Monday, January 20, 2025

The 2025 Python Developer Roadmap

Hello guys, if you want to become a Python developer and looking for a complete 2025 Python Developer RoadMap then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared Java Developer RoadMapWeb Developer RoadMapiOS Developer RoadMapData Analyst RoadMap, and even a DevOps Engineer RoadMap and in this article, I am going to share with you the Python Developer RoadMap. Before writing this article, I looked for various roadmaps available online which list a lot of things you need to learn to become a Python Developer, which is really not needed. You may need them if you want to become a Python expert which can take years but just to start your career with Python, you don't need them at all.

Instead what you need is to learn Python Programming language, learn essential Python tools, and essential Python frameworks and libraries and that's what I am going to share with you in this article.

But Before that, let's talk about Python programming language, one of the most popular programming language in the history of Software development. Python is the fastest-growing programming language among developers, and companies are using it in almost every industry, such as machine learning and web development.

You can write a simple python script to automate nearly every daily task, which makes it the favorite language and most attractive to learn, so I’ve created the things you should do if you plan to be a 

The 2025 Python Developer Roadmap

So, what are we waiting for, let's start with the very first thing, yes, I am talking about learning Python programming language and then we will move into essential Python tools, libraries, and Python frameworks for web development, data science and machine learning. 

1. Learn Python 

Python is a popular language, as you know. Therefore, many people have created online resources to teach students this language: a paid course, a YouTube channel, or a free blog. All of these resources are good to start. 

Still, because you are a beginner, you may get overwhelmed on where to start this journey to become a python developer with this many concepts and libraries, and I will give you two resources to start:

1.1. Python 3.10.1 documentation

Python experts write the official python documentation. It follows step by step to understand the language. Still, sometimes since you are new, it may get hard to understand some concepts or arguments, especially if you like learning from videos, not reading articles.

1.2. Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python

Suppose you like learning python from videos and have some money to invest in yourself. In that case, I suggest looking at this Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python course on Udemy that will teach you almost everything you need to know to jump your career to the next level and start building something useful with this language.

The Python Developer Roadmap

First of all, install the Python interpreter on your computer and install an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Jupyter Notebook or PyCharm then you can start following these beginner lessons such as python data types, code instructor, accepting user input, if statement, for & while loops, functions, lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, boolean, Lambda function, arrays. 

Those are the basics of python language, but later, you will also need to learn OOP (Object Oriented Programming), which consists of class, constructor, getter & setter, modules, inheritance, static methods, iterable, class method, and multiple inheritances.

But if you are not satisfied with these two Python resources and want to learn from YouTube videos or blog posts and follow the topics, I will guide you on how you can achieve it.  I have also shared my favorite Python courses, books, projects and websites to learn Python online. 

2. Frameworks & Libraries

Once you’ve completed all of these topics and practiced enough, then you are ready now to build something using this language. Python is an open-source language meaning people are constantly collaborating to make it easier to use in every industry, so they’ve created many packages and libraries to use them in building your project instead of writing the whole code using the native python language.

2.1. Web Development

If you are looking to be a web developer, then choosing python is one of the best choices to create a web application since it is used a lot between companies, and there are two of the most used frameworks to learn:

2.1.1. Django: is a collection of python libraries that allows you to build web applications and is used for both front-end & back-end and is considered a high-level web framework. Django can be integrated with many database systems such as PostgreSQLMySQL, SQLite, and Oracle.

2.1.2. Flask: is a back-end python framework also used a lot in developing web applications and more straightforward for learning than Django but not powerful and extensive as the previous one, and it is used for simple and lightweight web applications.

best Python frameworks for Web Development

2.2. Desktop Applications

Also, there are many python libraries for developing desktop applications, but I will suggest only the two popular frameworks:

2.2.1. Tkinter: The only GUI library that is integrated by default in the python language and has a lot of documentation and tutorial if you want to start building desktop applications that can run on many OS systems.

2.2.2. PyQT: is free software that is also used for developing a better UI than Tkinter and can add more functionalities to your desktop applications by combining Python and QT libraries.

best Python libraries for GUI Development

2.3. Data Visualization

Data visualization is converting data to meaningful charts for a better understanding of the problem and is used a lot among data scientists and analysts.

2.3.1. Matplotlib: is the famous library for making data visualization with 2D and even 3D visualization with only a few simple commands, making it the favorite one among data scientists, data analysts, and machine learning engineers.

2.3.2. Seaborn: is built on top of the matplotlib library, but it offers more customizable options in data visualization and is used a lot in statistical plotting and works efficiently with pandas DataFrames.

best Python libraries for Data Visualization


That's all about the 2025 Python Developer RoadMap. I have created this RoadMap keeping beginners in mind who want to learn Python and start their career as Python developer on Web development, Data Science or Machine Learning. 

This list of frameworks and libraries is nothing compared to what python language has. Still, I’ve recommended the most used ones to start building something useful and remember to be patient while learning this fabulous language.

This is not the most comprehensive Python RoadMap you will find on internet but the goal is to focus on the most important Python skills which every Python developer should learn. 

Other useful Python Programming and Software Development resources

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like this Python Developer RoadMap then please share with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. 

All the best with your Python journey.

If you have any suggestion to make this Python Developer RoadMap better, feel free to drop your note on comments. 

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    Unknown said...

    I miss FastAPI

    Anonymous said...

    Awesome roadmap, loved it but can you also add web scrapping tools and library? One of the main reason I use Python is for scrapping websites and I think many people also do so.

    javin paul said...

    Thanks for your comment, I will include these two details on the next update to the roadmap, keep them coming.

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