Friday, January 31, 2025

5 Best Books for OCAJP8 Exam 1Z0-808 in 2025- Java 8 Certification

It's been more than a decade since Java SE 8 was launched on 17th March 2014 and OCAJP 8 exam went live. Now we have Java 21 certification but do you know that Java SE 8 certification is still valid and its probably the easiest way to become a Oracle Certified Java developer? Yes, its true and that's why I am updating this article to share with you best books you can read to pass the OCAJP 8 or 1z0-808 exam in 2025. You might know that in order to become a Java SE 8 certified developer you need to pass two examples, the OCAJP8 (Exam 1Z0-808) and OCPJP8 (Exam 1Z0-809). The first one is called associate-level certification and the second one is called professional-level certification. 

When OCAJP8 first comes, there were not enough good books to prepare this exam and many candidates rely heavily on Java 8 books, online courses, and professional exam simulators like Whizlabs and Enthuware, but if you are going to appear for the OCAJP8 exam now, there are no such problems. In this article, you will find some of the best books to prepare for the OCAJP8 exams.

The success mantra for the OCAJP8 exam is very simple, pick up a good study guide, you can choose any of the following books, write code every day, and do a lot of mock exams practice. 

All you need is, to be honest, when you write code, make sure you are not only writing but also understanding and experimenting with it.

When you are solving practice questions from mock exams, you are looking at all options. It's not enough to know the right answer but you should also know why other answers are wrong, and finally, you must read the explanations given for practice questions and mock exams. 

They are the source of rich, exam-centric information. They also help to clear your misconceptions and fill gaps in your knowledge.

When I first did my Java certification, way back when Java 1.4 was new these three mantras helped me to score well and ever since I have recommended this approach to hundreds of my readers.

There is no rocket science but just honest preparation with the right study materials like Whizlab's OCAJP 8 training course, books, and practice questions.

Best OCAJP 8 Books

Even though Java SE 8 introduces some new concepts e.g. lambda expression, method references, streams, new date, and time API and others, most of the syllabus is similar to OCAJP7.

So, if you have any OCAJP7 books, you can still use them for your preparation and later update yourself with new exam objectives. If you are a fresher or appearing the first time for any Java certification, you can use the following books to prepare for OCAJP8 with exam code 1Z0-808.

Remember, there are two exams OCAJP and OCPJP then there are different versions of Java 7 and Java 8, hence exam code is critical to choose the right books.

1. OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification Guide by Mala Gupta

I was waiting for this book ever since I had read Mala Gupta's OCAJP 7 guide and she has definitely followed up quite well with Java 8 new features. 

You will find lots of helpful diagrams, side notes and clear and concise explanations of edge cases important for Java certification clearly highlighted in this book.

As usual, it covers all the topics required for OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification, exam code 1Z0-808 including the Java 8 additions e.g. creating and using lambda expressions, new Date and Time API and several others. It also comes with a full-length Mock exam, which you can use along with David Mayer's Java 8 Certification questions.

Even if you know Java 8, I am sure you will learn something new here or learn new things about the concept you know well. Overall a very good book for all levels of Java programmers who are preparing for the OCAJP8 certification exam and if you want to buy just one book for OCAJP8, buy this one.

Best books for OCAJP8 Exam 1Z0-808

2. OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide

This is another best book to prepare for OCAJP 8 exam. It is the most up-to-date and complete coverage of the OCAJP8 exam objectives. 

The book is written by Jeanne Boyarsky and Scott Selikoff and they have done an excellent job in covering the all-important aspects of the OCAJP8 exam.

The book starts with a self-assessment and contains lots and lots of examples to teach you both the new and old concepts of Java. Another good part of this book is detailed explanations of self-assessment questions.

Similar to Whizlabs OCAJP 8 Exam simulator, these books not only tell you why to answer A and B are right but also why other answers are wrong, which is great to build concepts and correct any misconception.

best OCAJP8 book for Java certification

3. OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide by Oracle

This is another OCAJP8 book and a good part of this book is that it's from the source i.e. Oracle. The 3rd Edition of this OCA Java SE 8 book by Edward Finegan and Robert Liguori is fully revised and contains up-to-date information aligned with exam objects.

Like the previous book, this also includes lots of self-test and exercises. The book also comes along with a CD-ROM containing two complete practice exams.

Though the level of questions is not similar to the real exam and you would still do better with the Whizlabs OCAJP8 exam simulator, nevertheless, they provide some warm-up practice.

books to prepare OCA Java 8 Programmer 1 certification

4. Java Certification: OCA (1Z0-808) Exam Simulation [2025]

This is not a book but an online course is for practicing OCAJP8 questions for Exam 1Z0-808. This online course contains around 4 Practice papers

You can use this course along with any of the previous books to make your preparation more solid. 

You can use also use these practice questions along with my list of free OCAJP8 mock exams to gain more practice before jumping to your final leg of preparation with an actual exam like practice with either Enthuware or Whizlabls exam simulators.

That's all about some good books to prepare the OCAJP8 (Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Program) exam. These are a couple of good books available which especial designed keeping OCAJP8 exam objectives in mind and you also have access to free mock exams and better exam simulator.

There are always some minor changes in examination objectives and other important details like cost, duration, and a passing score, so don't forget to check them out.

Also, if you are wondering to go for OCAJP7 or OCAJP8, I would suggest going for OCAJP8, this is the latest and also help you to learn Java 8, which will be favored soon for coding in all over the world.

Other Useful Resources and Links for OCAJP8 aspirants

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like this article then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note. Wish you very good luck for your Java certification exam.

P.S.-  If you are looking for a course to prepare Java SE 8 certification then Oracle Java Certification - Pass the Associate 1Z0-808 Exam! from Udemy is a good place to start it. It explains about new features of Java 8 required for OCAJP 8 exam.

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