Sunday, November 21, 2021

Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Flask for Web Development in Python in 2024 - Best of Lot

If one of your resolution this year is to learn web development with Python, then I must congratulate you on making the right choice. Python is the king of a programming language at the moment, and it has many frameworks and libraries to create a robust and scalable web application. One of the most notable of them is Flask, which is known for its simplicity and ease of learning. It allows you to create a web application with a tiny amount of code and work, because of that it's one of the most popular web application frameworks in the Python community and an ideal framework to learn for web development whether you are a beginner or someone with years of experience.

Unlike Django, another popular web development framework for Python developers, which is a full-stack framework, Flask is a micro-framework that provides only the essential features required for web developments like routing, request handling, session management, and so on.

If you don't know the difference between full-stack frameworks like Django and a micro-framework like Flask, let me revise that full-stack framework has more features like ORM support, authentication, authorization, and some security stuff required for web applications.

Flask has chosen an alternate way, it only provides what is essential and lets you bring in extras you want. There are many Python modules and extensions you can use to enhance the power of Flask, which again makes it an excellent framework for web development.

If you know Python, then learning Flask is extremely easy, and you would be ready to create web applications in no time. To start with, you can choose any course from the list below and learn Flask. If you ask me, I would suggest you select a project-based course so that you can learn by doing and creating something useful.

If you want to learn Flask for web development in 2024 and looking for some useful resources to get started, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn Python and Flask. 

The list includes online courses from popular online learning platforms like UdemyPluralsightCoursera, Educative, and CodeCademy, but before that, let's learn a few more things about the Flask framework.

5 Best Online Courses to learn Flask for Web Development in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the best courses to learn Flask and Python for web development in 2024. This list includes courses that are focused on Flask, and some of them are also focused on Python and Flask, suitable for anyone who is both new to Python and Flask.

1. REST APIs with Flask and Python

This is an excellent course to learn both Flask and Python in a clean and structured manner. The course starts with a Python crash course, which makes it ideal for people who are new to Python or learning Python.

Once you have got a hold of Python, you start exploring Flask for building professional REST APIs with Python. You will learn about different Flask extensions like Flask-RESTful and Flask-SQLAlchemy and others to create a web application with very little code.

You will also learn about essential tools like Git and Heroku and crucial concepts like REST APIs. Overall, a perfect beginner-level course to learn Flask.

Talking about social proof, this course is created by Jose Salvatierra of Telcado, and it is one of the most popular Flask courses on Udemy. It has, on average, 4.6 ratings by 7753 participants, and more than 43K students have enrolled in this course. If you are a complete beginner at Python and Flask, you'll find this course very useful.

Top 5 Online Courses to learn Flask for Web Development in Python

2. Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask!

I really love bootcamp style courses, and this is one of them. Created by Jose Portilla, my favorite and one of the most popular Python instructors on Udemy, and author of the Python Bootcamp course which has been joined by more than 1 million people. This is a great course to learn what o create fantastic websites using Flask in no time.

This is a complete hands-on course that will teach you everything you need to know about Flask to create a real-world web application. First, you will learn the basics of frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Python. Once you are comfortable with those essential frontend techs, you will start exploring Flask.

You will create simple REST APIs with Flask, how to perform Authentication and Authorization with Flask, and also how to connect to a database like MySQL using Flask code.

In the end, you will build a complete social networking site with Flask. It also touches base with advanced concepts like OAuth and how to accept payment using Stripe API in the Flask web application. 

This is also my favorite course when it comes to learning Flask from scratch, and if you also like project-based learning, I strongly suggest you join this course.

best udemy course to learn Flask for beginners

3. Flask: Getting Started

This is another excellent course to learn Flask from scratch. In this course, you will first learn the basics of Flask to get you started with Python web development.

The course will first teach you how to create view functions and generate simple HTML pages. After that, you will learn about Jinja templates for creating a dynamic web page and doing some simple tasks required in any web application like submitting web forms and handing user input.

You will also run the Flask server and debugger to troubleshoot any issue with web applications. Overall a short and sweet course to learn Flask essential. It's also both practical and hands-on enough to get through without getting bored.

Btw, you will need a Pluralsight membership to access this course. If you don't have one, get one, it's completely worth it. Pluralsight has more than 7000+ high-quality online courses on the latest tech, and you can get access to all of them by just paying $29 monthly or $299 per annum.

If you are serious about enhancing your skills this year, Pluralsight membership can be an excellent asset for you. And, yes, they also have a 10-day free trial, which is enough to get this course for free.

4. Flask: Develop Web Applications in Python

This is a great, project-based course to learn Web development using Python and Flask on Educative. This course acts as a guide to web application development using the Flask framework. This is a project-based course, which means you will be working on a static application and building it from scratch. You'll learn about static routes, templates, and assets.

After learning the basics, you will also learn about the Jinja template to create dynamic websites using Flask with minimal code. Overall an excellent course for beggers and aspiring full-stack developers on Educative.

If you don't know, Educative is a relatively new online learning platform that provides text-based courses and interactive coding on the browser, which makes for a great learning experience.

If you are also tired of watching videos and skipping through lectures, you should try text-based courses from Educative. You can either purchase this course, or you can buy an Educative subscription to access all of their class with a monthly fee of $22, which is a reasonable ask.

Best Interactive course to learn Flask and Python in Educative

5. Python Flask for Beginners: Build a CRUD web app using Flask

This is one more project-based course from Udemy, I recommend it to all people who want to learn Flask by building websites. In this course, you will not only learn about Flask but also how to use it in a real-world project.

The best thing about the course is that the Instructor is clear and concise. It also includes a summary at the end of each lecture, which helps to retain the knowledge you have learned in the chapter.

In this course, you will start with how the web works and then learn about creating Flask applications, using Jinja 2 templates for generating HTML, interacting with MySQL database, and doing a mini project to submit the form and store that data on the server-side.

At the end of the course, you will build a fully functional blog application using Flask. This is a complete hands-on course and ideal if you want to learn Flask in a few hours rather than days and weeks. I strongly recommend it to all busy developers.

Best online course to learn Flask and Python in Udemy

That's all about some of the best courses to learn Flask for web development in 2024. As I said, Flask is a great Python framework for web development. It's beautiful, elegant, lightweight, and easy to learn. It also has a lot of community support in case you need extra help and create. There are also a lot of code examples, you can find to do almost anything related to web development in Flask.

While all these courses are great, my personal favorite is the second course by Jose Portilla because of its bootcamp style and project-based approach, if you also enjoy learn-by-doing, then you should join that course.

Flask is not only an excellent backend framework but also a precious skill if you are hoping to become a full-stack developer this year. A full-stack developer is in high demand, and they are generally paid higher because of their ability to contribute across the board.

Learning Flask is also a great opportunity to further explore both the client-side and server-side development to enhance your tech skills and become a better web developer in which every company is sought after.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these Flask tutorials and courses, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are a complete beginner in Python or want to learn Python in a more structured way before jumping into Flask then I highly recommend you check out The Complete Python 3 Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python by Jose Portilla on Udemy. 

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