Thursday, October 17, 2024

Top 7 AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification Practice Test and SAA-C03 Exam Dumps in 2025

Hello guys, if you are preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C03 and SAA-C03) certification exam and looking for challenging practice tests to assess your preparation then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share the best Practice test and questions to prepare for the AWS Solution Architect Associate  (SAA-C03) exam from Udemy, Whizlabs, and other portals, totaling more than 2000+ practice questions. These practice tests are created by AWS experts and certified developers and Solution architects like Stephane Maarek and Cloud guru Ryan Kroonenberg. Mock simulators play an important role in any certification and the AWS Solution Architect Associate-level exam is no different.

No matter, how much you study, unless you do a lot of practice tests, you won't be able to get accustomed to the format, pressure, and time constraint of the real exam. That's where these practice test and exam simulator helps a lot.

They not only provide you much-needed practice in the real exam like environment but also help you to identify your strong and weak areas. The areas which you can improve before your exam to get the highest possible score you want.

Though, when it comes to mock tests, there are not many options out there but thankfully we have enough to prepare well. I have been sharing a lot of AWS certification resources in the past like these AWS Solution Architect courses and these AWS certification guides.

To take that to the next level, today, I am going to share some useful AWS certification practice tests and a mock simulator for the associate-level AWS solution architect exam.

Practice tests are designed by experts to simulate the real exam scenario. The questions are based on the exam syllabus outlined by official documentation. The questions that appear in each practice test are unique and not repeated in other practice tests. These practice tests are provided to the candidates to gain more confidence in exam preparation and self-evaluate them against the exam content.

7 Best SAA-C03 AWS Solution Architect Certification Practice Questions, Exam Dumps, and Mock Tests in 2025

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of the best AWS Solution architect practice tests you can take to prepare for your exam. This practice test contains unique questions, covering all essential topics as per the exam guide, and will help you to assess your speed and accuracy before the real exam.

1. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Practice (325 questions)

Any list of AWS Certification questions will be incomplete without including Stephane Maarek's practice test and courses. Stephane put a lot of hard work into his courses and practice test which makes them an invaluable resource for AWS certification aspirants.

His own experience as an AWS certified developer and Solution architect also helps a lot but what sets apart his practice test from others in this list is the quality of questions and explanation. You can Prepare well for your SAA-C03 exam with these  325 high-quality practice test questions written from scratch with detailed explanations!

Just check the sample question of this practice test and you will realize how useful they are. That's why I have kept his practice test for the final preparation.  This test contains 325 high-quality questions written from scratch with detailed explanations and is extremely useful for your SAA-C03 test. 

Give them when you are completely ready for the exam and iron out any weakness. His test is slightly higher quality than the real exam but that's what you need for real preparation.

For better preparation, I also recommend you to combine this practice test with Stephane's Ultimate AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate 2025 course on Udemy. It also includes one more practice test for final preparation. You can buy both of these courses and practice tests for just $20 on Udemy sales.

best AWS Solution Architect Mock Test

2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams by Neal Davis (390 questions)

Along with Ryan Krooneberg, Stephane Maarek, and Jon Bonso, Neal Davis is another AWS expert that I admire on Udemy. These AWS courses and practice tests are of top quality and essential to pass the SAA-C03 and SAA-C03 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.

This online practice test course contains the following things:

1. Six full-length timed-practice exams (65 questions each)

2. Explanation of each question

3. Cheat Sheets

4. FREE 12-month access to the Exam Simulator on the Digital Cloud Training with 500+ Practice Questions

These 390 questions are challenging questions and you can only solve them if you have done some serious preparation and I suggest you score 80% consistently on these exams before you go for the real exam. You can also join this AWS Solution architect associate training course for better preparation together with these practice tests. 

best AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Test

This will ensure that you will pass the AWS Solution Architect associate certification in one go and save your time and money.

3. WhizLabs AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Test (600+ questions)

When it comes to practice tests for any certification the first place I go is to Whizlabs. I have used Whizlab's exam simulator to pass many online certifications like Java and AWS. Their question not only mimics the real exam but often exceeds in difficulty level and that's why they provide better preparation than any other test.

This AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice test is also like that and it contains 455 questions divided into 7 full-length mock exams. You can use them to gauge your preparedness. Each question is explained in detail and the explanation covers all the options to teach you why a particular option is correct and why others are not.

It also contains a section test to cover specific topics. It has such an 11 objectives/topic-wise quiz for SAC-C02 the latest exam version and has 165 unique questions with exhaustive explanations for every question. It also comes with intelligent reports to assess your strong and weak areas.

If you are serious about passing this prestigious AWS certification in your first attempt then I strongly suggest you solve practice questions from the Whizlabs exam simulator.

Top 6 AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification Practice Test and Exam Dumps  - [SAA-C01 & SAA-C02]

4. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams (390+ Questions)

This is another popular practice test for AWS Solution architect associate certification on Udemy. This practice test contains 390 unique questions which are divided into 6 sets of full-length exams, having 65 questions on each set.

