Monday, January 20, 2025

How to Crack Java SE 11 Developer Certification Exam [1Z0-819] in 2025 [UPDATED]

If you have heard that the recently launched Java SE 21 1Z0-830 is the toughest certification so far with longer questions, increased complexity and multiple options to choose from.  Because of that, a lot of folks are start looking at Java 17, Java 21 and even in some cases Java SE 8 to become a certified Java developer in 2025. Talking about difficult, Java SE 11 Certification is not an easy one either, its also one of the tough of Java certification at the developer level, then you have heard it right. It's indeed one of the difficult certifications to crack, and It's much harder than OCAJP 8; it's the predecessor, and some of the programmers who have attempted it call it even harder than OCPJP 8, a professional-level certification. 

In order to crack Java SE 11Developer  certification 1Z0-819, you need to prepare hard, but, at the same time, you also need to know which areas you should focus on. What topics should you spend more time on and which books and courses can help you to learn those essential topics?

The feedback I got from most of the developers who have given Java SE 11 certification (half of them have failed) is that module is a crucial topic, and since they have never really used modules, they really struggle to answer those questions.

Btw, don't worry. If you follow this exam guide, then you will surely pass the examination. This is my tried and tested blueprint, and I have passed many Java certificationsAWS certifications, Spring certification, and other software developers/cloud/machine learning certifications following this template.

In terms of time, you will need at least a couple of months if your goal is not just to pass the exam but to score high. Most of my readers have passed this exam in only 2 months of preparation, but they also have full-time Java work experience.

If you are starting as a fresh graduate, you will take a little longer, but that's completely fine. It's essential to understand each concept in-depth than just knowing the right answer. After all, you should be a Java expert once you pass the exam.

How to prepare for Java SE 11 Developer Certification - 1Z0-819 Exam in 2025

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my 6-point formula to crack the Java SE 11 Programmer certification exam 1.

1. Understand Exam Topics

One of the main problems with passing the Java 11 Developer certification is the syllabus. If you look at the syllabus, it will seem like Java 8 certification, but it's an entirely different exam. It's a lot tougher, and this vague syllabus makes it even more difficult.

It's not really clear which topics are in and which items are out. Sometimes knowledge of one topic is required to answer the question on other topics, and that is why you need a study guide or course to prepare for Java SE 11 certification.

Btw, here are some of the topics which you really need to understand well to do well in OCPJD 11 certification:

1. Java Modules

The module is everywhere in Java 11 certification's an excellent idea to read a couple of books on Modules or join a course like Modularity to understand this topic.

2. Java 8 Concepts like Stream
3. Java File IO concepts
4. Java Concurrency
5. Java Collection Frameworks

I can't list all the topics, but these should be part of your strongest areas. You will find out that when you solve Whizlabs practice problems or do similar mock tests on Udemy like my Java 11 Test

2. Join a Good Course

Along with study guides, online courses are an essential part of Oracle's Java Certification. Sine a good knowledge of Java is mandatory to pass these certification exams, it's a good idea to join a couple of comprehensive courses like The Complete Java Masterclass to brush up your knowledge and fill gaps in your understanding before you go for the exam.

I also suggest joining a course on Java Module systems like ed Java 9 Modularity: First Look on Pluralsight, to learn this advanced topic in depth. You will find Module related concepts everywhere in Java 11 certification or OCAJP 11 and OCJP 11.

Apart from that, you can also join training courses that especially prepare for Java SE 11 certification. They are a bit expensive as training is provided by Oracle, but if you can afford them, try them. Alternatively, join similar courses on sites like Udemy and Pluralsight, where you can get courses very cheap.

best course  to Crack Java SE 11 Certification  in 2020 - The Complete Guide

3. Read a Good book and Study Guide

To be honest, it is really difficult to prepare for the Java SE 11 Certification or any other certification without a study guide. They are the most essential resource for passing a certification. Why? Because they cover exam topics really well.

They are written by experts who analyze each exam topic in length and breadth and then put together content that is required to understand the topic. When it comes to Java 11 certification, exam guides are even more important because the syllabus is not very clear.

Thankfully, we have a couple of good study guide for the OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 exam, which you can buy to kick-start your preparation

3.1  Java SE 11 certification Study guide

This is one of the best Java SE 11 certification study guide you can get to prepare for this prestigious Java certification. This book is authored by Jeanne Boyarsky and Scott Selikoff, two of the best-selling authors when it comes to Java certification guides. This is now also upgraded for Java SE 11 Developer certification with code 1Z0-819 exam

If you don't know, Jeanne and Scott are Java certification experts, and their OCAJP 8 guides have helped thousands of Java developers pass the Oracle's Java SE 8 certification exam. I strongly recommend this book based upon Jeann's and Scott's reputation, even though I haven't read the book as it's not out at the time of writing this article.

best study guide for Java SE 11 certification

3.2 Java SE 11 Study guide by Hanumant Deshmukh

This is another study guide available for Java SE 11 certification. It is closely aligned to exam topics but also goes a step further to explain the topic in-depth even if it involved exploring some other related concepts. A big thanks to Hanumant Deshmukh for putting together this guide.

best book for Java SE 11 certification

3.3 The Java Module System by Nicolai Parlog

This is not a study guide but a book to learn the Java Module System. It is for people who want to score high on Java SE 11 certification and want to learn Java Modularity in depth. The book provides in-depth coverage of what is Java's Module system and how you can benefit from it. It also has a lot of examples and migration strategies for an application that wants to use Modules.

best Java Module book for Java SE 11 certification

Btw, if you find the book difficult because the topic itself is a bit difficult, you can also take help from Java 9 Modularity: First Look course by Sander Mak on Pluralsight. It has helped me a lot to understand this topic in depth.

