Saturday, January 6, 2024

Top 5 Free AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification (SAA-C03) Practice Tests, Mock Exams, and Dumps

Hello guys, It seems everyone is over the cloud nowadays. Wherever I go people talk about Cloud computing and cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, etc. And, there is no better way to learn cloud than preparing for certifications. I know so many people who are preparing for the AWS solution Architect exam for learning AWS and that's why I have started sharing my tips for learning AWS and passing the AWS solution architect certification exam. You might have noticed a couple of my posts related to AWS certifications like in the past I shared best online courses to crack AWS solution architect associate exam. But, I have said this multiple times that without practice tests and mock exams, your preparation for AWS certification be it solution architect or cloud developer is not complete.

I have passed many certifications like Java, SQL Server, Mobile, Web Development, Cloud, Data Science, etc. and from all my experience I can say that it's the practice tests that have played the most crucial role in getting those high scores which matter.

It doesn't matter whether you have taken the best AWS online courses  or read the best AWS certification books unless you do the real practice, all those knowledge will not help you to get over the line in real AWS certification exam.

Mock tests not only help you to pass the certification but also help you to score high. Those 850+ scores in AWS certification is literally not possible without a through practice using a good quality Mock simulator.

If you are not familiar with practice tests or mock simulators, then let me tell you that they are a collection of practice questions prepared by experts to match the syllabus and difficulty level of the exam. In some cases, these practice questions or mock exams are even more complicated than the real exam, particularly Whizlabs Exam Simulator, and I like that because than you are more ready for your review.

I strongly suggest you not to appear for your real test unless you are scoring 80% consistently in a series of mock exams. Only then you are ready to take on the challenge a real review presents like the tricky questions and time constraints.

Practice tests provide the real-exam-like environment where you need to solve the same number of questions in the same amount of time as in real exam, which gives you the real picture of where you are with respect to your preparation.

That's why I suggest you first try these free practice questions before appearing for the AWS Solution Architect Associate certification exam with code (SAA-C03). The AWS solution architect exam requires a high percentage to pass the review as a minimum passing score of 720 out of 100, which is 72%, and you just have 130 minutes to answer all those questions. The actual passing score may be different on the day you are going for the exam but by aiming for 75% you are safe to pass the exam in the first exam.

Top 5 Free AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Exams and Dumps

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of senior 5 free AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C03) Practice tests, sample questions, exam dumps, and Mock exams or online simulators.

These will not only help you to prepare better but also give you an idea about your strong and weak areas before the real exam. You can then focus on those topics to remove those weaknesses.

They are also an excellent learning resource because you are more involved when you try to solve a problem and even when you fail to solve a problem, you learn a lot by looking at the solution and where and what you missed.

1. [Practice Exams] AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 

Hello guys, Stephane Marak, has just released a brand new Practice test for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.  If you don't know who is Stephanie Marak, he is an AWS expert and author of the "Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate" course on Udemy, which is regarded as the best course to prepare for AWS solution architect exam.

If you are preparing for your SAA-C03 exam then these 195 high-quality questions can provide you a solid practice before the exam.   All questions have been written from scratch to cover the up-to-date syllabus.

Each question is also a scenario-based problem and contains detailed explanations, and they will 100% help you with preparing for your exam.

You can view the course and a sample question here
You can also get this practice test for $9.99 during Udemy's crazy sale that's happening right now!
best AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification (SAA-C01) Practice Tests

2. Whizlab's AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C03) Free test (20 questions)

When it comes to mock tests or practice questions, Whizlabs is an industry leader. I have been using Whizlabs for quite a long time and used them extensively for various Java certifications.

So, when I thought about AWS certifications like Solution Architect Associate, I first stop was to Whizlabs, and I was glad that they do have excellent AWS Practice tests.

As part of their free test, they provide 20 different questions for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam. So, trying it will let you know your current preparation level for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.

But, if you think that 20 is too little for you, then you can also purchase their full-length AWS Practice test which contains more than 600+ Practice Test Questions with detailed explanation. Questions are nicely divided into 7 full-length Mock Exams (455 different questions) and Section Tests – 11 objectives/topic-wise quiz for latest exam version (165 different items) to master particular topics.

best AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Tests

On top of that, you will have access to intelligent reports to assess your strengths and weaknesses. The full-length AWS practice test cost around $20 USD, and if you can afford, this should be the first thing you purchase for your AWS solution Architect certification.

3. Free AWS Solutions Architect Practice Test from Simplilearn (60 questions)

This is another excellent free AWS practice test for Solution architect associate certification. In this test, simplilearn provides 60 mock questions and asked you to solve in 80 minutes which is not exactly like a real exam but gives you enough experience and idea about how well you do in the actual exam.

This free AWS dumps not only covers questions from all the essential topics that are expected to be asked in the AWS exam but also difficulty level matches with the real exam. If you are doing it the first time, you can also pause the test and retake it whenever you want.

4. FREE AWS Certified Solution Architect Practice Quiz from LinuxAcademy (quizzes)

When it comes to cloud certifications like AWS certification, GCP certifications, and Microsoft Azure certification, Linux Academy is a valuable resource. They provide a lot of useful quizzes which will not only help you to get familiar with the topic but also find out your strong and weak areas.

This AWS quiz is made up of 25 questions and should take about 30-40 minutes to complete. It's meant to be challenging, just like the real AWS certified solution architect exam, which means you may miss a few questions, then I suggest you go back to Cloud Gurus' AWS Solution Architect Associate course and revise those topics to prepare better.

5. Official AWS Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) Sample questions (15 questions)

AWS and Amazon also provide a list of 10 sample questions for their AWS Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) certification.

These questions are quite good to get an idea of what you can expect in the real exam, particularly the level of difficulty. It also contains a detailed answer of those sample questions, which means you can check your response. You can download the sample question PDF here.

free AWS solution architect dumps and sample questions

6. David Mayer's AWS Solution Architect Associate Dumps (10 questions)

Apart from Whizlabs, my second favorite website for AWS mock test is David Mayer's Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Dumps.

Their free dumps have 10 questions that you need to solve online within 20 minutes. They have a proper time-bound test environment, which is very similar to real exams.

These 10 free AWS practice question is actually a preview of their full AWS Solution architect dumps, which contains 987 unique puzzles and 20 Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Tests with detailed explanations.

best AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification dumps

Here are a couple of questions form this AWS SAA C03 exam dumps:

That's all about some of the best free AWS mock tests and practice questions for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate exam. As I said, these online AWS mock simulators or practice questions will not only prepare you for the format of reviews like multiple choice and multiple answer questions but also help you to work within the time constraint of 130 minutes. They will also help you to find out your strong and weak areas so that you can work on them before appearing for a real exam.

If you really want to score more than 850+ on AWS solution architect associate exam, I strongly suggest you join Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate  course by Stephane Marak and practices hard.

Further Learning

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these AWS mock tests and practice questions, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have questions or feedback or any other free AWS tests, then feel free to drop a note.

P. S. - If you are new into the fantastic world of Amazon Web Services, then you can also check out these free AWS courses to kick-start your journey towards the cloud.

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    unknown said...

    very nice work

    javin paul said...

    Thank you @Unknown, glad that you find these free AWS solution architect dumps and practice questions useful.

    Anonymous said...

    Just wrapped up the Acloud Gurus class for this cert on Udemy. I come from a business IT world so not overly technical. Spent about 10 days in the class - few hours each day. Enjoyed it but took the first practice test and bombed with a 38%. Totally discouraged. I don’t even know where to start.

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