Interview Question and Answer
JDBC Questions are an integral part of any Java interview, I have not seen any Java Interview which is
completed without asking the single JDBC Interview question, there is always at least one or two questions from JDBC API. Some of the popular questions like Why
you should use PreparedStatement in Java,
Difference between PreparedStatement and CallableStatement in Java and
few questions are related to improving the performance of the JDBC layer by applying
some JDBC
performance tips.
In this article, I have summarized a few frequently asked
questions in JDBC, they range from easy to difficult and beginner to advanced.
Questions like distributed transaction management and 2 phase commit is tough to answer until you have real experience but mostly asked in various J2EE interviews. This is not an extensive list of JDBC question answers but practicing or revising this question before going to any Java interview certainly helps.
Questions like distributed transaction management and 2 phase commit is tough to answer until you have real experience but mostly asked in various J2EE interviews. This is not an extensive list of JDBC question answers but practicing or revising this question before going to any Java interview certainly helps.
10 JDBC Interview question answer in Java

Question 1: What is JDBC?
Answer: One of the first JDBC interview questions in most of the interviews.
JDBC is java database connectivity as name implies it’s a Java API for
communicating to relational databases, API has java classes and interfaces using
that developer can easily interact with database. For this, we need database
specific JDBC drivers. Sometimes this also result in follow-up questions like the Difference
between type 2 and type 4 JDBC drivers. See the link for the answer.
Question 2: What are the main steps in java to make JDBC connectivity?
Answer: Another beginner level JDBC Interview question, mostly asked on
telephonic interviews. Here are the main steps to connect to the database.
Load the Driver: First step is to load the database-specific driver
which communicates with database.
Make Connection: Next step is get connection from the database
using connection object, which is used to send SQL statement also and get result
back from the database.
Get Statement object: From connection object we can get statement
object which is used to query the database
Execute the Query:Using statement object we execute the SQL or
database query and get result set from the query.
Close the connection:After getting resultset and all required
operation performed the last step should be closing the database connection.
For complete code example you can
also refere Java
program to connect to Oracle database
Question 3: What is the mean of “dirty read“ in database?
Answer : This kind of JDBC interview question is asked on 2 to 4 years
experience Java programmer, they are expected to familiar with database
transaction and isolation level etc. As the name it self convey the meaning
of dirty read “read the value which may
or may not be correct”. in database when one transaction is executing and
changing some field value same time some another transaction comes and read the
change field value before first transaction commit or rollback the value
,which cause invalid value for that field, this scenario is known as dirty
Question 4: What is the 2 phase commit?
Answer: This is one of the most popular JDBC Interview questions and
asked at an advanced level, mostly to senior Java developers on J2EE interviews.
Two-phase commit is used in a distributed environment where multiple processes take
part in the distributed transaction process. In simple word we can understand like
if any transaction is executing and it will affect multiple databases then a two-phase commit will be used to make all database synchronized with each other.
In two-phase commit, commit or rollback is done by two phases:
Commit request phase: in this phase main process or coordinator
process take vote of all other process that they are complete their process
successfully and ready to commit if all the votes are “yes” then they go
ahead for next phase. And if “No “then rollback is performed.
2. Commit phase: according
to vote if all the votes are yes then commit is done.
Similarly when any transaction changes multiple database after execution
of transaction it will issue pre commit
command on each database and all database send acknowledgement and
according to acknowledgement if all are positive transaction will issue the
commit command otherwise rollback is done .
Question 5: What are the different types of Statements in JDBC?
Answer : This is another classical
JDBC interview question. Variants are Difference between Statements,
PreparedStatemetn and CallableStatement in Java. Statement object is used to
send SQL query to the database and get result from the database, and we get statement
object from the connection object.
There are three types of statements:
Statement: it’s commonly used for getting data from databases useful when we are
using static SQL statements at runtime. it will not accept any parameter.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement( );
ResultSet rs
= stmt.executeQuery();
PreparedStatement: when we are using the same SQL statement multiple time
its is useful and it will accept parameter at runtime.
String SQL = "Update
stock SET limit = ? WHERE stockType = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt =
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
To learn more about PreparedStatement, see What
is PreparedStatement in Java and Benefits
Callable Statement: when we want to access stored procedures then
callable statement are useful and they also accept runtime parameter. It
is called like this
ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery();
Question 6: How cursor works in the scrollable result set?
Answer: Another tough JDBC Interview
question, not many Java programmer knows about using Cursor in Java. in JDBC 2.0 API new feature is added to move cursor in resultset backward
forward and also in a particular row .
There are three constant define in result set by which we can move
TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY: creates a non-scrollable result set, that is,
one in which the cursor moves only forward
TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE : a scrollable result set does
not reflects changes that are made to it while it is open
TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE: a scrollable result set reflects changes that are made to it while it
is open
Question 7: What is connection pooling?
Answer : This is also one of the most popular question asked during JDBC
Interviews. Connection pooling is the mechanism by which we reuse the recourse
like connection objects which are needed to make connection with database .In
this mechanism client are not required every time make new connection and then
interact with database instead of that connection objects are stored in
connection pool and client will get it from there. so it’s a best way to share
a server resources among the client and enhance the application performance. If
you use Spring framework, then you can also refer How
to setup JDBC Connection Pool using Spring in Java
Question 8: What do you mean by cold backup, hot backup?
Answer: This question is not directly related to JDBC but some time
asked during JDBC interviews. The cold back is the backup technique in which
backup of files are taken before the database is restarted. In hot backup of files and table is taken at the same time when the database is running. A warm
is a recovery technique where all the tables are locked and users cannot access
at the time of backing up data.
Question 9: What is the locking system in JDBC?
Answer: One more tough JDBC question to understand and prepare. There
are 2 types of locking in JDBC by which we can handle multiple user issues using
the record. if two users are reading the same record then there is no issue but
what if users are updating the record, in this case, changes done by the first user
is gone by the second user if he also updates the same record .so we need some type
of locking so no lost update.
Locking: optimistic locking lock the record only when an update takes place.
Optimistic locking does not use exclusive locks when reading
locking: in this record are locked as it selects the row to update
Question 10: Does the JDBC-ODBC Bridge support multiple concurrent open statements per connection?
Answer: No, we can open only one Statement object when using the JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
That’s all on this list of 10 JDBC Interview questions with answers. As I
said JDBC API and its concepts are integral parts of any Java interview and
there is always at least one question from JDBC. Since the most application uses a database in the backend, JDBC becomes critical for any Java developer.
Other Java Interview articles you may find useful
Few more JDBC questions to add in your list :
1) Difference between Rowset and ResultSet in JDBC
2) When to use Rowset in JDBC ?
3) What is connected and disconnected Rowset in JDBC 3.0 ?
4) What are the major changes made in JDBC 3.0 version or difference between JDBC 2.0 and JDBC 3.0 API.
5) What is C3PO or which connection pool framework have you worked ? Difference between DBCP and C3PO ? which one to prefer etc.
6) Different types of CURSER in Java ?
7) Scroll-able ResultSet etc
I will appreciate if you could answers of these JDBC questions as well.
I was asked to explain two Major component of JDBC architecture? According to me it was 1) driver and 2) JDBC API itself
I am not sure if that is correct, anyone please advice?
JDBC is too old, use Hibernate or iBatis
Hi Javin, this will cover all the points to conncet JDBC from the java program and given all the statements clearly on JDBC Statements.
You can find some more
164 Core Java Interview QuestionsHere.
Thank you.
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