Monday, February 3, 2025

6 Projects You can do to learn JavaScript in 2025 - Best of Lot

Learning any new programming language is not that easy as everyone thinks just by completing a course and consider yourself a developer on that language and JavaScript is one of them. There is a way to do so you can consider yourself a JavaScript developer until you can build an app from scratch on your own, and that's why its very important to do actual coding and building real apps. If you are looking for best JavaScript project ideas which are neither too easy nor too difficult to start learning JavaScript better then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best JavaScript courses, best books to learn JavaScript, Websites, and Interview questions and in this article, I am going to share 5 beginner level project ideas to learn JavaScript in 2025. 

These projects not just cover JavaScript but also HTML, CSS and other related technologies because in real world you never make things by just using JavaScript. There is no such thing like pure JavaScript applications, you have to use HTML to structure your pages and CSS to style them if you are building a web application.

As I have said in the best way to learn JavaScript, there is no better way to learn and remember thing then using them on regular interview, which is building application, coding, and debugging. You should try to build as as many projects as you can.

There is no doubt that you will learn JavaScript and web development technologies by building those projects and also take advantage of its features and use it in the real-world websites or web development.

If you struggle for ideas and not sure where to start and which project to build then don't worry, this article will show you many projects that you can do to master JavaScript even more and build a portfolio so you can showcase your skills to your employee if you want to get a job or you want to be a freelancer and work for yourself.

By the way, if you are really serious about becoming a Web developer this year, then starting a challenge like 50 Projects In 50 Days is a great idea. 

There is also a course called 50 Projects In 50 Days - HTML, CSS & JavaScript on Udemy which is a great resource for beginners to get hands-on practice in web development. It's also very affordable and you can buy in just $10 on Udemy sales like I did. 

6 Projects to learn JavaScript Better for Beginners in 2025

Here is a list of best projects you can build to learn JavaScript better. I have carefully chosen these JavaScript project keeping beginners in mind. 

They are neither too complex nor too trivial and you will learn a lot of things  about JavaScript, coding, and building web application using JavaScript by doing these projects.

I have also shared online courses and tutorials along the way which you can follow along if you get stuck while doing one of these JavaScript projects. 

1. A Number Guessing Game

The concept is easy and the users will think for a number between a range of numbers the game is specifying that and if the number was correct the game is done and if not it will ask him to try again.

Let’s say the game tells you to choose a number in a range from 1 to 10 and the correct number is 8 so the user needs to guess the right number to go to the next level otherwise he will need to try again.

In case you are stuck with this project and you find it is a little bit hard to implement, you can see this Free course on Udemy that will help you do that. It is a course called JavaScript Number Guessing Game designed for creating this game only and requires you to have some basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML/CSS as well.

6 Projects You can do to learn JavaScript


2. Stopwatch using JavaScript

This is another interesting project you can build to learn JavaScript. A stopwatch is a currently running watch which stops when you press's stop button and this way you can measure how long a particular activity took. 

Stopwatch is used often to track racing activity or any competition where duration matter and its extremely easy to build using JavaScript.  Along the way you will learn both JavaScript and programming basics like  built-in methods and create your own variable etc.

You will also learn about  create arrays, conditions of high level and define conditions with different forms, be able to create functions, deal with the built-in methods and with the scope levels, be able to link between JavaScript and HTML, be able to handle code cases and  add more options to  your own smart interactive stopwatch to save and update data, be able to link between JavaScript and CSS,

You can also see this Build a Stopwatch using JavaScript project on Coursera if you stuck or need assistant In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to build your own smart interactive stopwatch, display saved data and create its layout. It's a web project and you don't need to install anything, just code in browser and execute. 

Best Coursera Project to learn JavaScript

By the way, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies and universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth of your money as you get unlimited certificates.

3. Fully Functional JavaScript Calculator

Another interesting project for beginners is to create a simple online calculator using pure JavaScript and runs in the browser. 

The online calculator uses only a few operations such as adding subtraction multiplication and division and to me, this project is not that complicated at all.

If this project was hard for you and you couldn’t complete it all you can check out this Free course on Udemy called Pure JavaScript Calculator (a free tutorial on Udemy) that walks you step by step how to use pure JavaScript and apply its many features such as DOM elements and event listener to your project.

How to build Calculator in JavaScript


4. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

This project is like a quiz where users can come up and see the question and have multiple answers and when you click the right answer you will go to the next one just like any other one. 

You will use HTML/CSS and JavaScript to do this project and the questions will be imported by the API from trivia.

If you have trouble creating any part of this difficult game you can follow this course on Udemy called Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (a free course) it’s free and shows you exactly how to implement all of that in the game in a nice user interface.

How to build a quiz app in JavaScript and HTML


5. Learn the Fundamentals of JavaScript By Building Tetris

This project seems complex compared to the other since you will design a Tetris game but with only one level. For those who don’t know how this game works, it is basically filling up the bottom grid to earn points by some shapes coming from the up.

If you have some trouble creating it you can see this Free course on Udemy called Build a Tetris game in JavaScript to teach you how to use JavaScript as well as some HTML/CSS to do that in one small course.

There is also a free video on FreeCodecamp's Youtube channel where you can learn JavaScript by building Tetris

6. RESTful API with HTTP and JavaScript

The last JavaScript project to do in this article is using the search engine application interface and create a search engine web page so you can use it on your computer or online so anyone can access it. 

