Friday, January 24, 2025

Top 5 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests to Crack AZ-900 Certification Exam in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello there, if you are preparing for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals or AZ-900 certification exam and looking for some practice test to check your knowledge, then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best AZ-900 Online Courses and In this article, I am going to list down some of the best practice tests you can take to pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam.  This exam focuses on essential cloud concepts like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and Azure Core services like geo availability, storage, network, compute services, security, pricing, and billing. This is actually one of the easiest Microsoft Azure cloud certifications, much like Amazon's AWS Cloud Practitioner certification and you can easily pass this exam even if you have never worked in any cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP.

This exam is a good stepping stone for both technical people who want to learn how exactly cloud works and how to use different Azure services to run their application in Cloud, as well as for non-technical people like BA, Project Managers, the Sales guy who are involved in purchasing Cloud-based solution and services.

Prior IT experience is not mandatory, but it certainly helps if you have some IT experience and understand common technical terms like server, storage, compute, memory, network, security, VPN, scalability, elasticity, etc. 

Now, coming back to Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification, one question I often receive is how to clear AZ-900 certification in one week? Or is one week enough to pass the Azure Fundamentals certification?

The answer to this question is Yes, one week is enough provided you can spend 5 to 6 hours daily. And, the best way to prepare for this exam is by joining an Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 course, like
AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep -2025 Edition, which is focused on the exam, much like an exam guide, do some hands-on lab on the Azure portal and then go through some practice tests and mock exams.

Mock exams and Practice tests play an important role in your certification journey. They are often the difference between success and failure but also between satisfactory and excellent results.

You may pass your exam without going for Practice tests, but you will do a lot better if you include Practice tests in your preparation strategies. They will help you to find your strong and week areas and also helping with timing and speed, which is very important to complete all questions during real exams.

When I gave certification exams like AWS Solution Architect and AWS Cloud Practitioner, I spent hours giving practice test on the real exam like scenarios and then reviewing what I did good and where I needed to improve, and this single strategy has helped me to score outstanding results on my certification exams.

Top 6 Practice test to Crack Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Certification Exam

If you are preparing for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals or AZ-900 certification and looking for some excellent Practice test to take your preparation and confidence to the next level, then you have come to the right place.

Here are some of the best AZ-990 practice and mock exams from Whizlabs, Udemy, Exam Pass, you can take to clear the Azure Fundamentals exam on the first try.

1. AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep -2025 Edition

This is a perfect online course + practice test to prepare for the Microsoft Azure Fundamental exam in one week. Scott Duffy, a cloud expert, has done a fabulous job in this course by teaching you everything you need to pass the AZ-900 exam.

The course also comes with a lot of bonuses and supplementary resources like you will get access to a 24-page Microsoft Fundamentals Study guide to prepare offline. There are also quizzes to reinforce your learning through each chapter.

As I said, the course also contains a 50 question mock test to find your strong and weak areas. If you are in a serious hurry and want to pass AZ 900 exam in a couple of days, just go through this course and practice test. You may not get a high score, but you will definitely have enough knowledge to pass the exam.  

For better preparation, you can also combine this practice test with the video course AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep -2025 Edition by same author for better preparation. 

Top 5 Practice Tests and Mock Exams to Crack Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification

2. Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-900 Certification Practice Test (Whizlabs) 

This mock simulator is best for passing the Microsoft Azure certification or AZ-900 exam, and you can access them via web and mobile. This practice test from Whizlabs contains 275 unique questions divided into 5 full-length exams, which check your fundamental knowledge of cloud services, and how Microsoft Azure provides the cloud services, irrespective of any specific role.

There are also 7 section tests with 35 unique questions, and they provide an exhaustive explanation with every question, which not only helps you to learn why a correct option is correct but also why other options are not correct.

When it comes to practice tests for Cloud certifications like Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, I trust Whizlabs. I have used Whizlabs in the past for passing several Java, and AWS certifications like OCAJPOCPJP, AWS Solution Architect, AWS Cloud Practitioner, and it didn't disappoint me on AZ-900 as well.

