Saturday, April 29, 2023

Top 35 Python Interview Questions with Answers 1 to 3 Years Experienced Programmers

Hello guys, if you are preparing for a Python developer job and looking for some frequently asked Python interview questions then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the Complete Python Developer RoadMap,  best books and best courses to learn Python and in this article, I am going to share 35 Python questions, covering different concepts for Python developer interviews. Sitting in any interviews, especially in tech interviews, is a tough job itself. You can't go in without proper preparation. Even if you have taken or given dozens of interviews, it is always recommended to go through the quick preparation notes or concepts.

Suppose you are confident enough that you'll rock the interview without preparation because you have good convincing powers and top-notch communication skills, then let me tell you that panelists have expertise in testing a candidate. They'll dig every loophole from you. Therefore it is better to enter well prepared and cover as many loopholes as you can.

Through this guide, I'll share the top 30 Python interview questions that are repeatedly asked in the majority of the Python developer interviews. These 30 questions didn't just pop into our heads. We have done our part of the research and asked hundreds of students to share their interview experiences with us. After an in-depth survey, I have picked these top 30 questions majorly asked in Python interviews.

I have also listed 5 Advanced Python interview questions. Therefore if you are applying for a profile that might require knowledge about advanced python, you can have a look.

Besides this, we even have consulted various Python experts and then created this list. While looking around for frequently asked questions on Python, we discovered that Python programming is a skill that you need to have if you are imagining yourself as an IT professional in coming years.

By the way, if you are new to Python Programming then I also suggest you join a comprehensive Python course and build your Python skills before jumping on Interview questions. If you need a recommendation, I suggest going through 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp by Angela Yu on Udemy. It's a great hands-on course to build your python skills. 


35 Python Developer Interview Questions and Answers for 1 to 2 Years Experienced

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of Python interview questions for interviews. This list contains frequently asked Python questions and suitable for Python programmers with 1 to 2 years of experience. It covers many essential Python concepts like Python fundamentals, a data structure in Python as well as the use of Python for Machine learning. 

You can use this list to quickly revise essential Python concepts or to explore Python from an interview point of view.

1. What is Python?

Ans. Python is a modern programming language, built by Guido Van Rossuim in The 1980s, but it was publicly released in 1991. Rest is history.

2. What are the benefits of Python over other programming languages?

Ans. Python has hundreds of perks over other programming languages, and some of them are mentioned below:

       Python is a very easy to use language,

       Python has a comprehensive support of external libraries,

       Vast community,

       High-Level language,

       GUI supported language,

       Portable language,

       Integrated language,

       Free and Open Source language,

       Fast and Efficient programming language.


3. Mention the critical difference between List and Tuple in Python.

Ans. A significant difference between List and Tuple is that the list is a mutable data structure, but Tuple is an immutable data structure. Another big difference between List and Tuple is that list can have variable length, but Tuple will only have a fixed length. 

Python data structure interview questions

4. How is IPython different from Python?

Ans. IPython is an interactive shell created using Python, but it is more powerful than standard Python, and it offers REPL, i.e., Read Eval Print Loop. IPython has an interface that makes python programming more interesting because it has characteristics like syntax highlighting, code completion.


5. Why is Python so popular?

Ans. Python is one of the most popular languages because it is considered one of the easiest and understandable languages. Even people from non-tech fields find Python is super easy to read.

6. Highlight the difference between Array and List in Python.

Ans. Both of these work as a storage space in Python programs; the significant difference between Array and List is that Array can only store values of a single data type, whereas a list, can store values of multiple data types. You can also checkout Data Structures for Coding Interviews in Python, a text-based interactive course from Educative to further improve your data structure skills using Python. 

Top 35 Python Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners

You can either get this course alone or you can get an Educative subscription to access their 250+ courses which includes my favorites like Grokking the System Design Interview, Grokking the Object-Oriented Programming with just $14.99 per month. 


#7. How to install Python on a system?

Ans. Python installation is a quick, easy method, especially for Mac. To install Python on Mac, you have to first install Homebrew, and then using Homebrew package manager, you can install Python using a single command.

For Homebrew installation, write the following command in the terminal window:

$ ruby -e "$(curl 

 Once Homebrew gets installed, write the following command to install Python on your system:

$ brew install python3

 That's all; you have successfully installed Python on your Mac. You can also install an appropriate IDE (Pycharm or Anaconda) for Python programming and Python will be automatically installed with it.

For windows, you have to visit the official website and look for the most appropriate Python version as per your system. Download the correct version and install it like you install traditional software.


#8. What is the default data type assigned to variables by Python?

Ans. The default data type assigned to a new variable by Python is "String."


#9. What is the full form of PEP?