APIs are very important for any JavaScript developers because Modern Web development is all about API. For example, you need to integrate with OAuth API to authenticate uses with Twitter, Facebook, Google, Github etc. 

If you are building a website or project where you need to collect payments then you need to integrate with PayPal or Stripe Payment APIs. Similarly you need to integrate with other APIs to collect metrics and provide supporting functionalities. 

Having done a project on building REST API with JavaScript ill give you all the knowledge you need in real world. 

Since, the project is a little bit complicated and you can see this paid course Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB by Brad Traversy on Udemy to know more about it if you get stuck with this project.

How to build REST API in JavaScript - a project

20 More JavaScript Projects You can Build to Learn Web Development

So far we have seen a couple of great projects you can do to learn JavaScript and enhance your knowledge and test your skills but if you enjoying making more project then you should see this course on Udemy called JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio that will show you how to create 20 projects.

Here is a full list of 20 projects and the JavaScript concepts you will learn on each of them: 
  1. Quote Generator - Fetch, Async/Await, Quote API, CORS
  2. Picture-in-Picture - Picture-in-Picture API, Screen Capture API
  3. Bookmarks App - DOM, localStorage
  4. MS Paint Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas, localStorage
  5. Pong Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas
  6. NASA APOD - Fetch, Async/Await, NASA API, DOM, localStorage
  7. Animated Navigation - CSS Animations
  8. Infinite Scroll - Fetch, Async/Await, Unsplash API, DOM, Scroll Event Listener
  9. Countdown App - Date, localStorage
  10. Music Player - HTML 5 Audio API
  11. Spock Rock Game - Confetti.js, Modules
  12. Calculator - Math Methods
  13. Splash Page - DOM Basics
  14. Light/Dark Mode - DOM, localStorage
  15. Form Validation - DOM, Forms
  16. Joke Teller - Fetch, Async/Await, Joke API, Text-to-Speech
  17. Video Player - HTML 5 Video API
  18. Math Sprint Game - SetInterval, DOM, Array Methods, localStorage
  19. Animated Template - Template, AOS.js
  20. Drag and Drop - Drag and Drop API, localStorage

You will be using modern ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10 features to master JavaScript. Btw, you would need a ZTM membership to watch this course which costs around $39 per month but also provides access to many super engaging and useful courses like hi Python course and Web3 Courses. You can also use my code FRIENDS10 to get a 10% discount on any subscription you choose. 

Best project based course for JavaScript developers

50+ JavaScript Projects Ideas for Beginners

And, if you want to go to one more level, you can join the 50 day 50 Project challenge or 100DaysOfCoce challenge and build one project every day. If you need more JavaScript project ideas then here is a list of 50 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects you can build as part of 50 Day 50 Projects challenge:
  1. Scroll Animation
  2. Split Landing Page
  3. Form Wave
  4. Sound Board
  5. Dad Jokes
  6. Movie App
  7. Double Click Heart
  8. Auto Text Effect
  9. Password Generator
  10. Good Cheap Fast
  11. Notes App
  12. Background Slider
  13. Theme Clock
  14. Expanding Cards
  15. Progress Steps
  16. Rotating Navigation Animation
  17. Hidden Search Widget
  18. Blurry Loading
  19. Button Ripple Effect
  20. Drag N Drop
  21. Drawing App
  22. Kinetic Loader
  23. Content Placeholder
  24. Sticky Navbar
  25. Double Vertical Slider
  26. Toast Notification
  27. Github Profiles
  28. Event Keycodes
  29. FAQ Collapse
  30. Random Choice Picker
  31. Animated Navigation
  32. Incrementing Counter
  33. Drink Water
  34. Mobile Tab Navigation
  35. Password Strength Background
  36. 3d Background Boxes
  37. Verify Account UI
  38. Animated Countdown
  39. Image Carousel
  40. Hoverboard
  41. Pokedex
  42. Netflix Mobile Navigation
  43. Quiz App
  44. Testimonial Box Switcher
  45. Random Image Feed
  46. Live User Filter
  47. Feedback UI Design
  48. Custom Range Slider
  49. Todo List
  50. Insect Catch Game
If you struggle to solve any of this project and need assistant you can also always join  the  50 Projects In 50 Days - HTML, CSS & JavaScript course by Florin Pop and Brad Traversy on Udemy is a great resource to start with .

50 best HTML, CSS, and JavaScript project ideas for beginners

That's all about some interesting and real-world projects you can build to learn JavaScript in 2020. As I have said before, building projects is the best way to learn. They give you a chance to apply the knowledge you have learned so far and also provoke your mind to think, that's where you learn. 

If you stuck, you can also check out the relevant free courses which I have provided. It's very common to get stuck so don't get discouraged with that. The article has listed many projects for you to be a JavaScript developer and start your journey maybe as a freelancer or a front-end developer or a back-end developer and start making money.

Other JavaScript and Web Development Articles you may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these JavaScript project ideas for beginners and intermediate developers then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note. 

P. S. - If you like to learn from free resources and looking for free JavaScript books and online courses to learn JavaScript then you can also checkout this list of best free JavaScript courses, and books. It contains best free resources to learn JavaScript from scratch. 

1 comment :

Mahesh Kumar said...

If you want to work as a web developer, the most obvious reason to learn JavaScript is because you'll need it. Even if you don't want to work in IT, knowing this language will allow you to create websites from the ground up, which is a valuable skill in today's job market (Nextstacks).

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