Their reporting is also top-notch and really helps you to assess your strengths and weaknesses before the real exam. After a few tests, you will have enough ideas on which topics you need to prepare better. Overall, one of the best exam simulators for the Azure AZ-900 certification exam, and I highly recommend it if you want to score in excess of 80%.

best exam simulator for AZ-900 exam

3. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) - Practice Tests (Udemy)

This is another online course that provides the latest practice questions for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam with detailed explanations. It contains 4 practice papers with 55 questions on each, which means a total of 220 questions.

The best thing about these mock test is that they are closely aligned with the exam syllabus which means you have 15-20% questions from cloud concepts, 30-35% questions from core Azure Services, 20-25% questions on pricing, and support, and rest of them on security, privacy, compliance, and trust.

Like Whizlabs, they also provide a good explanation for each question and link to official Microsoft documentation where required. In short, these practice tests are enough to pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam on the first attempt. 

It is also very cost-effective, and I bought it for just $10, you can also buy it at a similar or a bit higher price depending upon the Udemy sale.

best Practice for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam

4. AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Original Practice Tests (Udemy)

This is an optional practice test, and if you have gone through Whizlabs or the previous one, you may not need that. In case you need more practice, and you are not confident enough, or you really want to kill the exam by scoring 100 out of 100, then you can purchase this course on Udemy.

This is also from Scott Duffy, author of the first course in this list. You can also use these practice tests along with that cours, but it's not a prerequisites.

It contains three complete, timed practice tests for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam, 150 questions, and they are 100% original. This time-bound test is important to develop the speed and accuracy you need to solve all problems in the real exam.

If you consistently score over 80% on these tests and able to complete all questions, then you are ready for the real exam. From my experience, I suggest you take these tests a couple of days before the real exam so that you have enough time to rectify weak areas.

best Practice for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam AZ-900

5. AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests 2025

The "AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests 2025" course is a comprehensive resource designed to help individuals ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification (AZ-900) in 2025.

With a rating of 4.3 out of 5 from 128 ratings and an enrollment of 10,552 students, this course provides 6 topic-wise practice tests comprising a total of 309 questions. 

The topics covered include Cloud Concepts, Core Azure Services, core solutions and management tools on Azure, general security and network security features, identity, governance, privacy, compliance features, and Azure cost management and Service Level Agreement. 

The practice tests are specifically structured to assess your preparation level on individual topics, making it an invaluable resource for those aiming to pass the AZ-900 certification exam on their first attempt. 

The course is accessible on mobile devices and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, providing flexibility and confidence to learners.

6. AZ-900 Exams Dumps by David Mayer

This is slightly different than the practice test. These are actually exam dumps that are anonymously shared by candidates going through AZ-900 certification.

The best thing about AZ-900 exam dumps is that they are the real questions from the exam, which means you can check the difficulty level and format. It's not guaranteed that you will see those questions again, but they are still very useful to get yourself up to that level or above.

Here is a brief detail about this Microsoft AZ-900 Practice Exam: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals:
- Number of Questions: 149
- Exam Tests: 3

So, it's pretty up-t-date, and I saw many comments where candidates mentioned that the question they've got during the exam was more than 80% the same as these tests. :-) 

If you get lucky, let us know, but I don't recommend that approach. I prefer to over-prepare and score really high on the exam rather than mugging questions from exam dumps.

Don't get me wrong; they still have a lot of utility with respect to difficulty level and format, and that's why I have included them on this list, but I don't advise you to solely rely on them for your preparation.

AZ-900 Exams Dumps by David Mayer

7. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Prep Specialization on Coursera

While this is not a practice test the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Prep Specialization on Coursera is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals with the essential knowledge and skills required for a successful career in cloud computing. Taught in English and instructed by Microsoft, this specialization encompasses four courses that serve as a solid foundation for the AZ-900 certification exam. 

