Friday, November 26, 2021

Top 5 Courses to Learn Servlet and JSP for Java Web Developers in 2024 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, if you want to learn Servlet and JSP and look for the best Servlet courses, you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Servlet and JSP books and free Servlet and JSP courses and today, I will share the best Sevelt and JSP online courses from websites like Udemy Coursera and Pluralsight. These courses have been created by experts and trusted by thousands of developers to learn Servlet and JSP. You can also join them to learn these key technologies online from your home or office. Servlet and JSP are two of the most important web technologies for Java developers. In the framework age, you may not directly work with Servlet and JSP but knowing fundamentals like this always helps. 
Even if you are using Spring MVC or any other framework for creating Java web applications, having knowledge of Servlet and JSP goes a long way when debugging and troubleshooting production bugs. If you want to learn Servlet and JSP and looking for the best online training courses to start with, then you have come to the right place.

A Servlet is a Java class used to increase the number of hosts that an application dedicated server can handle. So its principal utility is to expand the number of webs and applications that one server can host.

Although their principal goal is to extend the applications that can host a web server, they can reply to other types of requests too. That is so that there are specific HTTP-specific servlet classes for this type of application.

On the other hand, there is the JSP, which is a text document that contains two different types of text inside. A static data part and another one focused on dynamic data. The first one can be found in many different text-based formats such as HTML, XML, or SVG. The dynamic part has to be expressed by the JSP elements.

5 Best Servlet and JSP Courses for Java Web Developers

Without wasting any more of your time, here is the list of best online courses to learn Servlet and JSP, two of the key Java web technologies you need to learn to become a Java web developer. These courses have been created by experienced Java developers and expert trainers, and they are also the highest-rated Servlet and JSP courses from Udemy and Pluralsight.

1. Servlets and JSPs Tutorial: Learn Web Applications With Java

In this course, you will learn how to create dynamic websites using Java web programming technologies. It is meant for people who already know Java and want to improve their skills in this programming language.

The tutorial includes 10 hours of video classes, 2 articles, and 3 downloadable resources and teaches how to deploy your own project applications for free on the Internet, use core server-side technologies, and leverage the power of Java Programming language to create dynamic websites.

This process takes your basic Java knowledge, and by implementing the Servlets, JSPs, and JSTL, you will be able to create modern interactive websites as huge corporations can.

Top 5 Courses to learn Servlet and JSP for Java developers

2. JSP, Servlets, and JDBC for Beginners: Build a Database App 

This tutorial is the best seller of Udemy of Servlets and JSP for a reason. Is an easy tutorial that shows the basics in a very intuitive way.

You will learn how to build a fully functioning JSP and Servlets web application from scratch, set up different environments for creating the projects, read HTML form data with this technology, build a database, and many interesting applications.

It includes a total amount of 8 and a half hours of video tutorials, 31 articles, and 49 downloadables. As you see, it has a lot of documentation that you have all life access to. Of course, it is necessary to have a Java knowledge base, and it is useful to have some HTML knowledge.

best online course to learn Servlet, JSP and JDBC

3. Java Servlet, JSP, and Hibernate: Build eCommerce Website

This is one of the best project-based courses to learn Servlet and JSP on Udemy. Nam has created a course focused on creating your own eCommerce site. So it is focused on creating a hole eCommerce, where the customer can browse the products, view details write the reviews that the clients write.

You can control all customers’ products and order with a customer panel created by you thanks to this course. It also teaches cool things like the implementation of a payment integration with PayPal or credit card payments.

You will learn how to get this done by an example project consisting of creating a web eCommerce that sells books, which he will teach you during the course. By getting the course, you have lifetime access to 59 hours of video and 201 downloadable resources.

best online course to learn JSP, Servlet and JDBC for experienced java developer

4. Java EE: Programming Servlets by Sekhar Srinivasan [Pluralsight]

This Pluralsight online course is focused exclusively on using Java servlets. Doing the course, you will learn how to configure the Tomcat webserver in Eclipse, and you'll learn how to read the request and response headers. You’ll see many details about tracking session data, web annotations, and globalizing servlets.

By the end of the course, you will know how to completely understand how web development using Java servlets works.

By the way, you would need a Pluralsight membership to join this course which costs around $29 per month or $299 per year (14% discount). I highly recommend this subscription to all programmers as it provides instant access to more than 7000+ online courses to learn any tech skill. Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-free-pass to watch this course for FREE.

best Pluralsight course to learn Servlet and JSP

5. JSP and Servlets - The Complete Course 

This is another comprehensive JSP and Servlet Programming training course from Udemy for experienced Java developers. This training course covers dynamic web development using JSP and Servlets.

It focuses on the key concepts at a basic level, which makes it good for experienced programmers and beginners. You will learn how to create and deploy Servlets and JSP using hands-on exercises and examples.

Along the way, you will also understand Servlet LifeCycle and how to build fully functioning JSP and Servlet web applications from scratch.  The tutorial includes 5 and a half hours of on-demand video tutorials.

best udemy course to learn servlet and JSP

That's all about the best online courses to learn Servlet and JSP, two of the core web technologies for Java developers. If you want to be actualized on knowledge about making Java pages that look modern and cool, JSP and Servlets are a perfect combination that will increase a lot the quality of your sites. It will make them look beautiful and really professional.

In this article, we have brought you a selection of the best courses you can take depending on your level of specific needs. I hope that it will help you increase your level as a professional to the next level so you can keep improving every day.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these best Servlet and JSP online courses useful to learn Full-stack Java development, please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are keen to learn about Servlet and JSP and become a Java web developer but looking for a free online training course, then you can also check out this Java Servlets and JSP - Build Java EE(JEE) app in 25 Steps course by Ranga Karnam on Udemy. It's completely free, and you just need an Udemy account to join this course.

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