This practice is created by Jon Bonso of Tutorials Dojo and it's trusted by more than 132,000 students on Udemy. Each question is also explained in detail and links are provided for further learning. He has been regularly updating the practice test to include both SAA-C03 topics and that's why a lot of the people got success by going through his practice test

It is also one of the highest-rated AWS solution architect associate mock tests on Udemy with on average 4.6 ratings from close to 21,000 participants. More than 130K people have already joined this course. 

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Dumps

5. Practice Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional [150 questions]

If you have been preparing for AWS certification then you definitely have come across A Cloud Guru and Stephane Maarek, most likely you have taken his AWS Solution Architect Associate course for preparation or joined his mailing list to keep yourself up-to-date with what happening in the cloud world including AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Stephane also has some practice questions and quizzes to test your preparation and you can buy this practice test on Udemy. Created by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh, this practice test contains 150 questions which are divided into 3 exams of 65 questions each.

These questions are based upon exam topics and test your preparedness. If you have taken his AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional course and read the FAQ/White papers then you should be able to answer these questions.

If you like Stephane Marek course material then you will also love these quizzes and practice tests and I suggest you take this along with Stephane's course for better preparation.

best AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Questions

6. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Dumps (349 questions)

This is another useful list of questions to prepare for the AWS Solution architect associate exam and I strongly suggest you go through it before going for a real exam. What separates this from other mock tests in this list is that it's not really a practice test but an AWS exam dumps.

These are actual questions asked on the AWS Solution architect associate exam which is contributed by candidates who have passed or attempted those tests. This gives you a unique opportunity to see real questions before the actual exam. You can use them to find patterns and types of questions you can encounter in the real exam.

Many times they contain a couple of surprises like a type of questions you have never solved and that's why I suggest you take a look before the real exam. If you ask AWS experts and other mentors many would advise against exam dumps because many people tend to mug these question with the hope that they will repeat again, which is not correct and only lead to failure.

You should use exam dumps to get yourself familiar with the type of questions and level of questions of the exam instead of mugging them. This is probably the biggest AWS solution architect exam dump you can find only it contains more than 349 questions divided into 20 exam tests.

It is also updated from time to time to include the latest questions from the AWS solution architect associate exam which makes it a valuable resource in your preparation. They also have free AWS Solution architect dump where you can check few questions and quality of the test. 

Here is the link to get this AWS SAA C03 dump - AWS SAA-C03 Exam Dumps

7. AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams

The AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams for 2025 stands out as a comprehensive and up-to-date preparation resource for individuals aiming to excel in the AWS certification. With a bestseller status, a solid rating of 4.3 out of 5 from 259 ratings, and 6,096 enrolled students, this course is designed to provide an immersive and realistic exam experience. 

 Priced at just S$12.98, thanks to an 84% discount off the original S$78.98, the course offers tremendous value. Created by Exam Prep Academy USA with the latest update in November 2023, the material includes 5 full-length, real practice exams, totaling 324 questions. 

The exams cover both multiple-choice questions, where participants choose the correct response from four options, and multiple-response questions, where individuals must select the two best choices out of five options. 

With a 30-day money-back guarantee, this course ensures that candidates have the flexibility to assess its suitability. The inclusion of bonus questions further enhances the preparation, making this course an invaluable resource for those aspiring to ace the AWS SAA-C03 exam.

best AWS Solution Architect Associate Certification Practice Test and SAA-C03 Exam Dumps

7 Tips to do well on AWS Solution Architect Certification

Now that we have seen the best practice test and mock exam simulator you can take to prepare for the AWS Solution Architect certification exam, it's time to see some practical tips to do well on the exam. Here are a few tips you can follow to better prepare for your exam and score 1000/1000 on your exam.

1. Read FAQs and Whitepapers thoroughly. They contain a lot of useful information and reading them, again and again, will help you to choose the best AWS services in a given scenario with given constraints.

2. If you are not able to solve any question on your practice test or got it wrong, then you should go back to the AWS documentation and read the concepts again.

3. Most of the questions in my test were related to EC2, EBS, Placement groups, VPC, Route53, IAM, NAT Instance, RDS, AutoScaling, Security Groups/ACL, ELB, S3, Shared responsibility Model.

4. Around 30-40% of the questions in the exam were related to picking a service among 4 options based on the scenario. So read the use cases and make sure you understand all.

5. Scenario-based questions were not that long as given in some practice exams.

6. Not many questions around SQS, SWF, and other Application Services.

7. The format of questions was more likely the same as in the below mock practice test (make sure you score 100% in the below mock test before going to test):

That's all about some of the best AWS Solution Architect mock tests and Practice questions. I strongly suggest you do all these practice tests and improve the topic you need. Also, keep practicing to develop the speed and accuracy you need in the real exam to solve 130 questions in 80 minutes. From my experience, I have an ounce that once you start scoring over 80% on these exams over a consistent period then you are ready for the real exam.

Other AWS Certification Resources you may like to explore

Thanks a lot for reading this article so far. If you like these AWS practice tests and mock tests then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P.S. - If you are keen to pass the AWS Solution Architect Associate certification but looking for free online training and practice tests then I suggest you take a look at the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Introduction course on Udemy. It's a free course that will show you how to become an AWS solution architect associate in 30 days.

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