Friday, April 1, 2022

Does Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Udacity Course Certifications Helps in Job & Career?

While online courses provide an excellent platform for learning at low cost, at your schedule, and at your own pace, I often received questions from my readers about the worth of their certifications. Many people asked me whether course completion certificates offered by Udemy, Coursera, edX, Educative, Udacity, or any such online platforms are worth any? The answer to this question is both Yes, and No because it totally depends upon what worth means for you?  If you are thinking that just completing a  Computer Science or Data Science course on Coursera and displaying a certificate on your resume or on LinkedIn will land you a job, then definitely, it's not worth it, but at the same time, these certifications can put your resume forward to many Recruiters looking for Data Scientist.

A course completion certificate doesn't make you an expert, but it does show that you have completed a course on a particular subject, which means you know about it, and you are a constant learner, an essential attribute when hiring Programmers, Engineers, Developers, and Data Scientists.

It's a sad truth that almost 90% of people who join an online course never complete them. Yes, the number might seem surprising, but it's true. I know many of my friends who have classes on Udemy and thousands of learners enrolled in them, but hardly a few complete the course, so a course completion certification definitely gives you a heads up.

But at the same time, you need to remember that a course completion certification is very different from Oracle's Java certification or AWS certification from Amazon, Google Cloud Certifications from Google itself, or Azure Certification from Microsoft, which really tests your skill and then awards your certificate. They are much more valuable than a standard course completion certificate from Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Udacity.

Does Coursera and Udemy Course Certifications boost your CV?

I have been on both sides of the table in Programming interviews. As a candidate, I have seen Recruiters showing interest in my resume and talking about my certifications, while as an Interviewer and hiring manager, I also give importance to people who have certifications on their resume to those who don't have them, provided they are similar on other things like experience.

I have also seen recruiters storming developer profiles after adding Java, Spring, and AWS certifications, so there is certainly value there, but just having the certification will not guarantee you anything except initial exposure.

When I see a Resume with a certificate on it, I always think that this guy is a constant learner, believes in upgrading his skills, and puts some effort apart from his job to learn something valuable for his career. These are definitely some of the important traits I look at a potential hire.

But, you need to be extremely careful here. It's Ok to not put a certification or a course completion proof on your Resume, but If you have evidence, you must be ready to prove that you have acquired them. For example, if someone says he is an Oracle certified Java developer and can't answer a couple of tricky questions about operator precedence in Java, I will doubt that he is really worth the certification.

Does Udemy, Coursera, edX, or Udacity Online Course Certificates Helps in Job & Career?

Similarly, if you say that you complete The Google Cloud Certification on Coursera but don't know what is a compute engine, BigQueury or BigTable then I take this that you are not sincere and you are just concerned about papers instead of learning skills, which is the primary goal of these online courses.

This means it's definitely worth putting course completion certificates on your CV or LinkedIn Monster or profile, but you must be ready to show that you have enough knowledge to justify those certificates.
If you fail to justify your certification with knowledge and experience upon your interview than its a big negative, and for many of them, it's just the end of the interview.

That's all about whether course certificates from Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Udacity are valuable or not. They are definitely valuable in terms of providing recognition, adding the keyword to your resume, and providing initial boots, but you just cannot get a job or start a career by using them. You need to have solid skills to back those certificates.

Another subtle thing I would like to mention about the value of a course certification is perception. For example, Coursera or Udacity certificates offered by Google, Microsoft, AWS, IBM, or Stamford University are much more valuable than a random certificate provided by some unknown author.

Don't get me wrong, you may be able to learn better on the other course, and that should be the primary goal, but companies like Google, AWS, Microsoft, IBM, SalesForce, and Universities like Stanford, Michigan, and HongKong university enjoys a lot of trust of people's eye.

Whenever they say you are associated with these big companies, they pay attention, and it acts as an affirmative vote for your Resume and profile. Never join an online course just for certificates; your primary goal should always be learning skills and improving yourself; documents are a by-product.

I would any day hire a Java Programmer who is an expert in coding, algorithms, Java, then a person who is completed a couple of online courses on UdemyCourseraedX, Educative, Udacity, or any other online platform but cannot write a program involving a couple of classes.

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P. S. - If you are looking for IT certification, I highly recommend you to go for a Cloud certification as the cloud is the most in-demand skill in today's world. And in the cloud, AWS is the most popular, hence AWS solution architect is the best cloud certification to acquire in 2022.  Go for that.

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    rahulgarud said...

    very honest details

    javin paul said...

    Thank you Rahul, glad you find this information useful.

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