Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Top 5 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) Practice Questions & Dumps in 2025

As I have said before, Practice tests and exam dumps play an important role in not just passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification (CLF-C02)  but also achieving a high score, which can truly set you apart from your competition. There are multiple benefits of going through practice tests and solving problems on an exam simulator before actual example. For example, it will help you find your strengths and weakness in advance so that you can understand your weaker areas better. They also help you to develop speed and accuracy, which is key to pass the time-bound exam like the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) certification from Amazon.

If you know, to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, you need to score at least 700 out of 1000; that that's 70%, and you only have 90 minutes to complete all the questions, which are not just multiple-choice but also multiple responses. That means, there could be more than one correct answer to any question.

When a question has multiple answers, which means you need to read all options and evaluate them instead of just finding the right answer and moving on, this can take a long time in the real exam, especially if you have not done any practice test beforehand.

By solving mock tests in a real-exam-like environment you develop this speed and accuracy. This also helps to reduce panic, stress level, and exam phobia which can not only affect your score but also can result in failing the exam.

Another crucial benefit of the practice test is that you get yourself familiar with exam patterns. I have found that not many people read the exam guide by AWS carefully and don't know that one question can have multiple answers.

This means they end up missing a lot of questions which they would have got correctly had they known about the format. Practice test helps you to avoid such surprises. Because of all these benefits, I strongly suggest everyone preparing for AWS certifications like Cloud Practitioner, AWS Developer,  and AWS Solution Architect to solve as many mock tests as possible.

If you agree with me and need some recommendation on which AWS Practice test you should solve then stay with me and I'll share some of the best AWS dumps and practice papers from Udemy, Whizlabs,, etc, you can take to prepare your AWS Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) exam better.

Btw, there is no guarantee that you will get any questions from any of these practice tests but that's not the point also. These practice tests prepare you for the exam in a real sense so that you can answer all unseen questions on the real exam.

7 Best AWS Cloud Practitioner(CLF-C02) Certification Mock Tests and Practice Questions in 2025

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the best practice test and exam dumps to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam in 2025:

1. 6 Practice Exams | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh

Practice make perfect and this is even more true in case of AWS cloud certification, if you want to score high, you must practice questions as many as you can and you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam with confidence by enrolling in this comprehensive course featuring 390 unique, high-quality test questions with detailed explanations.

Boasting a remarkable rating of 4.6 out of 5 from a staggering 26,261 reviews, and with over 206,396 students already benefiting from its content, this course is a standout choice for those seeking success in the AWS certification journey. 

Created by experienced professionals and AWS Guru Stephane Marek and Abhishek Singh this is one of the most popular practice test on Udemy. The package includes six practice tests, accessible on mobile devices, and offers full lifetime access to the materials. 

With a 30-day money-back guarantee, the course provides a risk-free opportunity to master the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam. As an added bonus, the course has been trusted by top companies like Nasdaq, Volkswagen, Box, NetApp, and Eventbrite, making it a preferred choice for corporate training. 

For more through preparations you can also combine this course with the [NEW] Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 course by Stephane which is not just a video course but also include a full practice test. 

review of 6 Practice Exams | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh

Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh brings a wealth of experience having passed a combined total of 18 AWS certifications. This course is your final pit-stop to ensure you are well-prepared for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam.

If you ask me this is probably the best AWS cloud practitioner practice test out there, not just because it was prepared by AWS Guru Stephane Maarek but also it has helped thousands of people to pass the AWS cloud practitioner exam in first attempt and it's also the most updated one for new version of the exam CLF-C02. 

2. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: 6 full practice tests 2025

This is one of the best set of practice questions you can take to crack the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam on the first try!. Yes, passing the exam on the first try matters a lot because that's when you have a lot of focus and you need to spend another $100 if you want to retry the exam.

The list of questions is divided into 6 full-length practice tests and each test contains 65 questions, which means you have a total of 390 questions to practice. All the questions are of good quality and detailed explanations are provided to understand they the correct answers are correct and why incorrect answers are incorrect.

Top 5 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner(CLF-C01) Certification Mock Test and Dumps

These practice tests are also time-bound which is important for real practice and to develop the speed and accuracy required to pass the official test. 

At the end of the test, you'll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly ( and detailed explanations to every question ) to improve your knowledge and make you better prepared to pass the actual AWS Cloud certified exam.

Talking about social proof, this mock exam is trusted by more than 23000 students and it has on average 4.4 ratings from 5,247 participants which speaks volumes about the quality of the practice tests and questions.

3. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Test By Whizlabs

When it comes to buying practice tests Whizlabs is my one-stop-shop. I have been using Whizlabs for the last 10 years and it has helped me to pass several certification exams like OCAJP, OCPJP, OCEJWCD, and more.

They also have a decent practice test to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam, which contains 3 Full-Length Mock Exams and 195 unique questions.

Each Practice Test has 65 questions and you will need to solve them in 90 minutes as required by the actual exam. The best thing is that an exhaustive explanation for every question is provided and you also have access to 11 labs for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam. 

If you haven't done a lot of work in the AWS console and portal then these labs will help you to get yourself familiar.

Best AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam dumps

The mock test also comes with unlimited access and you can access the exam simulator from both web and mobile. If you ask me, I highly recommend the Whizlabs AWS Practice test for their quality and my past experience.

