Saturday, May 13, 2023

Difference between Constructor vs Init method in Servlet? Interview Question Answer

Can we have a Constructor in Java Servlet? or Why do we need a constructor in Servlet if there is already an init() method for initializing Servlet, or what is the difference between the init() method and constructor in Servlet are a couple of questions I have seen in various Java web developer interviews. All of these questions are related to the role of the constructor and init() method in the Servlet implementation class. Though I had shared few thoughts on this, when I wrote the top 10 Servlet questions for Java programmers,  I thought to cover it in more detail here.

In this article, I will try to answer each of these questions in detail. The key thing to remember is that Servlet is special in the sense that its life cycle is managed by web containers like Tomcat and Jetty. They are responsible for creating instances of Servlets and destroying them when they don't have enough resources or need to support so many instances of Servlets.

Let me first answer the question, Can we create a constructor in Servlets? and then I will answer why you should be using the init() method for Servlet initialization by describing the difference between constructor and init() method.

Btw, if you are new to Servlet and JSP then I also suggest you go through a comprehensive course to learn Servlet and JSP in depth. If you need a recommendation then I suggest you check out these free Servlet and JSP courses from Coursera and Udemy. 

Can we define Constructor in Servlet?

The short answer to this question, Yes, Servlet implementation classes can have a constructor but they should be using the init() method to initialize Servlet because of two reasons, first you cannot declare constructors on an interface in Java.

This means you cannot enforce this requirement to any class which implements the Servlet interface and second, Servlet requires ServletConfig object for initialization which is created by container as it also has a reference of ServletContext object, which is also created by the container.

Servlet is an interface defined in javax.servlet package and HttpServlet is a class and like any other class in Java they can have constructors, but you cannot declare constructor inside interface in Java. If you don't provide an explicit constructor then the compiler will add a default no-argument constructor in any Servlet implementation class.

Another reason that you should not initialize Servlet using constructor because Servlets are not directly instantiated by Java code, instead containers create their instance and keep them in the pool.

Since containers from web servers like Tomcat and Jetty uses Java Reflection for creating an instance of Servlet, the presence of a no-argument constructor is a must. So, by any chance, if you provide a parametric constructor and forget to write a no-argument constructor, the web container will not be able to create an instance of your Servlet, since there is no default constructor.

Remember Java compiler doesn't add a default no-argument constructor if there is a parametric constructor present in class. That's why it's not advised to provide a constructor in the Servlet class. Now let's see some differences between Constructor and init method in Java Servlet

Difference between Constructor and init method in Servlet

In a real-world application, you better use the init() method for initialization, because the init() method receives a ServletConfig parameter, which may contain any initialization parameters for that Servlet from the web.xml file.

Since web.xml provides useful information to web containers like the name of Servlet to instantiate, the ServletConfig instance is used to supply initialization parameters to Servlets.

You can configure your Servlet based upon settings provided in the ServletConfig object e.g. you can also provide environment-specific settings like the path of temp directory, database connection parameters (by the way for that you should better leverage the JNDI connection pool), and any other configuration parameters.

You can simply deploy your web application with different settings in the web.xml file on each environment. Remember, the init() method is not chained like a constructor, where a superclass constructor is called before the subclass constructor executes, also known as constructor chaining. See these free Servlet courses to learn more. 

Difference between Constructor vs Init method in Servlet? Interview Question Answer

That's all on this post about the difference between constructor and init method of Servlet. We have seen that the container uses web.xml to get Servlet's name for initialization and uses Java Reflection API, primarily class.newInstance() method to create an instance of Servlet, which means Servlet class must need a default no-argument constructor.

We have also seen that why Servlet cannot have a user-defined constructor, mainly because Servlet as the interface cannot guarantee it and the web container creates an instance of Servlet and has access to Context and Config object which is not accessible to the developer.

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P. S. - Always prefer to init() method for initializing Servlet than the constructor, because ServletConfig object is supplied to init() method with configuration parameters.

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