Saturday, August 19, 2023

Review - Is Coursera's Python for Everybody Specialization worth it in 2024? [Best Python Certification]

Hello guys, if you want to learn Python and looking for the best Python course on Coursera, or you are just wondering if the Python for Everybody course from the University of Michigan on Coursera is worth your time and money then you have come to the right place. There is no doubt that Python for Everybody is the best Python certification and course on Coursera and the trust of more than 1 million students are enough to prove this point, but we will deep dive into this article and find more. Earlier, I have shared the best Coursera certifications for Python and  In this post, we will review Python for Everybody from the University of Michigan, the best Coursera specialization, and certification for Python developers. If you are in a hurry and want a quick Yes/No answer whether you should join this Coursera specialization or not then our answer is Yes, by all means, you should go for it.

This is one of the most comprehensive Python courses on Coursera and covers all the necessary areas like basics, data structure, database, web scraping with python, and much more. More than 1 million people have already joined this course which is also a big proof of its quality.

Many people say that learning a programming language can be a difficult task and can take months and months to learn even the basics so then you start developing your own products whether it was a web service or a mobile app but what if I say that there is a language that can be learned in a few weeks and that language called python.

Throughout many research in many platforms and online courses, I have found one of the best massive courses to learn this fabulous language and called Python for everybody specialization offered from the Michigan university through an online platform known as Coursera.

This article is a review for this massive Python course and easy to learn so you will see what stuff you will see in this specialization as well as the instructor's reputation and what are the people's feedback about this course.

Python for Everybody Specialization & Certification on Coursera Review - Is it worth it in 2024?

Let's find out why Python for Everybody specialization in Coursera is one of the best courses to learn Python in-depth and why should you join it. We'll see some practical reasons which make sense and help you to decide whether you should take this course to learn Python or not.

1. The Instructor Reputation

Charles Russell is a professor at Michigan University and an instructor at Udemy with over 2 million students who have enrolled in his 23 courses in different industries from python and web development to SQL and web applications and he also has reached on other platforms such as edX.

He is also a writer who has published books about python and Google engine app and he has corporate with others to build many web applications such as a learning management system called Sakia Moodle and more so you are in good hands when you take this course.

Python for Everybody from University of Michigan Review- Best Python Course on Coursera

2. The Specialization Content

The course is really intended to be friendly for beginners and start teaching you from the history of computer and programming and then move to learn python and its fundamentals. Let’s explore this course content:

2.1. Programming for Everybody

You will understand the fundamentals of programming instructions and how computers understand the programming languages and know what to do as well as how the python language works and some basics and general concepts of computer programming.

Python for Everybody Specialization from Coursera - Should you Join this Course?

2.2. Python Data Structures

Here is where the fun part starts and you will understand the variables and data types user input and outputs and many more fundamentals of python as well as different operations that can be performed on strings and dealing with files and using tuples dictionaries and many more topics.

Best Coursera course to learn Python Data Structures

2.3. Using Python to Access Web Data

This course will teach you how to use python to access the web data using many methods such as web API as well as the socket connection and you are going to deal with HTML, XML, and JSON so you parse and read the data online and many other topics.

Best Coursera course to learn Python web access data

2.4. Using Databases with Python

Now moving to how to use python when interacting with databases especially SQL database technology so you will use some libraries to do that and you will learn how to use this SQL language and design a database system and finally, you will build a simple program that can scrape the web and store that data inside the SQL database.

Best Coursera course to learn Database with Python

2.5. Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python

Lastly, after completing the previous courses you will end up with a capstone project where you will build a program that can retrieve data from the web and then process and organize that data, and finally, visualize them using the JavaScript library called D3.js and that’s all.

Best Coursera Project for Python developer.

3. Community Review

The Python for Everybody specialization is considered one of the famous online courses out there to learn python with over 750k enrollment which is awesome and 4.8 stars out of 5 based on 290k people who have submitted their ratings and feedback about this course and its content.

The videos production and quizzes questions are good and friendly for beginners, especially for people who have never tried coding before and forget to mention the positive feedback that people submitted about their experience with this instructor and the course with over 39% of the learner have started a new career as a python developer while 19% has got promotion after completing the course.

And here is the link to join this awesome course - Python for Everybody specialization

best python course on Coursera

If you want more reviews, you can read them all here.

That's all about the review of Coursera's best Python course - Python for Everybody from the University of Michigan. The python language is widespread nowadays and many developers have shifted their careers toward learning this new language even big company names such as Dropbox Google, Instagram, Netflix, and more have used python in their systems whether building web applications or adding AI in their systems.

You can join this specialization individually, it's free for learning but if you want a certificate then you need to join the specialization which costs around $39 per month. Alternatively, you can also join their Coursera Plus subscription which allows you to get unlimited certificates at a single cost. This is better if you intended to join multiple courses and specializations.

Other Python Programming and Coursera Articles you may like
Thanks for reading this article. If you like my review of Python for Everybody, one of the best Coursera Courses to learn Python from the University of Michigan then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are looking for the best Udemy courses to learn Python then I highly recommend you join The Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero course by Jose Portilla on Udemy. This is the best most popular Python course with more than 1 million students already taking this course. It's also very affordable and you can buy it for just $10 on Udemy sales. 


sam kirubakar said...

thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

How much it cost to enroll into this Coursera program? Does the certificate I will get will be issued by the university or Coursera?

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Whats the next specialization you suggest to course after this one? Python 3 Programming or Aplied Data Science wiht Python?

javin paul said...

Yes, that's a great one or else you can also go for Google's Data Analytics certificate if you want to become Data Analyst

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