Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Top 20 Spring Cloud Interview Questions and Answers for 3 to 5 Years Experienced [2024]

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Spring and Microservice developer job and need Spring cloud interview questions then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared interview questions on Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Testing and Spring Core and in this article I am going to share common Spring Cloud questions for Java and Microservice developers. If you have used Spring Cloud in your project then you can answer all of these questions easily but if you struggle to answer any of these questions then you can always go back and join one of these best Spring Cloud courses and best Microservice courses to learn and revise essential Spring Cloud concepts. 

Spring Cloud interview too needs you to be in the right position in order for you to be able to pass. Being in the right position means that you have to be well prepared and know what awaits you in the interview room. 

That short moment when you will be in there, will either make or break you so it all depends on you. Being prepared can be very easy if you are more than willing to commit yourself to quality preparation.

You will therefore have to start with knowing and understanding the kind of questions asked in a spring cloud interview before you can even think of how you will dress or how your voice will be. 

Talking of questions, in this article, I have mentioned the top 20 spring cloud interview questions with answers. Take a close look at the questions.

20 Spring Cloud Interview Questions and Answers for Java Developers [2024]

Without wasting anymore of your time, here is a list of frequently asked Spring Cloud interview questions with answers. I have tried to cover essential Spring cloud concepts using these questions so that you can use this list to revise Spring cloud concepts quickly. But, if you find any topic not covered or you have other spring cloud questions which was asked to you during interview then feel free to share with us on comments. 

1. What is spring cloud?
Answer: spring cloud simply refers to a set of tools that can be used by developers to quickly build some common patterns in distributed systems.

2. What are the advantages of spring cloud?
Answer: some of the main advantages of spring cloud as follows:

  • Helps reduce redundancy
  • Provides service discovery
  • Load balancing
  • Resolves complexity-associated issues with distributed systems


3. What is the main difference between Spring Cloud and Spring boot?
Answer: Spring cloud is a microservice management and coordination framework that is used to integrate and manage individual microservices while on the other hand Spring boot is used to develop these microservices.


4. What are the common features of Spring cloud?
Answer: Here is a list of some of the most common features of the Spring Cloud framework, which greatly help in developing cloud-native apps and Microservices:

  • Service registration and discovery
  • Routing
  • Service to service calls
  • Distributed and versioned configuration
  • Load balancing and circuit breakers


5. What is Hystrix?
Answer: Hystrix is a fault-tolerance and latency library designed by Netflix for isolating points of access to remote systems, third-party libraries, services, stopping cascading failures, and enabling resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is common and cannot be avoided. This library is created by Netflix and it implements Circuit breaker pattern 

Hystrix circuit breaker pattern by Netflix


6. What is the use of the Spring cloud bus?
Answer: The spring cloud bus provides a helpful feature to refresh configurations across several multiple instances.

7. Which are the services that provide service registration and discovery?
Answer: Eureka and zookeeper.

8. What are some common Spring cloud annotations?
Answer: here is a list of some of the most essential Spring cloud annotations for Java developers:

  • @EnableConfigServer
  • @EunableEurekaServer
  • @EnableDiscoveryClient
  • @EnableCircuitBreaker
  • @HystricCommand
You can also see this article for examples of these Spring cloud annotations to learn more.

9. What is PCF?
Answer: PCF stands for Pivotal Cloud Foundry. It is an open-source, multi-platform cloud foundry. This is not used anymore and people are more keen to deploy their services on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform but it's good to know about PCF because once Pivotal was the company behind Spring Framework and they are responsible for many innovation and growth on Spring framework. 


10. What is load balancing?
Answer: Load balancing is a technique used to improve the distribution of workloads across several computing resources, such as a computer cluster, CPUs, network lines, and disk drives. The best way to learn these concepts are building a Spring cloud project like this Spring cloud blog project which is also a great way to learn Spring cloud. If you want to learn Spring boot better, I always suggest you to first go through a Spring cloud course and then build a project to learn Spring cloud better. 

Top 20 Spring Cloud Interview Questions with Answers


11. Why do we use Netflix feign?
Answer: Netflix feign is used to reduce the complexity by binding denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of the RESTfulness.

12. How load balancing is implemented in the Spring cloud?
Answer: We can implement load balancing in the Spring cloud using Netflix Ribbon.

13. What are the benefits of Eureka and Zookeeper?
Answer: Eureka guarantees high availability and usability while Zookeeper guarantees consistency and partition fault tolerance.

14. What is the purpose of the Hystrix circuit breaker?
Answer: The purpose of the Hystrix circuit breaker is to provide the first-page method or any other methods that the method on the first page might be calling and is causing the exception to recover. The chances of exception to recovery may increase because of less load.

What is the purpose of the Hystrix circuit breaker?


15. What is Netflix feign?
Answer: It is a Java to HTTP client binder. It is inspired by JAXRS-2.0, WebSocket, and Retrofit


16. How do you use dependency injection with Spring?
Answer: Dependency injection can be achieved in Spring through XML configurations, Spring annotations such as @Autowired, and configuring the IoC container through Applicationcontext By using dependency injection, you can make one service available in another without having to explicitly initialize one since Spring will manage its life cycle. 

While @Autowired is commonly used for setting up dependency injection, Spring 4.3+ will actually scan your classes to manage them on your behalf. Some interviewers may ask about this to gauge whether you’re familiar with newer versions of Spring!


17. What is Spring Security?
Answer: Spring Security provides security services to J2EE applications. Spring Security is implemented using Servlet Filters under the hood. Servlet Filters are used to pre-process or post-process web requests.


18. What are the different scopes of Bean?

  • Singleton: throughout the spring context only one instance is created.
  • Prototype: a new bean is created whenever requested.
  • Request: Every HTTP Request creates a bean.
  • Session: A bean for every HTTP Session.


19. What is CSRF?
Answer: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a security attack where a fraudulent website tricks the user into performing an event on the web application that he/she is logged into. For instance, if the user is logged into the online banking account, this attack tricks the user into transferring the money to an unknown person.

20. Explain Bean creation process?
Answer: The process of Bean creation has the following phases

  • Starts with a class (c1) which has the annotation @Component.
  • Checks if the component annotated class (c1) is dependent.
  • If yes, then Spring will create a bean for that class (c2) too.
  • A connection or auto wiring will occur between the two classes (c1 and c2) using @Autowired annotation and also through the constructor (c2) or the default case setClass Function (interface the Interface).

That's all about the top 20 Spring Cloud Interview Questions and answers for experienced developers. When you get to that interview room you will realize that the above-mentioned questions with answers are the game-changer as far as your spring cloud interview is concerned. The opportunity for you to be hired is now within your hands and it depends on how composed you will be. 

You just have to cool down and take everything step by step and you will see everything falling in the right place. After the interview, you will immensely thank yourself for having taken your time to go through this article till the end. Success is all yours.

Other Interview Questions Articles you may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these Spring Cloud interview questions and answers then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these Spring cloud questions, I recently attended an interview where the company was using Spring Cloud for creating their Microservices and they asked me about API gateway and how to implement it using Spring Cloud. I told Eureka and then they asked about client side and server side implementation? I couldn't answer that part, does anybody knows what that means? I even asked them but they say they cannot reveal answers ...

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