Ans. PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. Under this, a set of rules and guidelines are published, which guides the developers to write perfect and readable code.


#10. What is PEP8? Explain.

Ans. PEP8 is a Python tool used by millions of Python developers to check the readability of their program.


#11. What is a Python Module?

Ans. A Python Module is an executable Python file with some program written in it, and that program may contain various global variables and methods.


#12. What is the concept of Type conversion/casting in Python

Ans. Type Conversion is a prevalent practice that developers typically follow to convert a specific data type to some other data type.


#13. Why is Python heavily used in ML (Machine Learning)?

Ans. Python is heavily used in the Machine Learning industry because of its comprehensive support of libraries and packages.

One of the significant pullbacks for Machine Learning professionals was the unavailability of different modules, packages, and libraries. Python made everything available that too in a super easy format. This is the reason why Python is so popular among ML experts.

If you want to explore Machine learning, I highly recommend you to join Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science course by Kirill Eremenko on Udemy. It's a great course to learn Machine learning with Python. 

Python interview questions with answers for 1 to 2 years

#14. Is Python a case-sensitive language?

Ans. Yes, Python is a case-sensitive language; one character mistake can lead to the program's premature termination.


#15. Name the data structure of Python that is immutable.

Ans. A tuple is one of the data structures that are immutable, and its values can't be changed.


#16. List different inbuilt data structures of Python.

Ans. Python has four in-built data structures right now; all of them are as follows:






#17. What do you mean by Set data structure?

Ans. Set is a particular type of Array that can store unique values in the desired order. Unlike list, Set is not an ordered data structure; therefore, at times, it can be tough to access a particular element using its index.

Set is generally mutable, but there is a special type of Set, i.e., Frozen Set, an immutable data structure. Apart from this, Set can't store multiple values.


#18. What do you mean by key() in Dictionary?

Ans. To view all the key values stored in the Dictionary, the key() method is used. It returns a view that contains information of all the keys stored in a particular dictionary.


#19. Describe Pip in Python?

Ans. Since Python supports hundreds of external libraries, it is important to have a package manager where all Python libraries can be found. Pip is one such package manager of Python. It contains information about most external dependencies and libraries, whereas we can install desired libraries through Pip.


#20. Name some of the most popular IDEs for Python.

Ans. Some of the most popular IDEs for Python are as follows:




       Visual Studio Code

       Jupyter Notebook


#21. Write the syntax of the "for" loop in Python.

Ans. "for" loop plays a significant role in every programming language; it is used by every developer at least once a day.

Here is the syntax of the "for" loop:

for var in data structure:

Here var is a new variable and data structure acts as a total number of interactions required. Instead of data structure, a particular range can also be defined here using the range() method of Python. 


#22. Under Which condition, While loop can iterate infinite times.

Ans. Loops are very important for a programming language, but there could be situations where a whole program is malfunctioning because of a single loop. A loop can be destructive if its stop statement isn't proper.

For instance, if the testing condition doesn't return false in the While loop, the loop will run infinitely. Refer to the image attached below:

Here the "Loop Exited" statement will never be printed because the control won't come out of the while loop due to its infinite iterations.


#23. Describe conda in Python.

Ans. In Python, Conda is an environment manager; it installs conda packages either from the Anaconda repository and Anaconda Cloud. While installing packages, conda also installs a python interpreter for the package.

Conda can have packages written in different programming languages. Therefore, if some projects require external libraries of other programming languages under a single roof, the conda manager quickly makes it possible. 


#24. How is Set different from Array in Python?

Ans. Array and Set's major difference is that Array can store duplicate values, whereas Set data structure only accepts unique values. 


#25. Describe all three namespaces of Python.

Ans. Python language has the following namespaces:

Built-in Namespace: This is the default namespace that contains the names of all built-in objects of Python. Methods like len(), range() are termed as built-in objects.

Global Namespace: All the names created in the Main program are stored under "Global Namespace."

Local Namespace: Objects derived in other objects are stored under Local Namespace.


#26. Compare conversion of String to Number in Java and Python?

Ans. Java has two different methods to allows the developer to convert a particular string to a number:



Whereas Python has something different, the "int()" method can be implemented to convert a string value to integers.


#27. What does the range() function do?

Ans. Whenever iteration is required, the range() method is used. It returns integer numbers starting from 0. Iterations depend on the developer; he/she can set the "Stop" attribute.  


#28. Does Python support switch cases?

Ans. Unlike every other programming language, Python doesn't support switch cases. However, if the developer wants, he/she can easily define their switch function and create different case statements accordingly.


#29. What is slicing in Python?

Ans. In Python, Slicing is a feature built to access a character, substring of a String, or an item of a list or tuple. 


