Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Codecademy Learn Java Review - A Free Java Course to Learn Coding Online

Hello guys, you may not know but Codecademy has a free Java course that is perfect for beginners, almost 2.3 million students have already registered. Does it say anything about the popularity of Java? Given Java provides a really good prospect of getting a job and there is more than one reason to learn Java, I am not surprised by the number of students registered. Codecademy has always been a superb source to learn new programming languages or technology from the start. I first started using Codecademy for learning JavaScript using their free JavaScript course and then I used it a couple of months back to improve my Python and Linux command skills.

Though Codecademy's free Java course is too basic for anyone who knows Java, it's great if you don't know Java and want to learn it. It also puts an end to numerous questions on StackOverflow, Reddit, Java Forums about sites like CodeAcademy to learn Java. You now have Codecademy itself teaching Java.

Gone are the days when books were the only source of knowledge and learning. Nowadays, the internet is full of interactive websites and tutorials, which will help you to learn more quick time.
They are also engaging, so you won't feel bored. Btw, not all of them are of great quality like Codecademy, so always do some research and choose the best.

In short, if you want to learn a new technology or programming languages like Java or JavaScript, first check if Codecademy has any course; if yes, then you don't need to search further, just grab it and start learning right away.

Why Should You Learn Java from Codecademy?

To be honest, I am a huge Codecademy fan, so you find my reason biased, but I like it as much I like the Head First series, both of them are excellent sources to learn a new programming language. A combination of Head First Java and Codecademy is the best resource to learn Java online, particularly if you are new to Java or a complete beginner.

Why I love Codecademy because it's interactive. When I am learning from Codecademy, I can program for hours on the programming language I didn't know because I am actually learning, I am also good at doing things my own but Codecademy provides a learning boost.

In this free online, interactive learn Java course from Codecademy, you will not only learn about Java basics but also object-oriented programming, and data structure, and how to debug Java programs which is a key skill for Java programmers.

Code Academy now has a FREE course to Learn Java

I have also received feedback from many of my readers complaining that they feel stuck when they try to learn a new programming language on their own and couldn't manage to cross the first few barriers like setup, syntax, and semantics. Codecademy helps you there.

You don't need to set up your Java environment to write a simple Java program; you will do, of course, but once you have got some feel and confidence. You can just go to Codecademy and start learning Java without worrying about anything, that's the best part.

I guess it also aligns with Java's motto which is to let the application developer focus on business logic and all system things best left to JVM. If you ever confused or stuck on something or want to learn more about a concept like PATH, CLASSPATH, JAVA_HOME, JDK, or JRE then you can always ask here for help.

More than 2.3 million people have joined this course which is quite impressive and huge proof that you will not waste your time in this course.

While their free membership is good enough to learn Java, if you like CodeCademy you can also consider their Pro Membership which provides access to projects, assessments, quizzes, and more interactive and advanced material to learn new tech skills. It cost around $16 per month and provides access to all of their courses and projects.

Learn Java from Codecademy for FREE

What are the other options to Learn Java?

If for some reason you don't like Codecademy or you have done a course at Codecademy and looking for some more interactive learning courses then I suggest you check the best online Java courses from Udemy like The Complete Java Masterclass which provides a good overview of Java fundamentals and it also most up-to-date course. It covers new Java features from recent releases.

best online course to learn Java for beginners

Btw, Udemy also has more advanced courses for Java programmers as well like Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru to learn the latest version of the Spring framework. 

They also have many free courses for Java programs that you can take. Even their paid courses are very affordable and I have bought many for just $10 per course on their Udemy sales which happens every now and then.
You can also read my article on 5 websites to learn Java online. It gives you some more resources to learn Java online for free.

There is a lot of information on Java freely available on the internet like there are free books on Java which you read online or download as PDF, including Thinking in Java as well. There are several Java forums where you can post your queries and ask for help.

That's all guys. It's great news for all the people who want to learn Java. You can go now and create your free account at CodeCademy and start learning Java. Since books are an essential part of learning, you can also buy Head First Java 2nd Edition to further boost your learning.

Other Free Java Programming Resources You may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these free Java Programming courses then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P.S. - If you don't mind investing some money for learning a valuable skill like Java then you may want to see this list of 10 Best Courses to learn Java Programming as well. I have carefully chosen the best Java courses so that you can learn all core Java concepts in depth. 

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    Anonymous said...

    It's just a preview, full course is yet to launched but table of content looks really good to me, especially the data structure in Java part. I have been looking so long for code academy to teach Java and data structure, guess its not far away.

    Unknown said...

    javin plese post article on payment gatewaay integration using jsp s

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