Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top 10 Frameworks to become a Full Stack Developer in 2025 - Best of Lot

The Technical world changes as fast the technology changes, and so are the technical jobs. Gone are the days where you can land a job by just knowing one technology or programming language, and somehow survive in the position for many years without learning new things. Many of us get into the programming and web development world by knowing just one or two technology like Java, C++, or JavaScript, but that won't cut the ice anymore. There were teams of tens of people doing specialized jobs like front-end development is done by a separate set of developers and back-end is written by other sets of programmers, commonly known as server-side developers.

In today's competitive world, everybody is looking for Full Stack Software Engineers, i.e., someone who knows both front-end and back-end technology and can work independently to develop a fully functional web application.

If you look at the job description for any Full Stack Software Engineer job on Internet-based companies you will find that a full-stack software engineer is expected to know front-end technologies like ES-next, Babel, React, Redux, Bootstrap, LESS, etc. and back-end skill like Python, Django, Graphene (GraphQL), REST, MySQL, DynamoDB, Redis, Docker, etc.

In other word expectation has gone very high, in the old days you can become a front-end developer by just knowing HTML, CSS, and a bit of JavaScript but not anymore and that's why it's essential to be familiar with a different set of technologies even if you are not expert of those.

If you are a full-stack Software engineer or someone who aspire to become a full-stack Software engineer then you should be familiar with a couple of front-end and back-end web development framework like React and Node, but that also depends upon your background, e.g., whether you are primarily from Python background or Java/JavaScript background.

It's better to learn the framework which is compatible with your primary skill like a Python developer should benefit more from learning Django than learning Angular. Similarly, a JavaScript developer should learn to React and Node JS rather than learning Django and Node JS.

Top 10 Front-End and Back-end Frameworks for Full-Stack Developers

In this article, I am going to share some of the best and most popular web development frameworks, which I think a full-stack developer should be familiar with. I have included both front-end and back-end frameworks for your reference. Depending upon your background, you can choose the related set of technologies to enhance your profile.

1. React JS [Best JavaScript GUI library]

At this moment, React or React JS is the most popular front-end framework for web developers. It has surpassed the leader in the group, Angular, and now more and more people are going towards React.

Though there is no final verdict on React vs. Angular battle yet, going with the trend, it's increasingly looking that React is going to win this epic war. ReactJS allows you to create a front-end using JavaScript and provides a component-based development model.

If you are primarily a JavaScript developer, then React JS should be your first choice for front-end development. If you are looking for a recommendation, The React Complete Guide by Max is the best course to start with.

Frameworks Full-Stack Software Engineer Should Learn

If you are looking for some more choices, then you should also check out my earlier of top 5 courses to learn to React in 2025, and if you are looking for some free courses to start with, which is also not a bad idea, you can find some free React courses here.

2. Spring Boot [Best Java Backend Framework]

The Spring Boot framework tries to solve the problems associated with using Spring for Java web development in the same way Spring solves the pain related to Java web development using Java EE or J2EE.

By introducing features like auto-configuration and Starter dependencies, Spring Boot alleviates the pain of Java developers who spend a lot of time configuring Spring and finding a set of compatible libraries to work together.

It seriously improves productivity as you can now create a new Java web project in much less time and with much less work, but at the same time, it's a bit opinionated.

Anyway, if you are Java Developer working on a web development project and aim to become a full-stack developer, then you should learn Spring Boot, and there is no better way than starting with this Spring Boot for Beginners course.

Spring Boot - best Java Framework for full stack developers

If you need more choices, you can also check out my list of top 5 courses to learn Spring boot online, where I have discussed some advanced courses for experienced developers as well.

3. Angular [Best JavaScript GUI Framework]

Angular is another popular JavaScript frontend that makes the development of complex front-end easier. It was actually one of the first JavaScript frameworks which tried to standardize front-end development in JavaScript with modules and code structure.

It allows you to write testable code, much like what you do in Java or any other mainstream language. If you don't like to React and looking for options, then Angular is the next best front-end development framework for JavaScript developers.

Regarding courses to learn Angular, there are many courses, the internet is full of Angular tutorials and classes. Still, I personally found Max's The Complete Angular Guide courses most exciting and valuable and highly recommend to anyone who wants to learn Angular in-depth and in a quick time.

best courses to become full stack developers

Btw, If you need more choices, then you can also check out my earlier list of top 5 Angular 2+ courses for full-stack Web developers.  It contains some of the best courses from Udemy to Pluralsight to learn Angular, including a course from Stephen Grider, another top-class Angular instructor.

4. Node JS + Express.js [Best JavaScript Backend Framework]

This is another popular JavaScript web development framework but a back-end one. 10 years ago, who has ever thought that JavaScript should be used to write server-side code, but it's now quite reasonable.

Node.js has consistently ranked as the most popular framework in StackOverflow's Developer survey and the key to writing a web application, end-to-end in a single programming language, i.e., JavaScript.

If you are primarily a JavaScript developer, then you should learn Node.JS along with React or Angular to become a full-stack software engineer, and if you need a course, then The Complete Node JS Developer course is the best one to start with.

best JavaScript framework for full stack developement

If you need more choices, then you can also check out my earlier list of top 5 Node JS courses for full-stack developers.

