Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Top 5 Java Forums for Programmers

When you face a Java problem where do you go? StackOverflow, Coderanch, or Official Java forums? Yes, there are lots of online resources to help a Java programmer when he is stuck. Being one of the most popular programming languages ever, Java has a huge community. There are lots of blogs, websites, and forums to help you with the minute detail of Java programming. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner facing a problem or an expert looking for the best possible way to do certain things in Java, forums always provide good support.

When I first started Java programming, there was no StackOverFlow but there was a Javaranch forum, which is now known as Coderanch. That forum has lots of good people to help you, I have personally benefited a lot from that forum especially when I was preparing for SCJP.

There Java beginners forum is also very useful for anyone who has just started with Java and doesn't have anyone to seek help. By communicating with forum members you will not only learn how to describe your problem but also learn a lot of extra knowledge about the subject which you have not expected.

Since I love to find good resources, today I am going to share the 5 most useful Java forums for any Java programmer. If you are in Java development for more than a couple of months, I am sure you already know these places but for those who are looking to become Java developers, it pays off to know these Java forums in advance.

Top 5 Java Forums Programmers Can Join

Here is my list of the top 5 forums Java developers should visit regularly. Even if you are not seeking advice go hang out there and try to help other people because it will improve your knowledge as well. It helps immensely to correct any misconception you might have, as your post is scrutinized by many Java gurus. Though the order is of my preference, they are actually popular in the same order and you can visit them in the same order as well.

1. StackOverflow

StackOverFlow is not very old, founded in 2008 but for last couple of years, it is the undisputed leader of any problem-solving forum. It is not just useful for Java developers but also to other developers like JavaScript, C, C++, and others. 

StackOverFlow uses a tag to organize content and if you are posting your query then you must put in the right tag. Java is one of the most popular tag in StackOverFlow and has almost 773596 posts to this writing.  There is high chance that your query is already answered, so make sure you do a search before posting your question to the community.

Best Java forum

2. Coderanch

After StackOverFlow this is the most popular Java forum. Well someone can argue that StackOverFlow is a question-answer site while this is a proper forum. I agree, though StackOverflow also helps Java beginners, not like this site. I would highly recommend this Java forum if you have just started with Java programming or you are preparing for any Oracle Java certification

This site has dedicated Java forums for different certifications e.g. Java programmer, Java Web developer, Java business component developer, etc. You can also find lots of success stories and personal experiences on how to prepare for Oracle Java certification.

Best Java forum for Oracle Java Certification

3. Oracle Java Forum

This is the official Java forum managed by Oracle. This community site also has lots and lots of categories starting from New to Java to JDBC, Swing, Java FX, Java Card, Java Mobile, Java TV, etc. The place I most often check is Java Essentials which contains another four spaces, New to Java and Java Programming. 

As I said this is an official forum, so you will receive good advice from people who know their Java. If you have any query or problem, I suggest you first post it to coderanch and if you don't receive any reply then try here.

Official Java forum from Oracle

4. Java Forum 

This is not a very big forum but quite useful sometimes. You might not get your answer immediately but be patient you will. I seldom go to this forum as the big three can handle 99% of your problems and queries. 

This forum can be a good place for Java developer who wants to help fellow programmer and improve their knowledge on the subject matter. So if you are getting bored or want to revise your Java knowledge, go hang out in this forum. You will find lots of unanswered questions to start with :)

List of Java forum for beginners

DreamInCode Java forum

This is the forum I have received a lot of good reviews on but haven't spent much time, mainly due to my attachment to the big three. Like other Java forums, it also allows you to ask a question, but you can also take some Java challenges there. It has different sections for discussing advanced Java stuff, Java Challenges, Java EE stuff, and Java News and articles section. If you are a beginner or just starting with Java, You can find a lot of good advice here like which Java book to start with.

Good forum for Java developers

That's all guys, this was my list of top 5 Java forums, which I think can be very useful for any programmer learning Java or any engineer aiming to become a Java developer. If you know Java but don't consider yourself an expert, these are the place where you can find gaps in your knowledge and fill it with good advice from Java gurus hanging there.

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    Anonymous said...

