Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Top 10 Udemy Advanced Core Java Courses for Experienced Programmers in 2025 - Best of Lot

Hello guys, Many of my readers have been asking me for advanced Java courses to improve topics like Java collections, Stream API, Design Patterns, Concurrency, Java Performance, Generics, Garbage Collections, and new features introduced in recent Java releases like Java Modules System. If you also had that question in mind and looking for some great courses to learn core Java in-depth, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share some of the advanced core Java courses for experienced programmers

These courses you should take to truly master Java programming concepts, tools, libraries and become a Java expert that every company wants to hire, massive investment banks.

Similarly, aim to get a job at banks like JP Morgan, Citibank, Barclays Capital, Morgan Stanley, etc. These online courses can provide you strong foundational knowledge and an in-depth understanding of Core Java required to get a job and work on those companies.

As I stated in the title, this course is for intermediate and experienced Java developers, which means someone how knows the basics of Java and has worked in Java for some time. Even if you have worked for Java for six months to a year, you can benefit from these courses to take your Java skills to the next level.

If you are new to Java, it's better to start with a comprehensive Java course like The Complete Java Masterclass by Tim Buchalaka on Udemy instead of joining these advanced courses. That will provide you all the essential knowledge a Java developer needs to know in a more structured way.

10 Best Advanced Java Online Training Courses on Udemy in 2025

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the best Core Java courses for experienced programmers.

1. Java Multithreading, Concurrency, and Performance Optimization

Multithreading and Concurrency is one of the most sought-after skills for Java developers. There is a high demand for Java developers who understand Multithreading and Concurrency well, but at the same time, this is one of the complex topics to master.

Suppose you want to take your Concurrency skills to the next level and become an expert in Multithreading, Concurrency, and Parallel programming in Java, with a strong emphasis on high performance. In that case, I highly recommend this course to you.

There is a reason I kept it in the first position because this is probably the most basic course on this list, and I highly recommend every Java developer to go through it.

Top 10 Advanced Core Java Courses for Experienced Programmers

2. Design Patterns in Java

This is one topic that often separates a junior Java developer from a more experienced one. I don't know why design patterns are considered advanced concepts, but they are, and you should learn them.

This is an excellent course to learn the modern implementation of design patterns in Java. It provides a comprehensive overview of different ways from a practical perspective.

The best thing about this course is that it covers patterns using the latest versions of the Java programming language and modern programming approaches like dependency injection, reactive programming, and more.

If you want to learn design patterns in Java, I highly recommend this course to you.

best course to learn Design Patterns for Java developers

3. Java Application Performance and Memory Management

Memory management and Application Performance troubleshooting is another topic where many Java developers struggle. 

While Java is much easier for memory management, particularly with languages like C++, you need to know some JVM things as a Java programmer.

This is a great course to learn how to tune the JVM and make good coding choices to ensure your applications perform optimally. 

If you want to write a high-performance Java application or your job involves performance improvement of legacy applications, this course is for you.

best course to learn Java Application Performance and Memory Management

4. Java 9 Modularity: First Look By Sander Mak

One topic I still need to master is the Java Module system, so I started looking at this course. 

While the Java Module system is not like Java Collections, which every Java developer needs to know, I think you should at least learn the basics of module-based Java applications.

This course provides an excellent overview of the Java Module System. You'll learn about basic modularity concepts such as encapsulation and explicit module dependencies, as well as how to migrate your existing code to Java 9.

best course to learn Java  9 Module Systems

5. From Collections to Streams in Java 8 Using Lambda Expressions

Java 8 brought many new patterns and features to build efficient and clean Java applications. Still, undoubtedly Lambda expressions and Streams are the most important ones, and this course focuses on them.

This course will teach you how to write functional code in Java by introducing concepts like the map, flatMap, filter, reduce, and other Stream API methods.

If you truly want to master new ways of working with Java collections with Stream API, I highly recommend this course. 

And, if you don't know, you can access this course for free this April because Pluralsight has made all their courses free for one month, and in case you missed that offer, you can always use their 10-day-free-trial course to watch this course. 

best course to learn Stream and Lambda expressions

6. Docker for Java Developers

Gone are the ways when Docker was good to have skills now; it's a mandatory skill for all kinds of Java developers, much more like Git, which everyone expects you to know.

There are reasons for it because Docker really makes the Development and Deployment process easier. 

You don't need to now build your server, install all the software of different versions to make your Java application because Docker abstracts all these things, and provide you a container you can deploy anywhere.

The container has everything your application needs to execute itself, including Operating System. If you want to learn Docker and you should, this is the best course for Java developers.

best course to learn Docker for Java developers

7. Kubernetes for Java Developers on Google Cloud

When we talk about Docker, we also talk about Kubernetes because nobody deploys containers manually on the cloud or production environment. 

More often than not, a container management tool like Kubernetes is used to deploy Java applications.

Kubernetes is responsible for deployment and scaling up and down container instances depending upon load. If you are learning Docker, then I also recommend you get familiar with Kubernetes. 

This is a great course to learn about Kubernetes, Docker, and  Java Spring Boot Microservices on Google Kubernetes Engine.

best course to learn Kubernetes for Java developers

8. Java Memory Management

This is another course on JVM memory management, and you can check out this course if you can't connect with the instructor in the second course.

This one also covers all things Java professionals need to know about memory, garbage collection, VM tuning, and avoiding memory leaks in Java.

It's also very affordable, and you can buy it for just $10 in Udemy flash sales, which happens every month.

best course to learn Java  Memory Management

9. Java Streams API Developer Guide

This is another course I recommend to people who wants to master Java Stream API, along with Jose Paumard's course on Pluralsight. This is from Udemy, and if you don't have Pluralsight membership, you can purchase this course.

Nelson Djalo is a great instructor and will teach you Stream API with some live code examples. On the way, you will also learn how to work efficiently on IntelliJIDEA.

best course to learn Stream API for Java developers

10. Web Application and Software Architecture 101

As a senior Java developer, you should know about Software Architecture and choose between different technologies, tools, and practices.  This course provides reliable and concise information about web applications and software architecture.

It walks you step by step through different components and concepts involved when designing the architecture of a web application.

You will learn about different architecture patterns like client-server, peer-to-peer, microservices, fundamentals of data flow in a web application, different layers like client, service, and DAO, and concepts like scalability, failover, fault-tolerant, and much more.

Overall, it is a great course to learn some key concepts about software architecture for senior Java developers.

best course to learn Web Application and Software Architecture for Java developers

11. The Complete Java Masterclass

Just in case if you are not so much experienced and still lack basic Java skills, then you can also start with this comprehensive, one-stop-java course by Tim Buchalaka and his team. This is also one of the most up-to-date courses and covers new features from recent Java releases.

best course to learn Core Java for Programmers

That's all about the best Udemy advanced Java courses for experienced programmers in 2025. As a senior Java developer, you should know how to solve memory problems, read heap dump and GC logs, and apply a particular design pattern to create a better solution. These courses will provide you all the knowledge you need to become a Java expert. 

If you are a Java developer with a few years of experience and want to take your career to the next level, these courses can help you.

 Other Programming Resource articles you may like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these advanced Java courses, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. - If you are new to the Java world and looking for some free online courses to start learning the Java programming language, you can also check out this list of best free Java courses for beginners to start your journey.

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