5. Django [Best Python Full Stack Framework]

Now coming into the world of Python, don't worry; it's not scary; instead, it's a remarkable world full of useful frameworks and libraries for web development. Django is the most popular Python framework for web development.

It's a full-stack framework and includes all the necessary features by default instead of offering them as separate libraries. With Django, you will get authentication, URL routing, template engine, object-relational mapper (ORM), and database schema migrations all in one pack.

If you are a Python programmer and want to become a full-stack Software engineer, then you should learn Django, and there is no better way to start than joining Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp course on Udemy.

best Python framework for full stack development

And, if you need more choices, then you can also check out my list of best Django courses for full-stack developers.

6. Flask [Best Python Backend Framework]

It's another popular Python framework for web development. Flask is a microframework because it doesn't need any other framework or library. It is inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework and depends on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and the Jinja2 template.

The main idea behind Flask is to allow web developers to build a solid web application foundation. From there, you can use any extensions you might need.

Again, if you are a Python developer, then Flask is another great tool to add in your armory. To start with, you can check out Python and Flask Bootcamp online courses to learn Flask.

best Python backend frameworks for web developers

If you are looking for some choices, then you should check out my list of top 5 courses to learn Python in 2025, and if you are looking for some free stuff to start with Python, then I have also shared a list of free Python courses for you guys.

7. Bootstrap [Best CSS Framework for Web Development]

In the old days, CSS was the main skill for front-end developers, but in modern web development, Bootstrap has replaced CSS.

There is hardly anyone who is using plain old CSS to style their web pages; instead, most of them are using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.

That's why a full-stack software engineer must know Bootstrap, and there is no better way to start than joining Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects. It's one of the best courses I have taken to learn Bootstrap.

Bootstrap - best CSS framework for full stack developers

And, if you need more options to learn Bootstrap in-depth then you can also take a look at these best Boostrap online courses for full-stack developers. 

8. jQuery [Best JavaScirpt library]

This is another impressive JavaScript library, which I think every web developer should be familiar with. Even if you are not a full-stack developer or just involved on the front-end or back-end side of work, you should learn jQuery.

It's very powerful and provides CSS like selectors to change the behavior of several elements on the fly. In the last few years, jQuery's popularity has come down due to other front-end frameworks, but I still think it's a great tool, and a full-stack software engineer should know that.

If you are interested in learning jQuery, then The Complete jQuery Course is a great place to begin with.

best JavaScript library for full stack developers

If you are looking for some more choices and free stuff to learn jQuery, then you can also check out my list earlier list of the top 5 free jQuery courses for Web developers.

9. Ruby on Rails [Best Ruby Framework for Web development]

If you are not from Python, Java, or Javascript background, then you must be from Ruby, another beautiful language for web development. It's challenging to build a modern web application, but Ruby on Rails makes it much easier and more fun.

It includes everything you need to build database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller framework. There are many popular websites which programs use daily, like Github, which is built using the Ruby on Rails framework.

It also has a large and friendly community to help you whenever you get stuck. If you are interested in learning Ruby on Rails, then The Complete Ruby and Rails Developer course is right to start with.

best Ruby framework for full stack developers

If you don't know Ruby and looking for some courses to first start with Ruby and then go for Rails, then you can also check out my list of free courses to learn Ruby programming. The list also contains some more advanced Rails courses.

10. GraphQL [Best JavaScript library for APIs]

You might think of another JavaScript library, Well yes but you just can't ignore GraphQL anymore. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and also provides a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need, and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

For example, if you need to show a list of posts and all the users who like the post with their photos and username, then you can do that easily using GraphQL.

If you want to learn GraphQL this year, then you can check the Modern GraphQL Bootcamp course on Udemy. I just bought it a couple of days ago for less than $11.

10 Web Development Frameworks Full-Stack Software Engineer Should Learn

And, if you need more options then you can always check my earlier article about the best GraphQL courses for Full stack Developers. 

That's all about some of the most useful and popular web development frameworks a full-stack software engineer should know. As I have said, today's web development world is very demanding, and you just can't survive by knowing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

You must know these new tools and frameworks to become a modern full-stack Software engineer everyone is looking for.

Though, you don't need to learn all of these web development frameworks. You can choose one from the front-end and one from the back-end at a minimum, depending on your programming language of choice.

Other Programming and Development Articles you may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like this article and find these Java, Python, and JavaScript web development frameworks useful, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you just want to join one course to cover both front-end and back-end frameworks instead of entering a couple of these, I suggest you join The Web Developer Bootcamp course by Colt Steele, the best course for full-stack developers.

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    nimeshaa said...

    thanks for sharing valuable information .

    Unknown said...

    Where are java frameworks there is only one spring boot where are jsf gwt vaadin spring mvc .....

    Anonymous said...

    For true full-stack Java development, try TeaVM for a single-page app browser front-end:

    javin paul said...

    @Anonymous, thx for sharing with us, definitely worth looking.

    Unknown said...

    I am very clear

    javin paul said...

    Thx @Unknown, glad you find this information useful.

    Unknown said...

    Very Useful Content

    admin said...

    Why there is no Laravel(PHP) as backend framework

    Anonymous said...

    But you don't even mention the second most used server side language is .Net (only PHP used more)... lame.

    noah root said...

    Good information

    noah root said...

    Good information

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