Do you want to convert milliseconds to Date in Java? Actually java.util.Date is internally
specified in milliseconds from epoch. So any date is the number of milliseconds
passed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT and Date provides constructor
which can be used to create Date from
milliseconds. Knowing the fact that Date is internally maintained in
milliseconds allows you to store date in form of milliseconds in Server or in
your Class
because that can be effectively expressed with a long
In fact, many experienced Java programmers store Date as long values while writing Immutable class which requires Date, one of the reasons for that is Date being mutable and long value of Date can be very handy?
By the ways this is next in Date related article, we have already discussed How to convert String to Date and How to get a current month, year, and day of the week from Date in Java. If you haven’t read them already, you may find them useful. In this Java tutorial, we will see an example of converting milliseconds into Dates in Java.
In fact, many experienced Java programmers store Date as long values while writing Immutable class which requires Date, one of the reasons for that is Date being mutable and long value of Date can be very handy?
By the ways this is next in Date related article, we have already discussed How to convert String to Date and How to get a current month, year, and day of the week from Date in Java. If you haven’t read them already, you may find them useful. In this Java tutorial, we will see an example of converting milliseconds into Dates in Java.
Java program to convert millisecond to Date in Java

By the way here we are using SimpleDateFormat to format Date in Java which is not thread-safe and should not be shared between multiple threads.
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
* Java program to convert Millisecond to Date in Java. Java API provides utility
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
* Java program to convert Millisecond to Date in Java. Java API provides utility
* method to
get millisecond from Date and convert Millisecond to Date in Java.
* @author
public class MillisToDate {
public static void main(String args[]) {
//Converting milliseconds to Date using java.util.Date
//current time in milliseconds
long currentDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//creating Date from millisecond
Date currentDate = new Date(currentDateTime);
//printing value of Date
System.out.println("current Date: " + currentDate);
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd:MM:yy:HH:mm:ss");
//formatted value of current Date
System.out.println("Milliseconds to Date: " + df.format(currentDate));
//Converting milliseconds to Date using Calendar
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println("Milliseconds to Date using Calendar:"
* @author
public class MillisToDate {
public static void main(String args[]) {
//Converting milliseconds to Date using java.util.Date
//current time in milliseconds
long currentDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//creating Date from millisecond
Date currentDate = new Date(currentDateTime);
//printing value of Date
System.out.println("current Date: " + currentDate);
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd:MM:yy:HH:mm:ss");
//formatted value of current Date
System.out.println("Milliseconds to Date: " + df.format(currentDate));
//Converting milliseconds to Date using Calendar
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println("Milliseconds to Date using Calendar:"
+ df.format(cal.getTime()));
//copying one Date's value into another Date in Java
Date now = new Date();
Date copiedDate = new Date(now.getTime());
System.out.println("original Date: " + df.format(now));
System.out.println("copied Date: " + df.format(copiedDate));
current Date: Wed Feb 29 01:58:46 VET 2012
Milliseconds to Date: 29:02:12:01:58:46
Milliseconds to Date using Calendar:29:02:12:01:58:46
original Date: 29:02:12:01:58:46
copied Date: 29:02:12:01:58:46
//copying one Date's value into another Date in Java
Date now = new Date();
Date copiedDate = new Date(now.getTime());
System.out.println("original Date: " + df.format(now));
System.out.println("copied Date: " + df.format(copiedDate));
current Date: Wed Feb 29 01:58:46 VET 2012
Milliseconds to Date: 29:02:12:01:58:46
Milliseconds to Date using Calendar:29:02:12:01:58:46
original Date: 29:02:12:01:58:46
copied Date: 29:02:12:01:58:46
Another useful usage of keeping Date in a millisecond is, It’s easy to convert
between java.util.Date and java.sql.Date. SQL doesn't provide Date in
form of java.util.Date you often need to convert SQL
Date to util Date but keep the value of Date as long millisecond value allows you
to create both java.sql.Date and java.util.Date. One more
benefit of keeping the date in long millisecond value is, it’s easy to copy the value
of one Date into another in Java.
That's all on how to convert milliseconds to Date in Java. We have seen
two approaches one is using Date class while the other is using Calendar class. I personally
prefer java.util.Date way. let me know if you come
across any other way of converting milliseconds into Date in Java.
Other Date and Time tutorials from Javarevisited Blog
1. Epoch date is used as the reference date; which is represented by zero (0). There fore it is possible to have dates before the Epoch date, simply by giving negative long number. (-12239424000000L should represent 24 Feb 1582; the date when Gregorian Calendar was introduced).
2. Java 8 has introduced a new package java.time ( and many new classes for working with date and time. For working with instant you could use the java.time.Instant class (
* To convert from Date to Instant:
* To convert from Instant to Date:
3. java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp all extend from java.util.Date
You are losing the milliseconds. Java 8's DataTimeFormatter class doesn't seem to support that.
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