Monday, October 14, 2024

Top 5 Practice Tests for AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Certification in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, time and again I have said that practice questions and mock tests are an integral part of passing AWS certifications be it AWS solution architect or this AWS developer associate exam. They not only help you to prepare in an exam-like environment with time constraints but also reinforce and solidify whatever you have learned from online courses, books, tutorials, and white papers. It doesn't matter whether you have joined AWS developer courses like Neal Davis' AWS course on Udemy or Stephane Maarek's DVA-C02 course, unless and until you have practiced enough problems, you are not really ready for the exam.

My readers, often asked me which practice test is best? Should I go for an exam dumps? how many practice tests should I solve before appearing for the AWS Developer Associate exam and so on?

With so many mock tests and practice questions flying around the internet, it becomes very difficult to choose the right one and that's where this article will help you. 

If you stick with an inferior quality practice test then you won't be as ready for the exam as the practice test shows and this disconnect may cost you your chance to pass the exam on very the first attempt.

Remember, you need to score 76% to pass this AWS certification and I have seen many cases where many people failed the exam with one or two mistakes. By choosing good quality practice tests you can avoid such kinds of mistakes.

It's key to remember that knowing just what does a particular AWS service is used for is not enough, if you want to pass the exam, you must know about how to choose the most appropriate AWS services based upon a given scenario. These mock tests contain such kinds of questions to train your mind for a real exam.

In this article, we'll share some of the best mock tests and practice questions for the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam. These practice questions are tried and tested by many cloud professionals who have passed the AWS Developer associate exam with flying colors.

5 Best Mock Tests and Practice Question for AWS Developer Associate Certification in 2025

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of best practice tests and mock exams you can take online to prepare for the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam. 

I strongly suggest you go through as many mock tests as possible to develop the speed and accuracy required to pass this exam with a high score. As soon as you start hitting 80% on these exams continuously, you can go for a real exam.

1. AWS Certified Developer Associate 2025 [390 questions]

This is one of the most up-to-date and useful practice tests you can take to prepare for your AWS Developer Associate exam. This practice test is created by Stephane Maarek, one of my favorite Udemy instructors and an AWS expert who has passed most of the AWS certification with flying color by himself.

Talking about this practice test, it contains 293 questions on DVA-C02 (AWS Developer Associate exam) which is divided into 4 practice papers of 65 questions each and a bonus test of 33 questions which was added later to cover new topics for AWS Developer Associate certification.

For best preparation, you can also combine this practice test with the Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2025 - NEW! course by the same instructor. This will help you to pass this valuable AWS certification on the very first attempt.

Talking about social proof, this practice test has been trusted by more than 24,000 AWS certification aspirants and it has on average 4.76 ratings from close to 9300 participants which are simply amazing. 

If you don't know, Stephane has done all the AWS certification and I remember he scored around 980/1000 on the AWS SysOps exam which is simply amazing.

Top 5 AWC Certified Developer Associate Mock Tests and Practice Questions - DVA-001 Certification

2. Whizlabs AWS Certified Developer Practice Tests (745 questions)

When it comes to practice tests and mock exam simulators, I go to Whizlabs and AWS certification is no different. I have been using Whizlabs tests for the last 10 years and it has helped me to pass several online certifications, particularly Java, and AWS.

Their questions are of superb quality and match (mostly exceed) the difficulty level of the actual exam. This means if you score 80% of their practice test then you are more likely to store 80+ in the real exam tool.

This is also one of the most comprehensive AWS Certified Developer Practice tests which contain 745 unique problems which are divided into 12 full-length Mock Exams. Questions re-updated based upon the latest syllabus and it also contains an objective-based practice test.

The best part of their practice test is that it comes with a proper explanation so that you know why a correct answer is correct and why a wrong answer is incorrect. They also provide useful reports so that you can assess your strong and weak areas and work upon them before going for the real exam.

If you want to pass the AWS Developer Associate certification on the first attempt and want to get a better score then O highly recommends you to go through the Whizlabs AWS Developer associate practice test.