#30. What is Flask in Python?

Ans. Flask is a whole framework written in Python Programming language?  It is majorly used in projects related to web development. Flask is also termed as a Micro web framework built using Python language; the term Micro is used here to indicate that Flask framework doesn't need any external tool or library; it has everything required for a basic web development project. 

If you want to learn more, you can also join REST APIs with Flask and Python course on Udemy. It's a great hands-on course to learn Flask for beginners. 

Python Flask Interview Questions with Answers


Top 5 Frequently asked Advanced Python Questions with Answres

I have picked the 5 most frequently in this section and recently asked interview questions from advanced Python. Kindly note that these questions are mostly asked in scenarios where you have listed advanced Python in your resume.

IT Interviewers are mostly interested in the skills mentioned in the Resume, be very careful while creating your Resume. Don’t just add skills to increase the length of the list, you might end up getting embraced in the interview.

In the past, I have also shared many programming interview questions, data structure, and algorithms questionssoftware design questionsOOP questions, as well as some SQL and database questions which you can use along with these Python questions for a holistic preparation of interviews. 


#1. What are decorators in Python?

Ans. In easy words, decorators are the tool used to alter the behavior of a method or class in a python program.

Whenever we want to extend the functionality of a method without actually modifying its definition, we can use decorators. With the help of decorators, we can wrap a particular method in another.


#2. What is a .pyc file in Python?

Ans. In Java, we get a .class file that contains the byte-code of the program we want to execute. Similarly, In Python, .pyc file contains all the byte-code of the python program that we want to execute.

Though Python is a modern programming language, but it is still considered as an interpreted language like Java.


#3. What does the term Metaclass denote in Python, and When is it used?

Ans. It might sound confusing, but Metaclass is a class for class. When a program has multiple classes of almost identical behavior, Inheritance can be complex to implement.

Instead of Inheritance, in such situations, Metaclasses can be used. It allows us to specify a particular behavior for many classes in a program. 

One very popular Metaclass is ABCMeta, it is used to specify abstract classes in a program.


#4. What are generator functions?

Ans. Generator functions are almost similar to a basic python function, but almost doesn’t mean generator functions are identical to python functions.

Generator functions don’t have a return keyword in the return statement like any other Python function, instead they have a yield keyword in their return statement.

Here is a syntax of generator function:


#normal python function

def basicfunc():

   return 1;

# basic yield function

def generatorfun():

   yield 1;


Generator functions don’t have a special definition, the yield keyword makes it special. Whenever python detects yield in a function, it automatically labels it as a generator function.

The benefit of using a generator function over a python function is that it suspends its execution before returning a value; therefore, whenever the control return back to the same generator function, a different value can be returned.

range() is one of the most popular generator functions. You can also create a generator function by replacing the return keyword with the yield keyword if you want.


#5. What is GIL in Python?

Ans. GIL stands for Global Interpreter Lock. GIL is used by Python for Concurrency. This Mechanism is an in-built feature of Python. Though GIL is a powerful tool, most developers want to eliminate it because it doesn’t allow concurrent threading in Python. However, developers can’t avoid GIL since it’s an in-built feature.

Bonus Question: What is __init__?

Ans. __init__ is a method, or we call it a constructor. This method is automatically called whenever an object or instance of a class is created. It is not required to declare this function until the developer wants to add some additional attribute to the object or instance. __init__ method allocated memory to the class's newly created instance and objects. 

Quick Tip: If you aren't sound in Python programming, it is recommended to enroll in some introductory courses. There are a few trusted learning platforms available on the internet; some of them are mentioned below:

      Udemy [Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python] 

       ZTM Academy [The Complete Python Developer: Zero to Mastery]

       Coursera [Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate]

Most of the courses available on these platforms are available for free cost and offered by industry professionals across the globe. All these courses will give you a clear perspective of industries that work on Python. You will be taught everything that is required to become a successful professional Python developer.

If you have a limited amount of time for your preparation, it is recommended to go through these 30 python interview questions multiple times. Apart from this, don't just read these questions; try and understand the terms. So that if your interviewer changes the language of the question, you can answer those confidently. 

If you have appeared in multiple interviews and found a couple of questions common in them and want me to list them in this 35 python interview questions list, then drop down your comment. We will discuss it further. Apart from this, if you have recently attended a Python Interview, and came across something tricky, do let us know below; we would love to add it to our question bank.


Other Interview Question Articles You may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these Python Interview Questions then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any feedback, please drop a note. 

P. S. - If you are new to Python Programming and looking for a free Python course to learn Python in a more structured and hands-on way, then you can also check out this Introduction To Python Programming [FREE] course on Udemy. This course is completely free and more than 600,000 people have already joined this course. 

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