    You should do one for blogs. However I prefer only to read this one since here topics are useful.

    Anonymous said...

    StackOverFlow is the most active forum, not just for Java but all other programming langauge, libraries, framework and technologies. You can get some answers on Oracle forums but participation level is very low there, only few people answer most of the question. Coderanch is another active Java forum, best if you are preparing for Java Certification e.g. SCJP, SCWCD etc. Rest of the forums are not that active and only good sometime.

    Unknown said...

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    a star if you find this a good way to learn


    Unknown said...

    I am facing redirection issues for j_spring_security_check

    My XML

    Unknown said...

    Please can I be a good programmer in if I ignore c,c++ and move to Java?
    Also which site can I effectively learn Java language.

    Raghava said...

    Yes. These are the top 5 forums for Java programmers. Personally i go with stackoverflow as it is more active compared to others. More users participates in Stackoverflow forum.

    Fox News Todays said...

    Developing a Graphic User Interface (GUI) using Java can be an art-form in itself, as there's quite a lot to get used to: Components, Containers, Layout Managers, and a whole lot more besides. The NetBeans development environment, however, has greatly simplified the creation of forms, and we'll use this to drag and drop controls onto a frame.

    Anonymous said...

    Dear experts,

    I run into this error which I have been solving for hours but to no avail.

    Hope someone can give m a clue how to diagnose on this problem and how to go about resolve the error.

    The error is :

    HTTP Status 404 - Not Found
    The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

    This is the first time I got this error. Please help.

    Display order of simple java custom object said...


    I have simple java object Treatment where it has below properties


    I did the setting values for these properties using setter methods

    Treatment tobj= new Treatment ();
    tobj.setProcedureCodeDescription("Static Text");

    but when I print this object values using the getters
    it is displaying in below order

    instead I want this order, that is can I restrict the order to display?


    javin paul said...

    Hello you can just override the toString() method and print in the order you want to. If you need example, check


    Anonymous said...

    I've been coding in Java for 25 years and used the big 3 extensively for simple stuff, but they all tend to break when tough issues occur like those caused by Oracle giving up on backward compatibility in Java 9.

    The biggest issue is that professional development requires Spring on top of Java, and Spring closed its forums a couple years ago in favor of the big 3 - who don't support it well.

    Problems with the big 3

    - JavaRanch: Advanced questions usually go unanswered, and they will send unsolicited email as long as you remain registered. I've taken to register only when I have a question and unregister a week or two later.

    - StackOverflow: It is by far the best repository of answers to common questions, but it is toxic to new posters. Most of the time instead of answering the questions old posters will troll you. And they still fail to answer the more complex questions.

    - Oracle's Java forums: They are not very active, and of course they do not cover the critical Spring questions.

    For an example of a question that remained unanswered after posting on the big 3: Java 9 broke some old common practice "classpath" resolution approaches. The new "standard" is to create a new classloader to do the job (not a problem) and set it on the thread with threadCurrent.setContextClassloader(). But... Spring does not honor the thread's context classloader and there is no properly documented method to make it use the context classloader or default to a custom classloader. I spent weeks asking the question on the big 3, with no answer. I even tried to buy support from spring.io but they wouldn't even bother to reply to my inquiry for pricing.

    Unfortunately this is just one example of the kind of problems we face, with Oracle changing Java's behavior and failing to ensure that there is proper support for all of the essential tools.

    So, for the first time in 25 years I am unable to give a solid argument when people at my company pressure us to move to .NET. Java + Spring remains the best development language there is for professional software development, but without even the ability to pay for *competent* support I fear that Java has given up the battle and is allowing .NET to slowly take over.

    javin paul said...

    You have a point and seriously I question the decision of Spring to close their forum, they are the source and they should provide support, you can have access to spring commiter and designer on that forum. I am sure Vmware will do something about it.

    Anonymous said...

    what is the value of x?
    public class main {
    public static void run(int x)
    public static void main(String[] args)
    int x=25;



    javin paul said...

    you are not printing anything but final value of X should be 27 as it get increased twice, after passing as method argument and inside finally block. The code inside run() method will not change x as its a copy of actual x variable.

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