4. Practice Tests

Many people think that Practice tests are optional, not me. IMHO, the Practice test is probably the single most important factor which will decide how much you will score in your real exam. There is a logic behind that.

When you do Practice tests in real exams like scenarios like doing tests in a quiet room and allocating the actual time required for an exam say 180 minutes, then you can really check your progress. You can find how many questions you can solve at that period; where did you got stuck? How could you have done better? This experience helps you to do better in your real exam.

While the practice test is mandatory, the choice of the practice test is also important. If you choose a practice test that just has simple questions, you are not really preparing hard, and most likely you will fail in the exam or not score high enough to make an impression, that's why I trust tried and tested certification exam providers like Whizlabs and Enthuware.

I particularly recommend Whizlab's 1Z0-819 Practice test, which has more than 215 unique questions. It has many good points. For example, it contains many full-length mock tests which are very close to the real exam. 

Best Java SE 11 Developer Certification Practice Test

Their software also provides topic-wise feedback, which means you can find your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the right areas to improve your score.

They also explain each question in-depth, you will not only learn why the correct answer is correct but also why other answers are wrong, this is truly a different learning experience and can really make a difference in your final score. I strongly recommend you to try them. 

They also have a free test with 15 questions that you can gauge your preparation level. You can also use my code JAVAREVISITED to get a 20% discount on any Whizlabs course and both their monthly and annual plan which is best for anyone preparing for IT certification. 

And, if you like more comprehensive preparation then you can also join my 1Z0-819 Exam Practice Test on Udemy where I have shared more than 350 questions on 6 practice test to give you enough practice before real exam. You can use them to build your speed and accuracy and also fill gaps in your learning by reading explanation and understanding the concept behind each question. 

5. Prepare Your Own notes

If you have prepared for any certification in the past, then you would have noticed that preparing your own notes can be really beneficial. It helps you to understand the topic better.

It's a proven truth that when you write about a topic or explain it to someone, you learn it better. Why? Because the mind actually loads the data into the main memory. It thinks about it, and all this activity makes that you better remember and understand those concepts.

Another benefit of preparing your own notes is that it helps in quick revision. You can finish the revision of all topics required for the exam in 1 or 2 hours if you have your own notes. Otherwise, it will take a long time.

6. Participate in Forums

Another important tip to do well on your Java SE 11 Certification is to participate in forums like CodeRanch or JavaRanch. It has dedicated certification forums for OCAJP 11 and OCPJP 11. By participating in forums, you always keep yourself in the vicinity of people who are also preparing for the exam. 

You discuss together, you solve problems together, and you also get to know what's going on with certification in general.

Then there are people who will share their own personal experience with the exam and how they pass or failed it. Those posts are really useful for candidates preparing for OCAJP 11 and OCJP 11 as you learn from them, and you can avoid the mistakes they did.

You will also find posts about Certification success stories like someone scored 90% or 95%, all these posts motivate you to do better. You also get to know people who have walked through the path you are going to walk soon. You can connect with them and ask for bits of help.

Because of all these reasons, I think regular participation in certification forums is key to passing Oracle's Java 11 certification or CCP 11 or OCPJD 11.

That's all about how to Crack Oracle's Java SE 11 Certification in 2025. I know it's a tough exam, and passing it won't be easy for many developers, especially if you haven't prepared. If you really want to pass Java SE 11 Developer certification on the first attempt or want to score high, you need to pay more attention to Modules.

You will find the concept is sprinkled around many questions, and even though you know 90% of the question, you struggle to answer that 10% part of the question because of modules. That's why a good understanding of modules is extremely important.

Other  Certification Resources for Java Programmers and IT Professionals

Thanks for reading this article so far. If these articles and my tips have helped you to pass Oracle's Java SE 11 Developer certification code 1Z0-819 in 2025, then please share this article with your friends and colleagues.

P. S. - If you are a complete beginner in Java and preparing for certification to improve your chances for Jobs and Internships then I highly recommend you join a comprehensive Java course to learn along. If you need a free course then you can check out my favorite free Java courses on Medium to get some ideas and references.

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    vineet said...

    Hi is there a prerequisite to get Java 8 Associate certified to give Java 11 1zo 819 exam

    javin paul said...

    Hello Vineet, there is no such pre-requisite, you can give Java SE 11 Developer certification with code 1Z0-819 directly if its your first Java certification. For those who have existing Java certification like Java SE 6,7, or 8, they can give upgrade exam to receive an updated certificate.

    Anonymous said...

    Is java 11 developer certification based on java version 11 or 8?

    javin paul said...

    Hello Anonymous, Java 11 Developer Certification is based on Java 11?

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