With a significant enrollment of 69,161 participants already, the program covers critical topics including application design, Microsoft Azure services, cloud computing security, AI, IoT, and more. Participants gain in-depth insights into core Azure concepts, security solutions, lifecycle management, and exam preparation. 

The program is rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 2,058 reviews, indicating its effectiveness in delivering quality content. As a beginner-level course, it recommends one month of study at 10 hours a week with a flexible schedule to accommodate diverse learners. 

The shareable certificate upon completion can be added to one's LinkedIn profile, resume, or CV, enhancing professional credibility. Moreover, learners are eligible for a 50% discount on the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam. 

The applied learning project integrates interactive exercises using the Microsoft Learn Sandbox, allowing participants to practice and implement their knowledge in a controlled Azure environment without incurring costs. 

The program offers an excellent opportunity for IT professionals entering the Azure ecosystem or anyone eager to gain proficiency in cloud computing. You can also combine this practice test with my topic-wise AZ-900 Udemy course where I have shared 300+ questions covering each topic for Azure Fundamentals certification. 

By the way, If you are planning to join multiple Coursera courses or specializations, then consider taking a Coursera Plus subscription which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It costs around $59/ per month but is worth it because you get access to more than 7000+ courses and projects, and you can also get unlimited certificates. They are also offering $200 discount now, so hurry up. 

Important things

Here are some of the important thing you should know while preparing for the AZ-900 or Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam:

1. The cost of the exam is $99 USD, but it may vary depending upon which country you are in. Price is actually based on the country in which the exam is proctored.

2. The good thing about Azure Fundamental certification is that topics are clearly defined, and so is their weightage. Here are some important topics for the AZ-900 exam:
  • Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)
  • Understand core Azure services (30-35%)
  • Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)
  • Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)

3. The AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamental exam checks your knowledge about basic cloud concepts; core Azure services; security, privacy, compliance, and trust; and Azure pricing and support.

4. This certification is good for both technical people like Developers, Technical Lead, and architects who want to learn about Cloud and how Microsoft provides essential Cloud services as well as non-technical people like BA, Project Managers, Salespersons who are involved in buying and selling Cloud-based solutions and services

5. You can read the exam guide for AZ-900 or Azure Fundamental exam on the Microsoft Azure exam portal. It has some useful information for the exam.

That's all about some of the best mock exams and practice tests to prepare AZ-900 or Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification. I highly recommend you to go through at least one of the practice tests listed here, if you need to choose one, then choose the first one from Udemy or the second one from Whizlabs, both are excellent, up-to-date, and very relevant to the real exam.

Also, the AZ-900 exam is the perfect way to prove that you know about Cloud and Azure. You can also put the AZ-900 badge on your resume and LinkedIn to get recruiters' attention, who are always looking for cloud-certified professionals.

Other Certification Resources for IT Professionals and Java Programmers

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these AZ-900 certification questions and practice tests, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are new to the world of Cloud and looking for some free courses to learn  Cloud computing then you can also, check out this list of cloud computing courses with Amazon Web Services -  Free AWS Courses for Beginners on Medium. It contains some of the best and free online training courses to learn Amazon Web Services and in-demand skills for  Clod engineers and architects.

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    Anonymous said...

    Thank you, God bless you for this post because I'm thinking of booking my exam next Tuesday. Have only been achieving 60% from a few practice apps on mobile. Taken the WhizLab and a few others and now achieving 77-85%, thank you!!!

    Rome in Texas said...

    Tried WhizLabs course. Introduction video, available for free, looked good with perfect American English narration. But after the purchase I discovered that all other videos in the course are recorded by a non-native English speaker with heavy Indian accent. He was not easy to understand or follow.
    Also, be aware that despite WhizLabs' refund policy, stating that you can get a full refund within 3 days of purchase, they conveniently exclude "sale priced" courses. Since all courses on WhizLabs are always "on sale", getting a refund is not easy. That site is full of deceiving practices and people should stay away from it.
    Udemy courses, on the contrary, show the actual tutor, which allows you to select the teacher that meets your expectations.

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