Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Top 5 Udemy Courses to Learn Microservices and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) in Java 2025 - Best Of Lot

Hello guys, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Microservice Architecture are essential skills for modern Java developers as most of the Java applications developed today follow SOA and Microservice architecture or their variants. Good knowledge of SOA architecture not only helps you to understand your current project better but also can give your career a boost, especially to senior Java developers who want to become software or solution architects. In the past, I have shared some books for aspiring software architects, and you can also use these courses along with those to master your architecture and solution design skills.

Anyway, SOA architecture provides an alternative to monolith architecture and focuses on small applications providing dedicated services. Some of the common examples of SOA architecture are Web Services and Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture, which is very common in the Java world.

When I was learning SOA last year, I was looking for an online training course that can provide me enough theory and some real-world practical experience, but I didn't find a single one that fits my requirements.

Most of the online courses which I found suffered from two main problems: being too technical from the start, and taking too much of a theoretical approach, while I was needed a balanced course that is neither too much theoretical, neither too thin on theory.

My quest for the best course to learn SOA brought me a couple of useful ones like the Service-Oriented Architecture course on Coursera, which is also part of the Software Design and Architecture Specialization and offered by the University of Alberta.

This course tackles both problems, and it will help make you understand the business behind SOA before it jumps into technology. As you'll not only learn about the fundamentals of SOA, including architecture, services, service types, reuse, and composition but also see some real-world solutions built using SOA.

Finally, you'll learn about the importance of designing a standard semantic model for all SOA services, and after completing the course, you will have knowledge of all the tools needed to implement the SOA architecture in your project.

5 Best Udemy Courses to Learn SOA and Microservice Architecture in 2025

If you want, you can directly jump on the Service Oriented Architecture course on Coursera it's a good one but if you need more choices, here are some of the other useful SOA courses for programmers.

1. Microservices Architecture

This online course will teach you how to transform your monolith into organized, maintainable, and scalable services, leveraging the microservices architecture. It's actually one of the best online courses to learn about Microservice Architecture and the pros and cons of this architecture. 

While there are many courses to learn how to implement Microservice architecture using Spring Boot, Quarkus, MicroNaut, and other frameworks, there are not many courses that explain you to why you need Microservice Architecture, its pros, and cons, and why it's the best architecture for cloud-native Java applications. 

This course will teach you all the information you need about Microservice architecture. It's created by Packet publication, and it's packed with some of the most up-to-date information on Microservice architecture and SOA, including Serverless architecture which is taking the software architecture by storm. The course is packed with 4.5 hours of content and also provides a certificate of completion.

best courses to learn Microservice architcture

2. Service-Oriented Architecture [Coursera]

This is my favorite and probably the best course to learn Service Oriented Architecture online. As I told you before it's based on an understanding of architectural styles and you will review architectures for web applications before exploring the basics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in two approaches: Web Services (WS*) and Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture.

The course is also part of Software Design and Architecture Specialization, which is a recommended resource for Java developers aspiring to become software architects.

The specialization also includes a Capstone Project in which you will connect a Java-based Android application with Elasticsearch, a web service with a REST application programmer interface (API).

5 best courses to learn Service Oriented Architecture

By the way, if you find Coursera courses and specialization useful then you should also join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth your money as you get unlimited certificates

3. Real-World SOA: Analysis and Design

This is a two-part SOA training course by Mohamad Halabi on Pluralsight which is seriously suitable for anyone who wants to understand correct SOA. These two courses take a practical approach to teach you what SOA truly is, what problem it is intended to solve when it is a fit for an organization, and how to implement it correctly.

By the way, you would need a Pluralsight membership to join this course which costs around $29 per month or $299 per year (14% discount).

I highly recommend this subscription to all programmers as it provides instant access to more than 7000+ online courses to learn any tech skill. Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-free-trial to watch this course for FREE.

4. Real-World SOA: Design and Implementation

This SOA online training course from Udemy is a continuation of the course 'Real World SOA: Analysis and Design,' or In that course, you studied SOA analysis and overall design, here you will get more details about implementation.

best courses to learn SOA architecture

5. Evolution of Microservices [Udemy Course]

This is a free online course from Udemy which compares Monolith Architecture vs. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) vs. Microservices, and that's why I have included it in this list.

It's a small course, but very good in understanding the pros and cons of both SOA and Microservice architecture. It will help you to answer common questions about SOA and Microservice like by the end of the course, you will have a fair amount of ideas on

What is wrong with Monolith look like? How did the industry arrive at SOA? What are the issues with SOA? Why Microservices? Advantages of Microservices and Design considerations need to be made while adopting Microservices.

5 Best Courses to Learn SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and Microservices - Best Of Lot

That's all about some of the best Udemy online training courses to learn SOA or Service Oriented Architecture in 2025. Once you have background knowledge of SOA fundamentals, you can always join classes to learn more about Web Service or REST Architecture, two of SOA's real-world implementations. 

Similarly, if you know about Microservices, you can easily modify your application to take advantage of container-based architecture which is both easy to deploy and scale on Cloud.

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Thanks a lot for reading this article so far. If you like these best online training courses to learn Microservice and Service Oriented Architecture, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are looking for a free course to learn Java design patterns, which are also important for Software architects then you can also check out Java Design Patterns and Architecture course on Udemy. It's completely free and has loads of useful information on using design patterns for Java programmers.

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    1 comment :

    Anonymous said...

    Is Microservices overrated? I think so becuase you don't really need it jsut becuase Uber and Netflix use Microservice doesn't mean everyone has to use it. I see junior developer talking about Microservice all the time, without even knwoing the pros and cons and how exactly Microservice work.

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