These projects not just cover JavaScript but also HTML, CSS and other related technologies because in real world you never make things by just using JavaScript. There is no such thing like pure JavaScript applications, you have to use HTML to structure your pages and CSS to style them if you are building a web application.
As I have said in the best way to learn JavaScript, there is no better way to learn and remember thing then using them on regular interview, which is building application, coding, and debugging. You should try to build as as many projects as you can.
There is no doubt that you will learn JavaScript and web development technologies by building those projects and also take advantage of its features and use it in the real-world websites or web development.
If you struggle for ideas and not sure where to start and which project to build then don't worry, this article will show you many projects that you can do to master JavaScript even more and build a portfolio so you can showcase your skills to your employee if you want to get a job or you want to be a freelancer and work for yourself.
6 Projects to learn JavaScript Better for Beginners in 2025
1. A Number Guessing Game
The concept is easy and the users will think for a number between a range of numbers the game is specifying that and if the number was correct the game is done and if not it will ask him to try again.In case you are stuck with this project and you find it is a little bit hard to implement, you can see this Free course on Udemy that will help you do that. It is a course called JavaScript Number Guessing Game designed for creating this game only and requires you to have some basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML/CSS as well.
3. Fully Functional JavaScript Calculator
Another interesting project for beginners is to create a simple online calculator using pure JavaScript and runs in the browser.If this project was hard for you and you couldn’t complete it all you can check out this Free course on Udemy called Pure JavaScript Calculator (a free tutorial on Udemy) that walks you step by step how to use pure JavaScript and apply its many features such as DOM elements and event listener to your project.
4. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
This project is like a quiz where users can come up and see the question and have multiple answers and when you click the right answer you will go to the next one just like any other one.If you have trouble creating any part of this difficult game you can follow this course on Udemy called Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (a free course) it’s free and shows you exactly how to implement all of that in the game in a nice user interface.
5. Learn the Fundamentals of JavaScript By Building Tetris
This project seems complex compared to the other since you will design a Tetris game but with only one level. For those who don’t know how this game works, it is basically filling up the bottom grid to earn points by some shapes coming from the up.If you have some trouble creating it you can see this Free course on Udemy called Build a Tetris game in JavaScript to teach you how to use JavaScript as well as some HTML/CSS to do that in one small course.
6. RESTful API with HTTP and JavaScript
The last JavaScript project to do in this article is using the search engine application interface and create a search engine web page so you can use it on your computer or online so anyone can access it.Since, the project is a little bit complicated and you can see this paid course Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB by Brad Traversy on Udemy to know more about it if you get stuck with this project.
20 More JavaScript Projects You can Build to Learn Web Development
So far we have seen a couple of great projects you can do to learn JavaScript and enhance your knowledge and test your skills but if you enjoying making more project then you should see this course on Udemy called JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio that will show you how to create 20 projects.- Quote Generator - Fetch, Async/Await, Quote API, CORS
- Picture-in-Picture - Picture-in-Picture API, Screen Capture API
- Bookmarks App - DOM, localStorage
- MS Paint Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas, localStorage
- Pong Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas
- NASA APOD - Fetch, Async/Await, NASA API, DOM, localStorage
- Animated Navigation - CSS Animations
- Infinite Scroll - Fetch, Async/Await, Unsplash API, DOM, Scroll Event Listener
- Countdown App - Date, localStorage
- Music Player - HTML 5 Audio API
- Spock Rock Game - Confetti.js, Modules
- Calculator - Math Methods
- Splash Page - DOM Basics
- Light/Dark Mode - DOM, localStorage
- Form Validation - DOM, Forms
- Joke Teller - Fetch, Async/Await, Joke API, Text-to-Speech
- Video Player - HTML 5 Video API
- Math Sprint Game - SetInterval, DOM, Array Methods, localStorage
- Animated Template - Template, AOS.js
- Drag and Drop - Drag and Drop API, localStorage
50+ JavaScript Projects Ideas for Beginners
And, if you want to go to one more level, you can join the 50 day 50 Project challenge or 100DaysOfCoce challenge and build one project every day. If you need more JavaScript project ideas then here is a list of 50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects you can build as part of 50 Day 50 Projects challenge:- Scroll Animation
- Split Landing Page
- Form Wave
- Sound Board
- Dad Jokes
- Movie App
- Double Click Heart
- Auto Text Effect
- Password Generator
- Good Cheap Fast
- Notes App
- Background Slider
- Theme Clock
- Expanding Cards
- Progress Steps
- Rotating Navigation Animation
- Hidden Search Widget
- Blurry Loading
- Button Ripple Effect
- Drag N Drop
- Drawing App
- Kinetic Loader
- Content Placeholder
- Sticky Navbar
- Double Vertical Slider
- Toast Notification
- Github Profiles
- Event Keycodes
- FAQ Collapse
- Random Choice Picker
- Animated Navigation
- Incrementing Counter
- Drink Water
- Mobile Tab Navigation
- Password Strength Background
- 3d Background Boxes
- Verify Account UI
- Animated Countdown
- Image Carousel
- Hoverboard
- Pokedex
- Netflix Mobile Navigation
- Quiz App
- Testimonial Box Switcher
- Random Image Feed
- Live User Filter
- Feedback UI Design
- Custom Range Slider
- Todo List
- Insect Catch Game
If you stuck, you can also check out the relevant free courses which I have provided. It's very common to get stuck so don't get discouraged with that. The article has listed many projects for you to be a JavaScript developer and start your journey maybe as a freelancer or a front-end developer or a back-end developer and start making money.
- Top 5 Courses to learn Web Development
- The Frontend and Backend Developer RoadMap
- The React Developer RoadMap
- 10 Best Backend Frameworks for Web Development
- 10 Best Courses to become a full-stack web developer
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- Top 10 courses to learn Nodejs for Beginners
- 10 Free Courses to learn React Hooks and Context API
- 10 Programming languages You can Learn in 2025
- 10 Free Courses to learn TypeScript in 2025
- My favorite courses to learn the Angular framework
- 15 Best JavaScript Courses for Beginners and Experienced
- Top 5 Courses to learn HTML 5 and CSS in 2025
- 10 JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries to learn in 2025
Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these JavaScript project ideas for beginners and intermediate developers then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.
P. S. - If you like to learn from free resources and looking for free JavaScript books and online courses to learn JavaScript then you can also checkout this list of best free JavaScript courses, and books. It contains best free resources to learn JavaScript from scratch.
1 comment :
If you want to work as a web developer, the most obvious reason to learn JavaScript is because you'll need it. Even if you don't want to work in IT, knowing this language will allow you to create websites from the ground up, which is a valuable skill in today's job market (Nextstacks).
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