They also have a free AWS Practice test which contains fewer questions but good to check the quality of questions before you purchase this AWS practice test on Whizlabs.

4. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2025 Practice Questions

This is another decent course from Udemy which provides 300+ unique practice questions for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification exam 2025.

They also provide a detailed explanation of each and every question that will help you to understand the question and topic. It will also encourage you to explore more as you may come across topics which you have never heard of.

Crated by Ranga Karnam and In28Minutes, this practice test have  5 Practice Tests & 300+ Exam Questions which you can use to check your final preparation. You can also combine this with his video course AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - AWS Certification for more through preparation. More than 54,000 people have already done that. 

The good thing about their mock exam software you can access it from both desktop and mobile devices, which means you can solve these AWS Cloud Practitioner questions while commuting to your office and home.

AWS Cloud practitioner practice test and video course

5. Amazon AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam dumps (105 questions) by David Mayer 

Unlike practice questions, exam dumps are a bit different. They are actually the real exam questions that appear on the exam and collected from candidates who have gone through those exams and David Mayer is doing a great job in collecting those questions and providing us.

While there is no guarantee that those questions will repeat and you will pass the exam by just mugging these questions from exam dumps they are the most authentic sample questions you can get apart from giving the exam yourself.

The best use of the exam dump is to check the difficulty level and format of the exam and prepare accordingly. I often over-prepare so that I can handle any surprises. In general, you will find that questions on practice paper are tougher than real exam questions you will find in dumps.

6. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams CLF-C02 by Neal Davis

This is one more practice test I recommend to candidates preparing for a high score, something higher than 900. Since you are aiming high, you also need to prepare hard and instead of solving 6 practice questions, you may need to solve 15 or 20.

You also need to choose practice questions where difficulty level and quality are higher than the actual exam and that's where this AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner test from Udemy shines.

It is the most up-to-date and contains over 390+ new 2025 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice questions divided into 6 full Practice Tests  Exam Simulator. You will also get access to a cheat sheet for quick revision.

They are also offering free access to their Exam Simulator on their own Digital Cloud Training website (registration required). The exam simulator randomly selects 65 questions from our pool of over 500 unique questions - mimicking the real AWS exam environment.

Best AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests

The practice exam has the same format, style, time limit, and passing score as the real AWS exam. In Training Mode, you also get to check answers after every question to help you prepare for the exam (which is not possible on Udemy).

Talking about social proof these mock tests are trusted by more than 119,221 students and it has on average 4.6 ratings from close to 22,350 ratings which is remarkable. I highly recommend this practice test to score high on the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.

7. 2025 AWS Cloud Practitioner: 6 CLF-02 Practice Test

This is our own AWS cloud practitioner test which we have created based upon our own experience. It contains collective wisdom of our team, including me and these practice test are created keeping every single small concept in mind. 

The "AWS Cloud Practitioner: 6 CLF-02 Practice Test" course have 325 unique, high-quality test questions  is accompanied by detailed explanations. Garnering a commendable rating of 4.5 out of 5 from five reviews, and with 32 students already benefiting from its content, this course is a valuable resource for those aspiring to pass the AWS certification exam on their first attempt. 

The course includes six practice tests, accessible on mobile devices, and provides full lifetime access to the course materials. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, the course offers a risk-free opportunity to hone your skills and knowledge. 

This comprehensive course covers 390 questions, divided into six practice tests, ensuring thorough coverage of essential topics needed to excel in the CLF-C02 exam. The questions' tone and structure mirror the real exam, and detailed explanations, along with references to AWS documentation, facilitate a comprehensive understanding of all domain areas tested.

If you want to prepare hard, you can also use my practice test, questions and explanation will help you master the topics, find the gaps and asses your preparation level. 

5 Tips to make Most from AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Test in 2025

Also, here are some of my tips to get the most from your practice drill:

1. First Solve topic wise practice test to get hold of each topic, not every mock test provider provides that but Whizlabs do and that's why I recommend them.

2. Solve as much full-length practice paper as possible. The second mock test in this list contains 5 full-length practice tests.

3. Solve in a real exam-like environment which means put your mobile on silent mode and do the test in a silent room with a camera on.

4. Revisit both correct and incorrect questions to understand the logic behind answers. First, go through incorrect ones as they are more important because you need to rectify and then quickly scan through the correct one to see if there is any misconception or surprise.

5. Monitor your progress, speed, and accuracy. Check if you solve all questions within the stipulated time, I mean in 90 minutes.

That's all about some of the best AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice tests you can solve to do well on your exam. By the way, just solving practice problems is not enough, you also need to revisit both correct and incorrect questions to understand why the correct answer is correct and why the incorrect answer is wrong. I usually do that while solving a mock test and in the process, I learn a lot. This has also helped me to correct any misconceptions I have.

Other Certification Resources for IT Professionals and Java Programmers

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these AWS Cloud Practitioner certification mock tests, exam dumps, and practice questions then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are new to AWS world and looking to kick-start your journey with some free AWS training courses then you can also check out this list of 10 Free AWS training courses to learn Amazon Web Service from scratch.

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    1 comment :

    Anonymous said...

    Do you have any free AWS Mock test which I can give online?

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