It's not very costly, and you can get in less than $20 which is much less than the cost of actual certification.  They also have a free AWS Developer Associate practice test which you can try before purchasing the full-length tests.

best Practice test for AWS Developer Associate exam

3. David Mayer's AWS Developer Associate Certification exam dumps (302 questions)

Exam dumps also have a unique role to play in your AWS certification preparation. While many people misuse exam dumps by just mugging those questions with the hope that they will repeat the actual exam, you can learn a lot from them as they are the actual questions from the previous exam.

You can use exam dumps to find the types of questions, difficulty level, and how the tricky and confusing questions look like. You can also find them to detect patterns and topics which are more important from the exam perspective. I don't suggest you mug the questions but use them carefully to foolproof your preparation.

And, when it comes to exam dumps, David Mayer's has the best collection. In their AWS Developer associate exam dumps, you will find 302 questions from past exams.  

You can use this example along with Stephane Maarek online course and Whizlabs' exam simulator to better prepare for your AWS Developer associate certification (DVA-C02) exam.

4. AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams (260 questions)

Apart from Stephane Marek's course and practice test, Udemy also has many other practice tests for Amazon's AWS developer associate exam and one of them is Jon Bonso and Tutorial's Dojo practice exams. They also provide top-quality practice tests for AWS certifications like AWS Solution Architect, Sysops AdminCloud Practitioner, and of course AWS Developer association exams.

In this course, you will find 260 AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Test Questions divided into 4 sets of 65 questions each. You can use them as a full-length test to assess your speed and accuracy level or to improve your learning as they come with detailed explanations and links to further learning.

Each AWS Practice Test comes with 65 UNIQUE questions and a 130-minute time limit which is very similar to the actual exam and if you give these practice tests in the right environment like a quiet room and strict time limit, you will be able to see if you ready for the actual exam or not.

Another good thing about the Tutorials Dojo AWS Developer associate practice test is that they constantly update their questions to remain in sync with AWS changing exam topics. 

They have a dedicated team to update their question bank on a regular basis, mostly based on the feedback of students on what appeared on the actual exam, as well as through external benchmarking.

If you are aiming for a 1000/1000 score on the AWS Developer Associate exam then I highly recommend you solve problems on Jon Bonso's AWS Developer Associate practice test.

best Udemy Practice test for AWS Developer Associate exam

5. AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exam Questions (390 questions)

While Udemy has many AWS practice tests, not all of them are of good quality, and many just test your knowledge about what particular AWS service does instead of training you to choose the most appropriate AWS service for a given requirement.

It's very easy to stick on those practice tests and lose both your valuable time and money and that's why we suggest choosing the practice tests which are tried and tested like this Neal Davis's AWS developer associate practice test.

Along with Stephane Marek's Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2025 and TutorialsDojo, this is another AWS Developer practice test that I found useful on Udemy. It contains Over 390 Unique AWS Questions in 6 Practice Tests and comes with detailed exhalations and links for further learning.

Their questions are tough and mimic the real exam questions. If you are looking for easy practice questions then this test is not for you. 

This practice test contains high-quality questions that can only be solved with a thorough understanding of key AWS concepts.

You can use this practice test to maximize your chance to pass this AWS Developer associate certification in the very first attempt and save both time and money on retrying. If you like books, Neal has also put these practice questions on Amazon and you can buy them there. You will also get access to an online exam simulator.

best book and online simulator  AWS Developer Associate exam

That's all about some of the best mock tests and practice exams to prepare for the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam with code DVA-C02. These practice questions will not only test your skill in a timed environment but also help you to identify your strong and weak areas.

You can also use them to reinforce and solidify your knowledge and give exposure to some lesser-known exam topics which many cloud developers often fail to prepare. Don't go for the real exam until you consistently score over 80% on these practice tests.

This will improve your chances of passing the exam on the very first attempt and save both time and money. I also like to tell you that Amazon Web Services also offers Practice exams so that you can test your knowledge online in a timed environment but they are more expensive than these exams. 

If you can afford it, by all means, you should go for those practice tests as well.

Other AWS Certification Resources you may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best AWS Cloud Developer Associate mock tests and Practice papers and found it useful to pass your exam then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are keen to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification but can't afford these resources and instead of looking for free resources to prepare for this prestigious certification then you can also check out this FREE AWS Developer Associate Training on Udemy. It's completely free and you just need an Udemy account to join this AWS training course.

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