featuring Spring Cloud. Though, basic knowledge of Java, Maven, Gradle, and Google Cloud is required to join this course. 

Along the way, this course provides a brief introduction to Spring Boot and Spring Data, just enough to get you familiar with these technologies if you have not been immersed in them already.

This Coursera Microservices course also provides exercises with hands-on experience working with the various components of Spring Cloud. You can even practice then hands-on using Qwiklabs which partner with Coursera for hands-on learning. 

In short, a great course to build Microservice applications utilizing the different Spring Cloud technologies like Config Server and Bus, Eureka, Ribbon, Feign, and Hystrix.

3. Master Microservices with Java, Spring, Docker, Kubernetes [Udemy]

This is one of the latest courses to learn Microservices with Spring in Udemy.

The course starts by explaining what is microservice architecture and what are its benefits. It then delves into details of how you can use Spring Boot and Spring cloud frameworks to develop microservices.

It then goes on to explore some more practical aspects of microservices e.g. securing microservices using Spring Security, handling logging and monitoring for microservices, how to make them more resilient and scalable, and finally how to deploy and test microservices.

While learning microservices using spring, you will also gain insights into the latest inclusion of Reactive Streams in Spring 5 and learn how to intermix data management strategies across the component.

In short, an awesome course that will teach you how to easily build and implement scalable microservices from scratch with Docker, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Eureka Server, Zipkin, and Kubernetes. 

Best spring micro service courses for Java developers

4. Microservices With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

This is another practical course to learn Microservice development with Spring Boot and Spring cloud, ideal for anyone who wants to learn Spring Boot and Spring cloud Based Microservice development.

This course covers several topics including Spring Framework Dependency Injection, Aspect-Oriented Programming, Spring Boot based Microservice development, which will help you to understand Spring framework and Spring Boot if you are not familiar with them before.

It's also a good refresher for developers who knows Spring but haven't used it for a long time.

The course also provides a solid introduction and knowledge of the Spring Cloud Netflix stack of libraries including

1. Spring Cloud Service Discovery.
2. Spring Cloud Config Service using GitHub
3. Spring Cloud Config Client
4. Spring Cloud Deteriorative Client Feign
5. Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker Hystrix

The course uses a custom loan application domain as a field to explore Microservice development, which many of you can easily relate to. This makes learning, even more, easier and practical.

best Udemy course to learn microservices in Java

5. Learn Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

This is another comprehensive course to learn Microservices using the Spring framework. It provides a hands-on guide to Spring and Microservice development.

This course is divided into 9 chapters. In the first two chapters, you will learn about the general theory and how to develop with Spring Boot and Spring framework in general.

Chapter 3 to 8 explains essential microservice patterns and provide guidance on solving the challenges presented in microservice-based architecture.

Each chapter contains both theory and coding, which makes it both easier to understand and follow.

Finally, you will learn about Docker and AWS in the last chapter. You will learn how to build images for each service, set up an instance in AWS, and push some images to AWS.

Top 5 Spring Microservices Courses with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

6. Grokking Microservices Design Patterns

This is another amazing, an intermediate-level online course from,  offering a comprehensive exploration of microservices design for scalable, resilient, and manageable systems.

With a 60 hours of content, spread across 95 lessons, this Microservice course provides a deep dive into the principles, patterns, and best practices that form the foundation of modern software architecture. 

It navigates through crucial design patterns such as Sidecar, API Gateway, and Circuit Breaker, offering real-world examples and practical code snippets. 

Whether you're a seasoned developer, aspiring software architect, or IT professional aiming to stay at the forefront of technology, this course promises valuable insights into the intricacies of designing and managing complex systems with microservices. 

By addressing the significance of microservices in today's technology landscape, the course empowers learners to grasp the nuances of scalable and resilient application architectures, making it an essential resource for those looking to thrive in the ever-evolving field of technology.

By the way, DesignGuru has many other Grokking courses to prepare for essential coding interview topics like OOP Design, System Design, Dynamic Programming etc and you can get access to all of their courses for a big discount by joining their All course bundle. You can also use code GURU to get 30% discount. 

7. Microservices Architecture by

Microservices stand at the forefront of contemporary software architecture trends, serving as the backbone for tech giants like Netflix, Uber, and Amazon. Recognizing the significance of mastering microservices, this learning path offers a comprehensive journey starting with the fundamentals of microservices architecture. 

With a focus on continuous delivery and exploring Docker's role in microservices, this path equips developers with the skills necessary to thrive in the dynamic landscape of modern software development. 

You can join this course to learn things like Microservices principles, technical microarchitecture, and practical implementation, and enhance your profile as a competent individual contributors to the ever-evolving world of software engineering.

And, if you find the Educative platform and their interactive courses useful then you can also get an Educative Subscription that provides access to not just this course but their 1000+ courses in just $14.9 per month. It's very cost-effective and great for getting some hands-on learning experience.

That's all about some of the best courses to learn Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Microservice architecture is the future of software development and every programmer should learn it. As more and more companies are moving towards Microservice architecture, It's an important skill to acquire and can help you to find your next job with a better salary and perks.

Other Programming Resource articles you may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best Spring Microservice courses then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you want to learn Microservices in Java but looking for some free online courses then you can also check out these free Java Microservices courses, they are great resources to start with and completely free courses from Udemy and Coursera. 

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    Anonymous said...

    Number 3 is removed from Udemy, please review other courses too, they have very bad grade.

    javin paul said...

    Thank you Anonymous, I have removed that course and replaced with another new and updated Spring Boot course from Udemy which also teach you Docker and Kubernetes, essentials tools for Microservice development and deployment in Java world. I have also added a Coursera course to develop scalable Microservice. This course provides hands-on practice on Qwiklabs which makes learning and development easier. Thanks for your comment, really appreciate that you bring that to my attention.

    Anonymous said...

    Is learning spring cloud worth it? Is there an alternative?

    javin paul said...

    Yes, Spring Cloud is definitely worth it

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Javin, thank you for your course list.
    Is there a similar course to 'Master Microservices with Java, Spring, Docker, Kubernetes' in Pluralsight which covers all the topics. Thanks

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